Caloroga Shark Media


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Thank you! This is exactly what I was hoping for! You deserve a 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️rating!

Great stories
…but more time on adverts is not great

Lol dolphins getting high
Dolphins getting high on for fish is my favorite episode and I really like all the other facts. The John Mac gives he’s a really funny guy in my opinion and I think this podcast is good for anyone who likes funny, harmless jokes. Thank you, John Mac

Makes me smile
Nice breezy listen that helps me start my morning commute.

Feel Good Tidbits
I look forward to the host’s cheerful demeanor, the brief stories and, most of all, reminding us of the positive and worthy things happening in this world. It’s like a few minutes of newsy-zen every day. Thank you for a wonderful podcast ☺️

Tres bien
Me likey

Inspiring !!!
I don’t write reviews but I must make an exception for this show. I absolutely love the good news delivered with a great energy. I highly recommend this show to everyone. Keep up the Great Work !🤗