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Momba Raw and Unfiltered
June 5, 2024

Age of The SHEEPeople

Age of The SHEEPeople

Are you paying attention to what’s going on in our government? Y’all ain’t ready at all, are you? 

Can you not see the multiple little attacks and rebellions coming from several different fronts? Between technology, global politics, and a push for a future autocracy…man!

“THIS IS AMERIKKA,” and it is the longest running EXPERIMENT in democracy. Read that again. America is an experiment in democracy. Not the first, just the longest.

Meanwhile, at band camp…

Content creators, influencers, podcasters, and other professional “unprofessionals” are out and about playing their daily roles to perfection…to promote ignorance and to be a constant distraction from what matters. 

The fact that everyone’s emotional and mental health has atrophied; our intelligence has been reduced to how quickly and efficiently we can tell a device what we want to know and it gives us the answer; our desire for microwaveable results that we will get mad if we have wait and be patient for or the fact that no one has time to learn or read should all be alarming. But I mean, why read when short form content is King? Why exercise my brain to learn anything when there is an “app for that?” Folks’ attention spans have been reduced to 160 characters and 60 second reels, because hey, “ain’t nobody got time for that!” Right?

Meanwhile, back at the ranch…

They love that people are distracted and how it points the light away from them slowly stripping civil and human rights away from people. It’s death by a thousand cuts. You don’t realize it’s game over until you bleed out and they’ve thrown you into the deepest body of salt water and you feel the burn as you become food for the fishes. Why? Because you and I are just that expendable. They don’t care about US. Then enter the agents of anarchy and destruction. They have been patiently lying in wait preparing for the right conditions to spark the catalyst for New World Order.

But hold up though!

Meanwhile, back at band camp…

Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram are what the happy campers are more concerned with. The superficial, vain, ignorant, violent, and degrading content they love to watch and dream up ways that they can do those same things and go viral. The market is over-saturated with irrelevancy that has taken over their minds so much that they actually believe that this shit is entertainment; that people who take social media “too seriously” need to get a life. Those people that post nothing of substance; nothing that is going to help you learn something, grow, and be a better HUEman. The people who are “social” with the same set of lower vibrational people on their newsfeed and no one that they can actually engage, create, network, build, and grow with. It seems more like “anti” social media to me because where is the connection? There is none. It is a network of SHEEPeople 🐑 

In the physical world or what people like to call the “real world (IRL),” majority of these connections are not happening there. Instead, they are taking place and coming to fruition in the virtual world. There are so many dope people out there that are aware of what’s going on, it’s just that they are all scattered across the earth, disconnected, and most likely feeling like they are alone in their mindsets.

Like a needle in a haystack, you feel like you’ve found an Easter egg; a hidden treasure when you gravitate towards someone who is authentic in their dealings and purposes online. And don’t let them be in alignment with you and what you are doing! You really feel like you won the social media lottery then! Imagine our collective power if we found each other and came together to create a movement for change. We are the revolution if only we believed; if only we disconnected from the herd of sheep so that we can more easily stand out and be seen…and CONNECT with other like minds!

The world has been past spooky. The energy hovering over us feels malevolent to me. It pulsates with the beat of drums that to my spirit, sounds like a symphony of determined cloven hooves racing closer and closer to me; hunting me; preying on me. Things will not come from out of left field for me and mines. I decree it! Let these words serve as a real time declaration of things that we can most likely expect to come; of contingencies, probabilities, and eventualities. There is no such thing as science fiction!

We got real shit happening all over the world. We are watching genocides (plural) happening in real time. We are watching forced economic disparity in nations around the world in order for the powers that be to have full carte blanche to rape lands of their resources and to stay in power, fulfilling their need and greed.

Where do you think you get your cell phone from? Where do you think you get your MacBook? Your Xbox? PlayStation? TV and whatever other tech that you use? Do you think about the materials used to make them and where they come from?  Don’t tell me you think all that stuff is being built by elves in Idaho? 

As consumers who spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to have access to these technological advancements, does it ever cross your mind about the people who are dying to mine these materials and who will most likely never in their life be able to afford or have access to what you are holding in your hand or are reading this on right now? Is it so far out of your understanding because you aren’t aware and are ignorant to these truths or is it because you lack empathy and compassion?

It’s a sad day for humanity when people no longer have the ability and/or will to set themselves aside and at least TRY to imagine what it would be like to live in someone else’s shoes; someone else’s designed caste system; someone else’s reality. If only to acknowledge their pain and suffering; to be human.

There is a real life Hunger Games that is taking place around this place we call earth. There is no such thing as science fiction! Can you not see the parallel in the things that you watch on television and in movies or anime? They actually gave us the hood Matrix, “They Cloned Tyrone,” and people still didn’t peep the set up; the human/social experiment we are all playing roles in. They gave us AI and robotic tales and now AI is rapidly taking over the world. Elon Musk created an entire thought oriented brain chip that can be implanted for you to connect to the internet and manipulate other technologies hands free. The tech includes a software application that can be hacked. I can only image the nefarious uses to come from that! I wonder if we will be able to download things into our minds one day? I bet money I’m not the first with that thought. I bet even more money somebody is trying to create that possibility now. Maybe it’s Elon?

Have we not learned by now that if we can think it we can create it? Life imitates art and now with AI, art can now imitate life! We created these things! Do you not see the different caste systems around the world and how we operate in them? You would think in the year 2024 we all would have elevated more mentally as human beings, but that is not the case. Humanity is deteriorating rapidly while technology continues to outpace human intellect. Who in their right mind believes that it is acceptable to kill women and children in the name of defense or in the name of teaching a lesson? Say whatever you want but people are going to be evil. They do ugly evil things everyday to others without any feelings of remorse. 

Look at America? We have some of the most evil entities operating here. What do we do with the most craziest and evil people in America? We like to lock them up or send them to behavioral institutions. We aren’t over here carpet bombing their neighborhoods screaming ”chop the head off the snake!” We have home grown terrorist organizations that our government claims are “covered” by constitutional rights so they go on a “watch list.” We are waiting on them to do what we know they are trying to do. But if we “take them out,” it would be a violation! 

How do you cut the head off a snake in regard to humans? You kill their body and their spirit so that they cannot rise up against you. You start with the women because without the woman there can be no life. Life begins in the womb. That’s how you cut the head off a human snake. You get to it at the root and the root is the womb. The children are killed indiscriminately to keep them from using their caste system/war trauma to fan the flames of resistance. It is no wonder why women and children are being killed across the world in large numbers and with no sympathy.

These were just my real time thoughts as I watched the breaking news of our Attorney General, Eric Garland, testify on Capitol Hill yesterday (link to video below) and the complete circus our ELECTED officials made of it.

There are some dangerous real changes that are  coming for US and I just had to purge my feelings about it. I need to get my family and I ready-ready and move forward with the understanding that “proper preparation prevents poor performance.”

We won’t get caught slipping.

Will you?

Stay dangerous.

Stay woke.

I love you.

Peace, love, and light.





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