Paranormal Activity Episodes

Dec. 18, 2021

S4 E16: Working with Spirits - Power, Responsibility & Danger | A Sou…

What can you do with vinegar and sea salt?? Our guest, Sadhu Dah, is a magickal practitioner and teacher with a deep knowledge of Thai Buddhist Magick, among many other specialties. If you're interested in learning about spir...

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Oct. 27, 2021

S4 E12: Ghost Tales for the Thinning Veil | A Southern Dialogue with …

Haunted tales from an experienced storyteller, ghost tour guide, and paranormal investigator - what more could you want this Samhain? DC talks about his one-sided ghostly romance, experiences at the Williamsburg public jail, ...

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Sept. 29, 2021

S4 E5: Mystical Experiences with Death, the Soul & the Unexplainable …

Th e Skeptic Metaphysician's Will Rodriguez is here to talk about the intersection of science and the metaphysical world, as well as his own spiritual journey. Not only does he tell us about many of the incredible conversatio...

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Sept. 14, 2021

S4 E3: Animal Communication & Psychic Mediumship | A Southern Dialogu…

Psychic medium and animal communicator Mari Cartagenova joins us for an intriguing conversation about mediumship and animal communication! Here are some highlights from this episode: Will we be connected to our animals when w...

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Sept. 7, 2021

S4 E1: Whispers from Spirit & Hauntings in Bartlett, TX | A Southern …

On Sept 24- 26 2021, Saul and Madame Zee are leading an "old school ghost watching" event called the Paranormal Weekend in Bartlett, TX - and y'all are invited. Check out the link below now if you're interested! We chat about...

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July 29, 2021

S3 E23: From Hypnotic Ritual to Hypnotherapy (and Ghosts!) | A Southe…

Michael begins his entertaining interview by telling us a few stories about his grandfather, one of which includes an angel that saved his grandpa's life in the mines. Michael has traveled around the world and observed some ...

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July 12, 2021

S3 E18: Growing Up Haunted | A Southern Dialogue with Amber Rose Wash…

What would life be like if you grew up in a haunted house? What if the attic door in your bedroom opened and closed on its own? Amber Rose Washington joins us to tell us what it was like to grow up in a haunted house in the C...

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June 25, 2021

S3 E14: Mediums, Healing & Growing Up Psychic | A Southern Dialogue w…

Medium Annie Larson joins us to talk about growing up psychic. She shares experiences she had while a child and teenager using her spiritual gifts, and gives some great advice to parents of highly sensitive children. We chat ...

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June 2, 2021

S3 E9: Haunted Tales from a Paranormal Investigator | A Southern Dial…

If you're a fan of our paranormal episodes, here's another one for you! Martini and I talk about both of our experiences, including her very first when she was just seven years old! We chat black eyed kids, Martini's scariest...

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May 25, 2021

S3 E7: Adventures of a Psychic Medium Truck Driver | A Southern Dialo…

In today's incredible interview, you'll hear Stephanie "Enora" Perez discuss what it was like to be a young, female truck driver who just also happens to be a psychic medium! Boy does she have some stories, y'all! The first h...

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May 20, 2021

S3 E6: Practical Magick from the Good Witch of Hollywood | A Southern…

You will not believe the amazing discussion that Patti Negri and I had on this episode. Patti tells us all about her very first seance at age 7 or 8 years old, as well as her experience of coming out of the "broom closet" as ...

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Feb. 25, 2021

S2 E12: Ghostly Storytelling | A Southern Dialogue with DC O'Rourke

Master storyteller DC O'Rourke, host of Hauntingly Yours: A Podcast for the Paranormal, is here with us to take you on a journey of chilling experiences both personal and from legend. We also tackle the idea of how hauntings ...

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Feb. 18, 2021

S2 E10: Star People Encounters & Supernatural Entities | A Southern D…

Marianne was 18 months old when she had her first remembrance of contact with star people, what some might term aliens. We talk about her many encounters with star people, and all the incredibly insightful information they pa...

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Feb. 16, 2021

S2 E9: Paranormal Investigation with the Ghost Biker | A Southern Dia…

Paranormal investigation fans, this is the episode for you! The Ghost Biker chats about her haunting experiences while filming her web series, Ghost Biker Explorations - from sleeping alone in a haunted penitentiary, to locat...

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