Meghan and Sean sit down with Vinny Capp from Happily Running https://www.happilyrunning.com They discuss how Sean met Vinny and through his involvement with Laurel Highlands and putting on that race during the pandemic. Vinny has been involved in th...
Meghan and Sean sit down with Vinny Capp from Happily Running https://www.happilyrunning.com They discuss how Sean met Vinny and through his involvement with Laurel Highlands and putting on that race during the pandemic. Vinny has been involved in the race community for many years and we have discussions about how he got into long distance Race Directing and running. Vinny puts on several races and has just recently acquired Virgil Crest from Red Newt racing. Virgil Crest has changed many years and so has the course. We talk a little about the logistics of the race and course. Please check out Happily Running and support their awesome races.
You can find Vinny on Instagram at: https://instagram.com/vinnyruns?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/vinnyruns
Outtake Song: Idles, "Television"