Witchy Celebrations & Holidays Episodes

Oct. 27, 2021

S4 E12: Ghost Tales for the Thinning Veil | A Southern Dialogue with …

Haunted tales from an experienced storyteller, ghost tour guide, and paranormal investigator - what more could you want this Samhain? DC talks about his one-sided ghostly romance, experiences at the Williamsburg public jail, ...

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Oct. 19, 2021

S4 E10: October Thirty-One & Celebrating the HoliDates with Children!…

Author María Felicia Kelley introduces us to her children's book series, Celebrate the HoliDates, which were deeply inspired by her son Constantine. Constantine has trisomy 21, and the books were initially created as a tool t...

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March 16, 2021

S2 E17: Celebrating Ostara, the Spring Equinox

Background and tips for celebrating Ostara, or Spring/Vernal Equinox for witches!

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Dec. 17, 2020

S1 E13: A Witchy Winter Solstice

How can we, as pagans, celebrate Yule / Winter Solstice? That's what this episode is all about. Using a lot of my own traditions, along with some traditional old and new ideas, hopefully you'll get some fresh insight on your ...

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Dec. 16, 2020

S1: E12 Pagan Origins of Christmas

In this episode, we'll delve into the origins of Christmas and other winter holidays as well as where the Yuletide symbols we see during this time come from. Contact Me Send me a voice message on Anchor here , or use this URL...

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Oct. 15, 2020

S1 E11: Symbols & Your Samhain Altar

There are many symbols associated with Halloween and witches, so let's find out where those associations may have come from along with how you might be able to use them for your Samhain altar! Don't forget, if you want to hea...

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Sept. 24, 2020

S1 E10: Hallowe'en Legends & Lore

My favorite time of the year quickly approaches, and with it, Halloween. We witches tend to call it by the more ancient name, Samhain. Join me as I discuss various legends, lore and superstitions from around the world that ar...

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July 4, 2020

Bonus: 4th of July

Special thanks to Ann Marie for her contributions to this bonus episode. 4th of July Prayer is from A Book of Pagan Prayer by Ceisiwr Serith Skillet Strawberry Bourbon Cobbler with Layered Cream Cheese Biscuit recipe: https:/...

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June 10, 2020

S1 E5: Summer Solstice Y'all!

Our theme for the month of June 2020 is "Midsummer", and in this episode you'll get some background as well as tips, spells, recipes and general information about celebrating the upcoming Summer Solstice on June 20th. Y'all c...

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