Eric Feltes

Eric Feltes Profile Photo

At the age of 25, Eric looked pretty happy. He had a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership, a full time job as a high school Spanish and Theatre teacher, owned a house in the suburbs of Chicago, and was engaged to a woman he was with for five years. To someone looking in from the outside, he really did look happy, only much of it was a facade.

At this point, he met someone who made him question his whole belief system, and during that struggle, he realized he was living a double life. He realized he had preconceived ideas that being gay was shameful, but in that moment, he realized what was actually wrong was living an inauthentic life. Within 24 hours of meeting this man, he ended the relationship with his fiancée and came out of the closet.

Coming out was the first of many life changes that came to him, much like the ripples in a pond from a pebble. The courage from coming out nudged him to pursue his dream of being an actor, and it sat next to him in his car as he drove to Los Angeles to continue that dream.

Fast forward to today - he's built a life for himself with his dog Cadence, about twenty houseplants, and his own LA chosen family. He is able to pursue his dreams while helping others pursue theirs. Being a Life Coach fulfills and heals him in a way he hasn't felt since he was a teacher. Only now, he gets to do it from a place of pure joy and authenticity.

Dec. 19, 2023

84. Best of Guests (So Far): Part 2

Happy Holidays, my LGBTQuties! As the end of the year approached, it’s important to take a retrospective look to appreciate the challenges overcome, goals achieved, and lessons learned. In doing so, we can use the knowledge g...

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June 20, 2023

62. Let Go of Your Religious Trauma (with Eric Feltes)

Many gay men were taught that religion and sexuality are at odds with one another; either you're too gay to be religious, or you're too religious to be gay. As a result, we may have experienced religious trauma, leaving us fe...

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