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Nov. 6, 2022

Grit part 2

Grit part 2

*Note from Sean: I incorrectly state that NH has no ultras outside of Ghost Train and that Ghost Train was the only NH 100 miler. However, Jigger Johnson 100 miler just announced itself. I am looking forward to hearing more about this.*
Meghan and ...

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ZenduranceNow Podcast: Comfortably, Uncomfortable, Not Another Running Story
*Note from Sean: I incorrectly state that NH has no ultras outside of Ghost Train and that Ghost Train was the only NH 100 miler. However, Jigger Johnson 100 miler just announced itself. I am looking forward to hearing more about this.*   Meghan and Sean and revisit grit as suggested by podcast listener after his experiences during his most recent ultramarathon. We begin the discussion  with grit through training and preparation. The mental preparation in a race, through training practice and race planning is discussed. Building upon grit in practice; the ideas of repetition and finding your why can define how your mental fortitude is created. As is typical in conversations between Sean and Meg Tim Noakes and David Goggins are both addressed and discussed. They touch on life balance, excuse making, real priorities. The conversation centers heavily on grit being an everyday occurrence. It’s a not just an aspect of athletics it manifests in most aspects of one’s life. The ability to adapt is a crucial component being gritty and it defines how an individual is a participant in all facets of life.