✨Welcome To The Blakkmomba Effect✨
Momba Raw and Unfiltered

Bonus Content: Beauty For Ashes

Click here to text Momba your very own raw and unfiltered thoughts by sending a text message to the show! (https://www.buzzsprout.com/twilio/text_messages/2115262/open_sms)

What you are about to hear is a recording of Blakkmomba reading her latest article, "Beauty For Ashes." The article is currently available to read on her blog, My Mind Palace: An Authentic Blog. A link to the blog is available in the show notes. If after listening you are interetsed in watching a previos recorded stream of this reading that was broadcasted live on September 12th, 2024 via facebook, check out it here: https://fb.watch/uFO6oK2OTO/

Go on ahead and press play. Then sit back, relax, and prepare to jump down the rabbit hole with Momba as she delivers you a raw but genuine thought process on a bitch named Life, what is required to overcome the monkey wrenches and trials that she throws at us, and how to elevate ourselves from the darkness of our mind's palace.

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MRU Webpage and Blog, My Mind Palace:

Follow Blakkmomba and The MRU Podcast on Social Media:

https://www.facebook.com/MRUpodcast https://www.facebook.com/Blakkmomba
Love the music on the show? Follow @NIGHTATAM for more of their musical content here: https://www.instagram.com/therealnightatam/

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