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Sept. 26, 2022

Johnny Cash is a GOD

Johnny Cash is a GOD

Meg and Sean just chat it up again. They talk for a little bit about getting the kids back to school and last year of the summer trips. Turns out Sean isn’t the biggest fan of camping. Meg got to spend some time without kids in the White Mountains in...

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ZenduranceNow Podcast: Comfortably, Uncomfortable, Not Another Running Story

Meg and Sean just chat it up again. They talk for a little bit about getting the kids back to school and last year of the summer trips. Turns out Sean isn’t the biggest fan of camping. Meg got to spend some time without kids in the White Mountains in New Hampshire and worked a bit on her hiking. Sean had a big weekend in the Vermont in the Green Mountains with family before heading to New Hampshire to hit the Pemi Loop with a buddy. He recaps his Pemi loop run and how that all shook out. Sean makes a pitch to Vibram to make him an ambassador and sponsor this podcast. They digresses in bike crashes, mountain biking as an older athlete, and what it means to be older and when risks are too great. Finally we get around to the big questions of the day. Is Killian the greatest of all time and did he cement his legacy as such this year? And do female runners last longer than male runners at the top level? We delve into the common topics of life balance and healthy relationships with fitness. Staying fit as we get older. As a closing note just saying if you don’t like Johnny Cash F- you.