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Great history podcast
Love these stories, great host!

Love Them!
Thank you for bringing us the different variations of the Br’er Rabbit stories! Also love the insight after each story. More people should be listening to this podcast to learn about African American culture. When my nephew gets older, I hope to try some of Chef’s recipes with him.

Great podcast 🔥🔥
I’m loving the stories!! This podcast is sooo amazing, I look forward to tuning in each week so I could hear the stories! And the recipes at the end ( they are amazing!!!) I love the whole concept of this podcast ( each story definitely has a lesson) 💯💯💯💯

A Folklore Podcast full of culture
Wonderful stories, great narration, and very informative. If you love folklore then definitely give it a listen ✨

A must for folklore fans!
Wonderful storytelling!
Firstly, I love Amon Mazingo's voice. Like, please can you voice a GPS and I will happily use one. Folktales from the African diaspora combined with a voice too cool for this world, Afro Tales Podcast is a must listen if you're interested in the African diaspora.

Good storytelling!
Excellent delivery of an underserved genre of folklore and myth. If you dig stories and storytelling then this is for you!

Fun Listen
This is a great podcast full of culture and fun. You will get lost in the wonderful stories, and the narrator is fantastic.

Love these tales
Informative and full of culture. These are stories more people should know and are well told.... and the host’s voice is soooooo smooth and comforting 😍

Love it!!
Super amazing podcast with the best host!! Highly highly recommended!!

Really cool myths and legends on this podcast! Entertaining stories and the host narrates them really well. Suspenseful and not too long. Looking forward to more!