March 26, 2022

Lucid Dreaming and the Subconscious Mind with Author Robert Waggoner

Lucid Dreaming and the Subconscious Mind with Author Robert Waggoner

Dreams can be exciting, but you don't have to accept whatever wild scenery your subconscious throws at you. As lucid dreaming expert  Robert Waggoner explained to Jacy Nova on this week's episode of the Age of Aquarius podcast, learning to engage with the content of your dreams consciously is more possible than you might think.

Robert began teaching himself to have lucid dreams, in 1975. after becoming inspired by Carlos Castaneda's book Journey to Ixtlan: The Lessons of Don Juan.

Since then, science has started to validate some of Robert's experiences. For example, in his conversation with Jacy he sites a study of German children by researcher Ursula Voss, which found that a little over half of them had already experienced at least one lucid dream. 

With practice you can control your lucid dreams like a movie director, controlling the story line – from living out your fantasy to time travel to meeting guides, connecting with loved ones who have passed on, or even flying through walls and space.

Robert often talks with people he sees in his lucid dreams, whether living or dead and obtains helpful information. 

In one example, Robert saw his father, who had died three years earlier, in a dream. Then, he became lucid and took the opportunity to ask his dead father when his mother would pass away. The answer he received was probably in two to six years, from a heart condition — which surprised Robert because he was not aware of his mother having any heart problems. 

"When I woke up from that lucid dream, I made some careful notes, and it was about 23 months later, my mom went to the hospital and almost died of a heart condition — and then, about three years after that, she went back to the hospital and almost died again from a heart condition."

Another successful lucid dream interview Robert did was with a friend who was alive but kind of a private person. In Robert's dream, his friend shared without inhibition. 

"I knew he had a serious girlfriend, so I asked him, 'A year from now, will you be married?' He surprised me by saying, 'No.' And I said, 'A year from now, where will you live?' Because he'd been talking about moving to Hong Kong, but, instead, he answered the name of a different city. A year later, he did not marry that woman  they parted ways  and he lived in the town that he said in the lucid dream that he would be living in."

Even if you don't achieve this kind of dramatic success on your first attempt at lucid dreaming, Robert said that developing your ability to experience lucid dreams can enhance the benefits you get from your dream life.

To hear the rest of Robert Waggoner's conversation with Jacy Nova, download the episode via Apple, Spotify, or your favorite streaming platform.

To discover more about Robert's work, please visit his website here

Written by: Eva Sylwester

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