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Dec. 3, 2024

AMSE Science Report with guest Sam Kean Author of the Bastard Brigade

Who Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bomb?

Ridge, Tennessee. Our home of Oak Ridge got its start as a major part of the monumental Manhattan Project, the nation’s successful effort to build the first atomic bomb and end World War II. We talk a lot at AMSE and the K-25 Atomic History Center about the history of the Project, the science and engineering behind it, and the role of Oak Ridge and other locations in its successful outcome. But what is hard to teach is the atmosphere that surrounded that work. Our nation was at war, our soldiers and marines, our sailors and airmen, fighting and dying on the battlefields of Europe and Africa, on the islands of the Pacific, on the vast oceans, in the skies. Every family in America was touched by this war, a war against powers of fascism and militarism, of genocide and oppression.


And we were quite concerned that Nazi Germany was far ahead of us in the effort to build the atomic bomb. It became our focus to beat them in that race, and concurrently to do what we could to sabotage their efforts. I spoke on our podcast, AMSEcast, with award-winning author, Sam Kean, about his terrific book on this topic titled The Bastard Brigade: The True Story of the Renegade Scientists and Spies Who Sabotaged the Nazi Atomic Bomb. Here is Sam.