In this captivating episode of BECOME, we are joined by Yogi Aaron, a true trailblazer who has embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, resilience, and healing. Yogi Aaron's story is one of adventure, triumph, and transformation that spans...
In this captivating episode of BECOME, we are joined by Yogi Aaron, a true trailblazer who has embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery, resilience, and healing. Yogi Aaron's story is one of adventure, triumph, and transformation that spans across continents and encompasses a wide array of experiences.
Raised and born in Northern Canada, Yogi Aaron had an adventurous spirit and a zest for life. Embarking on a journey to India, he started conducting yoga retreats in the mystical Himalayas. However, fate took a dramatic turn when a boulder fell and crushed his leg during a hike to Gungo Tree, a sacred site in the mountains. Left with no other choice, Aaron was carried down the tricky mountain path by porters in total darkness. It was a test of faith and resilience for Aaron brought about by this horrific experience while he was being pushed to the brink. And as a result of his accident surfaced a reaffirmation of his belief on the transformative power of yoga and discovering his purpose to lead others in more fulfilling lives. In the end, Yogi Aaron managed to remain stronger and more determined than ever to pursue sharing his passion for yoga with the world.
In this episode, we discussed:
Connect with Yogi Aaron:
Connect with Sabine Kvenberg:
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