What you are about to hear is simply amazing. 99% death versus 1% life. Those were the odds that Ethan Poetic, who has been dubbed a Walking Living Miracle, beat. Jump down the rabbit hole and tap in as we discuss his testimo...
What you are about to hear is simply amazing. 99% death versus 1% life. Those were the odds that Ethan Poetic, who has been dubbed a Walking Living Miracle, beat. Jump down the rabbit hole and tap in as we discuss his testimony, pushing pain into purpose, and how to overcome adversity when the cards of life have been stacked against you.
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If you enjoyed the music and production on this show, you can follow its' creator, NIGHTATAM, for more of their musical content at: https://www.instagram.com/therealnightatam/
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If you are a new listener, tapping in to this episode will give you an idea of who Blakkmomba is, not only as a podcaster, but an everyday person living the human experience just like you. Let Me (re)Introduce Myself sets the stage for what listeners can come to expect from this podcast.