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Jon Mills

Jon Mills Profile Photo

Jon Mills, PsyD, PhD, ABPP is a philosopher, psychoanalyst, and clinical psychologist. He is Honorary Professor, Department of Psychosocial & Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex, UK; on faculty in the Postgraduate Programs in Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy, Gordon F. Derner School of Psychology, Adelphi University; and on faculty and a Supervising Analyst at the New School for Existential Psychoanalysis. He has authored and edited more than thirty books, and is the recipient of the Otto Weininger Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement. He is based in Ontario, Canada. His new book is End of the World: Civilization and Its Fate.

Aug. 5, 2024

Solving The Climate Crisis & End Of The World Featuring Dr. John Berg…

In this episode, the final episode of Season 9, Dr. John Berger, author of Solving the Climate Crisis: Frontline Reports from the Race to Save the Earth, and Dr. Jon Mills, author of End Of The World: Civilization and Its …

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