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Momba Raw and Unfiltered
June 27, 2024

A Real Life Matrix

A Real Life Matrix

It appears that social media apps are pushing for authentic engagement & are cracking down on the money schemes. Engagement bait and follow for follow culture may be coming to end sooner than we think. For those that move organically, stay away from posts that are exploiting for likes, follows, and shares. I would hate to see you demonetized behind fake engagement and posts. But for the self-haters of all things organic and real, I hope they start cracking down on you for the fake reporting, page cloning, and content stealing you are doing too! The world of professional mode is cut-throat. It can easily decrease your faith in HUEmans if you allow it to.


I am a content creator that engages on social media authentically yet, they consistently flag my posts and remove my content for “spam,” claiming that promoting and sharing the Momba Raw and Unfiltered Podcast’s content is an attempt to get likes and shares. It is obvious that their AI driven algorithm has yet to be able to define and detect “authenticity,” but it is learning and rapidly. Sometimes I feel like they are trying to force your hand at paying for ads. How can we creators promote ourselves when they are constantly restricting us when we do so?


According to META Creator Support, it is claimed that: “AUTHENTIC CONTENT RANKS HIGHER,” but they demonetize, restrict, and remove the content of real people with real creations; real people with businesses and missions; real people who are truly vested in authentic engagement and support from real people like them.


Meanwhile, you see follow for follow, click bait, unoriginal/stolen content, fake engagement with threads that boast a sea of the same emojis with no original thoughts or comments that take a “conversion further (as stated on META’s creator support pages),” static lives (just a picture with sound. no one there…they just leave their phones on), and whatever else these people are doing to exploit the system and cop a bag from daddy Mark. Their pages and “content” are always up and appears to be thriving though.




This was really getting under my skin. I have been heated and filled with righteous anger and frustration at these machines. The fact that I put in hard work creating content that is not only authentic but of substance as well, and am building, collaborating, connecting, and engaging with real people organically, and get treated as if I am a BOT on the app trying to exploit the system leaves me feeling pissed off. I am actively working together with the creators I connect with to help build a network of other like minds who are community based and desire to not only see their platforms grow, but others’ as well. And we do this off the muscle, on principle; for love...the love of beautiful spirits in this ugly world. So why does content that is created with service to people in mind are flagged and demonetized? Is it more nefarious than I am thinking?


Asking myself this question brought about a swift answer to my spirit. How quickly I was convicted and humbled. I had to remember what this machine is: an algorithm powered by AI technology. It is designed learn humans, their behavior, and mimic them. The only thing it has YET to learn is the intricacies of human emotion and its ties to human behavior.


After sitting back and reflecting on these facts, I realized that I must accept the fact that there is no fighting this machine. Its’ evolution is unmatched and far outpaces human intellect as we know it. This is a battle that I cannot win. It is futile and will prove a folly on my part to try and dismantle it. This machine is bigger than me. And even though, I can appreciate the advancements and enhancements to human life it has brought us, it will forever be a six in one hand and half a dozen in the other REALity.


On one hand, AI technology and the algorithms it controls could ensure we had virtual spaces available that are conducive for authentic and organic connection with creators in professional mode and people who are looking for healthy ways to do their part in helping to heal and elevate HUEmanity but it can also use its other hand-the hand of darkness, where those with malicious intent and nefarious goals are developing new ways to create chaos and terrorize the masses. It will help those in power to perpetuate stereotypes, labels, and stigmas and keep its metaphorical foot on the necks of those choosing the hand of love and light. The desire to spread hatred, plant seeds of mistrust, suppress light bringers, and elevate evil runs deep.


Coming to these realizations served as a reminder to study the enemy and their tactics. Like watching the film of an opponent you will be playing against, you must learn them before going to war. Otherwise, how will you prepare for their style of attack? So, while AI is learning from me, I must learn from it. Deep fakes are on the rise and with a world that is so easily bamboozled by faux operators in music and on social media and tv, it is important than ever to discern intent and beware of the agents of chaos and evil. We must be disillusioned and stay prepared for the changes that this technology could and will most likely bring. We are living in a real time matrix.


In the meantime, do not be discouraged by the results moving organically on these apps bring. If you focus on intentionally building and connecting with higher vibrational creators, you will see growth in all the ways that truly matter.


If you are interested in this thought process and more, it would be an honor to have your beautiful mind tapping into the Momba Raw and Unfiltered Podcast. It is available on all digital streaming platforms for your listening elevation. If you choose to jump down rabbit these rabbit holes with me, please come back and give a review and leave me some feedback. Let me know about the things you would like to hear an actual real HUEman discuss more about and without the smokescreen.

