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Momba Raw and Unfiltered
May 17, 2024

There’s Always a But…

There’s Always a But…

The positioning that is taking place…

This is the first time in my life where I have truly felt my steps being ordered to align with my divine purpose. What an amazing feeling.

The Momba Raw and Unfiltered Podcast is back operational!!!!!!!

There were some technical difficulties-an equipment failure that prevented me from recording and even kept me from finishing an episode with SGT. Thomas Therealist Croft. Grace and mercy was provided. He was so patient and understanding. He didn’t make me feel bad (like I wanted to make myself feel in the moment) for something that naturally happens all the time in some capacity to just about everyone. I appreciated that and look forward to dropping that content soon.

The lesson I learned was, “that every hiccup I encounter in this wondrous world of podcasting, ALL of them are learning lessons and opportunities for elevation and growth.” Thank you SGT. Croft for that!

With that said, it’s time to get back to the work! But..

I know…I know…that funky BUT(t)

During my hiatus from recording, a lot of consideration and spiritual deliberation took place. Even more so, creation took place. Although, I wasn’t trying to keep up with the demands and expectations for a new drop, I was not stagnant BUT…continuously pouring into this platform; infusing it with love and light for those who really rock with me and for those to come. My tribe. I was just operating from different angles is all.

I also became a proud founding member and administrator of a fresh new Facebook Community that actually focuses collectively on the growth and elevation of our podcasting peers, along with two of the most beautiful dope souls I just literally connected with recently, @Kay Globe Mc and @SheRa George (links for these two inspiring creators and podcasters are below).

We are truly laying down the foundation for a REAL virtual community; a community where others of like mind, who also have a passion for service to their fellow brother and sister, can collectively come together to share in authentic and organic collaborations, connections, and interactions where we freely share knowledge and give support to those who are on their podcast journey or aspiring to go on one. It’s nothing but love and light with these two ladies and I, and that is why our online community will set the new standard for communities operating in virtual spaces. I have no doubts about that. Anyone on the level that is community minded are welcome to submit their interest (link below).

Furthermore, I recently became aware that MRU podcast is now eligible to set up Subscription service through Facebook! That means I can create and share tailored made content for the people I KNOW rock with me and this platform!!!! Proceeds will pour directly back into the platform’s elevation and growth via upcoming merchandise and the securing of production equipment to help ensure that I can create quality content to a higher level! I want to thank everyone in advance who chooses to support MRU podcast with a subscription (currently $4.99)! Stay tuned for more information as I get that service up, running, and fully operational! I have to come correct on that so please have patience while I work on that.

BUT…I digress, as usual. I just can’t help BUT to be excited about the blessings raining down on me and those that surround me!

As I was trying to say, during my hiatus, I got to reflect on why do I do this at all? Why do I put myself through all of this work, because it is work, and to what purpose? You see, I have to constantly remind myself of these things to keep me humble and to ensure that I am always moving from a point of authenticity. 

With that said, I’ve been moved to do what I was happy and comfortable doing and that is to record when I have something to say. To record when my spirit moves me to record. @ASante Lucas, another dope soul and a media guru extraordinaire that my light recently became aware of and instantly recognized, taught me during one of his amazing lives, “I don’t have to do what “they say “ and how “they say” to do it! It is spiritually impossible for me to do it and would never work, as I can now clearly see, because “they” are not ME and I am not THEM!”

I promise, I didn’t think of Asante’s live until this very moment as I collect my thoughts…wow 🤯🙌🏾…confirmation is a beautiful thing! 

Let me try to tie it up for you…

I also learned another valuable lesson during that live, “Speak when you have something to say. Not everything requires your energy or commentary. Make sure that when you are tasked to deliver a message, it is more so about the timing of that message, than anything else!”

I cannot articulate what this platform’s purpose is in a way to truly get you to understand; to see the vision; the mission. And I apologize for that. BUT…the fact that you rock with me anyway, shows me that you can discern energy and that you understand me, believe in me, and that you see ME! My gratitude for you all reading this is immeasurable!

That’s powerful. I’m grateful.

There is so much that I see…I feel like I am looking at a 3D model blueprint of the answers general hiding place and I see everything BUT…the ghost in the machine! It is so elusive while simultaneously being dangerously intrusive. Like the world’s greatest ninja assassin, it slithers and coils in the deepest darkest recesses of our minds…teasing us with false breadcrumbs of hope and striking us when with disappointment when we least expect it. I feel like if I could just get a glimpse of it, I will have enough information to unlock the cheat code BUT…dammit!! Every single time I get close enough to taste it…touch it…it does the digital dash and instantly relocates. 

Am I the only one that feels this way? As if they know they are close to answering an existential question but there is a mental block that seems supernatural? I wonder, if this too is by design? Are we meant to know the answer? If we knew the answer, would we even volunteer to help create the solution? What if it requires a deep sacrifice? Like most things of greatness require? Would we answer the call and pay the price? Or will we play ignorant and oblivious to avoid being called to serve?

Today, my thoughts alighted to the word REVOLUTION and over history and even current times, how that word took on different  meanings to different people on  different timelines around the world.

