Dec. 28, 2023

Ep.81 Your Wish Is Granted - The Genie is out of the bottle

Ep.81 Your Wish Is Granted - The Genie is out of the bottle

What if I tell you you don't need a genie to make your dreams come true? It may take a little bit longer than a poof like we remember the Genie in Aladdin, but it's possible. Do you know why? I believe we all have our own internal Genie, but we are...

What if I tell you you don't need a genie to make your dreams come true? It may take a little bit longer than a poof like we remember the Genie in Aladdin, but it's possible. Do you know why? I believe we all have our own internal Genie, but we are afraid to let it out.

Every one of us has moments when we realize we must overcome our fears in order to move forward and get what we desire, but most importantly, to step into our greatness. To use the gifts and talents that we received from our creator.




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