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Sept. 12, 2022

Catching Up! Meghan and Sean missed each other!

Meghan and Sean have a catch up conversation. It’s been a little bit since Sean and Meg were able to converse. They dive right into old school phone sex and sex worker discussion. Seems pretty normal. Will Meghan run a marathon, will she be able to q...

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ZenduranceNow Podcast: Comfortably, Uncomfortable, Not Another Running Story

Meghan and Sean have a catch up conversation. It’s been a little bit since Sean and Meg were able to converse. They dive right into old school phone sex and sex worker discussion. Seems pretty normal. Will Meghan run a marathon, will she be able to qualify for Boston? We talk a little about her recovery from her surgery and progressing towards goals going forward. We discuss the importance of building and the consistency required to progress towards healthy goals. About respecting the process of recovery and understanding where she is “right now” vice where she was prior to this recovery. Continuing the catch up we discuss meeting “running celebrities” and how Meghan ran into Joan Benoit Samuelson while on vacation in Maine. Eventually we come around to Dean Karnazes suspicious coyote attack story. Sean talks about his training and what happened on his Fastpack of the New England Trail Mass Section. He discusses how sometimes pulling the plug is the right decision in the context of training and with guidance from his coach. Silly talk about seal and dolphins, t-shirts vs sleeveless, handhelds, practicing with poles. Sean talks about changing jobs to a full time dayshift job and leaving shift work. An finally kids don’t forget reading is fundamental!