What does the word revolution mean to you? Who are our modern day revolutionaries? Can you name any revolutionaries? Who has had the time, the energy, the inclination, the gall, the willingness, the desire, the need, the calling, the AUDACITY to stand up and say enough is enough? Who? Where are they? Point them out! Send them my way and tell them Blakkmomba wants to holla at them real quick for the streets because I got just a few questions for them and I can promise that it will require roughly 10 minutes or less of their awareness. 

Yesterday, I read a post in my Facebook community’s (hood news) page, and read a transparency post for women to be aware of a man that had been targeting women on dating sites and is a violent offender. The woman stated that he will be charged for attempted murder THIS time because he emptied a shotgun at close range in an attempt to kill her daughter, who rejected this man’s  advances for sex. By the grace of thee Most High, the woman survived the encounter. Talk about favor!


…let’s talk about this confirmation given on my previous blog post discussing discernment. 

I say this about confirmation because as I looked through the comments, I began to see a massive trend. I read several…and I mean several…nonchalant comments like, “yea, dude been weird;” “He been messed up in the head and I think his military service made it worse;” “I went to school with him…everybody knew he was freaky;” “He would stay in my DM’s repeatedly trying to talk to me and would get angry when I told him no;” “I’ve known him since we were children, I can believe this about him!”

Can you decipher the trend I mentioned?

My prayers go out to the mother who posted about this and her daughter. I pray that they both receive the help they need to heal from this traumatic event.


I can also say the same for the suspect. Can two things be different but apply at the same time? Yes, I believe they can.  

So many people knew! Oh my sweet Jesus! Teachers knew. Coaches knew. Family knew. Friends new. Everyone knew! HIS COMMUNITY KNEW!!!  They knew and I did not see one post that stated WHO had stepped up to make an effort to intervene? It appears nobody did. Nobody answered the call.

Since a young CHILD, this now man appeared to have had several undiagnosed mental health conditions and has had them for a lifetime.


…just like our youth today, the COMMUNITY turned a blind eye. Everyone turned a blind eye and the system happily spat him out into the world where his mental health deteriorated at a rapid pace because there is no established system that recognizes and addresses issues for the melanated outside of the criminal justice system. And here we are now. That is so…unacceptable to me. It’s tragic asf.

The revolution will not be televised!!!

We can no longer wait for this timeline’s Malcom or Martin to magically appear. We have history! We have the blueprint! We have the knowledge!


Will you stand up and get in formation? Will you lend your gifts and your talents and your time and your energy and your love and your light to lift up your neighbor? Your friend? Your family? Your community? Yourself?

So many use social media as a soapbox to complain, cry, and lament their woes about the state of our world and our youth, but for everyone one of them that has their mouth (fingers in this case) on these  issues, where art thou? Where are you? What are you doing to help? Are you volunteering? Are you mentoring? Are you teaching? WHAT ARE YOU DOING???

You aren’t doing a damn thing! I can see that. Everybody you know can see that too, BUT…like you, they are willfully ignorant and choose to cosign for you with ignorant comments that does nothing to push these much needed conversations forward. At least not until tragedy lances straight through the heart and now you are activated and ready to be a COMMUNITY ACTIVIST. Y’all disgust me. Real talk. You want everything community comes with and stands for without a lifting a finger to ensure your neighbors receive the same! How dare you have the audacity to voice an opinion about your community when your self absorbed existence is only concerned with just that…yourself!

The righteous anger I feel boiling in my veins…it burns. The senseless violence, the hate, the lack of emotional intelligence, the deficiencies in our local education and government systems…all that and more…it offends my spirit. I can’t have that.

In closing, although, MRU is fully operational again and ready to record, drops will have no rhyme or reason. Call me the pop up podcast. There are a million things to talk about and a million ways to talk about them to the millions of people out there who each hear and receive messages uniquely. I am trusting that my messages will be delivered by nothing less than divine timing. 

Now don’t get me wrong lol, I will post regularly and often, but from now on, only intentionally. I’m done trying to do things “their” way. It’s time to get back to doing me the best way I know how. So with that said, look for a drop as soon as Sunday after next. I think that’s Memorial Day weekend? Either way, if you are subscribed anywhere to receive live notifications and updates about all things MRU, you will know when a new episode drops. 

I’m thankful for this blog; for having a way to personally connect with you all via the sharing of personal raw and unfiltered thought processes. I really appreciate all of you who appreciate the power of words and for tapping into mine. Who knew? Blakkmomba, The Blogger! 😂 I sure didn’t. I don’t even know what I’m doing or how to do it! I just listen to my spirit and move when it tells me to, trusting that I will gain the knowledge needed… I just have to show up and be willing to TRY! 

I am loving the creative doors that are opening and lending me their blessing to enter and create higher vibrational content that matters. It is my goal to revolutionize the physical and virtual spaces we exist in by simply being me. Authentically. I’m calling it, “The Blakkmomba Effect!” (Shoutout to Kay for that!)


…until next time…be good, be safe, and stay healthy. And drink your water. Water is life!

Peace, love, and light ✨



 Check out the dope souls mentioned here…

Kay Globe Mc

SheRa George

Asante Lucas

Podcast Network Collective FB Group