Season 2

April 29, 2021

S2 E30: Music & Nature for Spiritual Connections | A Southern Dialogu…

Our guest Irminsul went from being a staunch desert witch in Utah to deeply connecting to the tropical environment of a Pacific Island, and we talk about his experience connecting to the nature and culture of Hawaii. If you'v...

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April 27, 2021

S2 E29: Tarot, the Moon & Witchy Hazards | A Southern Dialogue with J…

Y'all pull up your brooms, we've got a witchy guest with us today! Author Jen Sankey talks to us about the process of creating a tarot deck as well as her own journey with tarot, moon magick, and witchy fire hazards (includin...

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April 22, 2021

S2 E28: Healing with the Somatic Journaling Method | A Southern Dialo…

Here's the rest of the amazing interview with Chelsea Quint! In this episode, Chelsea goes into detail about her somatic journaling method and the healing that can come by getting your body involved. We also talk about death ...

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April 20, 2021

S2 E27: Intuitive Spellwork & Rituals | A Southern Dialogue with Chel…

There was just SO MUCH great information with our guest today, that I had to break it up into two segments. Today's segment focuses on using our intuition when doing spellwork and rituals instead of focusing on the "recipe". ...

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April 15, 2021

S2 E26: The Six Enchantments of a Scottish Mystic | A Southern Dialog…

Today's conversation revolves around meditation and journeys to the Otherworld, and we have Scottish mystic Jane Hill with us. Join us for a peaceful conversation about the Scottish countryside, the uses of meditation in our ...

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April 13, 2021

S2 E25: Comedy & Cannabis | A Southern Dialogue with Shawn Wickens

Comedian Shawn Wickens and I chat about the importance of comedy, especially in difficult times. He's one of the hosts of the Stoner Morning Show, so I ask a few questions about cannabis. He shares with us the origin of Grati...

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April 8, 2021

S2 E24: Herbalism from a Forest Witch | A Southern Dialogue with Deb …

It's Green Witchcraft month, and we've got Herbalist and Forest Witch Deb Accuardi with us for this great episode about herbalism, gardening, plant allies and developing relationships with plants and the land. We also discuss...

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April 6, 2021

S2 E23: The Green Witch

Are you a green witch? We'll go through a list of some common practices of a green witch, as well as chat a little bit about a witch's garden, herbs, connecting to the land, and using essential oils and flower essences in you...

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April 1, 2021

S2 E22: Horror ASMRtist & Swedish Witch | A Southern Dialogue with Ma…

Our creative and inspirational guest today is Swedish author, artist and witch Magic Frigren. She explains ASMR, and how she became an "ASMRtist" when she started her own horror ASMR Youtube channel called the "Secret Doll So...

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March 30, 2021

S2 E21: Tarot & Divination | A Southern Dialogue with Tatiara

Tarot & divination, shadow work, being grounded before and after ritual, and even toxic positivity - these are all topics of discussion in today's episode with tarot reader, Tatiara! Book a tarot reading with Tatiara at tarot...

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March 25, 2021

S2 E20: Four Pillars of Fitness & Sacred Sexuality | A Southern Dialo…

Fitness encompasses not only the physical, but the mental, emotional and spiritual as well. Join me as we discuss with our guest, Maggie Dong, tips and tricks to creating a life of fulfillment focusing on all four pillars of ...

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March 23, 2021

S2 E19: Intuitive Eating & Self Discovery | A Southern Dialogue with …

What does intuition have to do with our eating habits? Karlee talks us through the concept of intuitive eating; listening to our body tell us what to eat, and how much to eat. We also talk about self love, getting to know you...

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March 18, 2021

S2 E18: Get Mindful Y'all! | A Southern Dialogue with Shirley Blanch

If you've been wondering how to incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life, Shirley gives some great tips and tricks for both adults and children in this episode! For those who want to know WHY, we also talk about the wh...

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March 16, 2021

S2 E17: Celebrating Ostara, the Spring Equinox

Background and tips for celebrating Ostara, or Spring/Vernal Equinox for witches!

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March 11, 2021

S2 E16: Naturopathic Healing & Intuition | A Southern Dialogue with D…

Dr. Serena is our guest in this episode, and she delves into the topic of listening to our physiological intuition to give us information about what our body, mind and soul needs. She believes there is a deep connection with ...

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March 9, 2021

S2 E15: Psychic Protection & Healing from Trauma | A Southern Dialogu…

If you're interested in the why's and how's of psychic protection, this is your episode. Thomas Mooneagle and I also discuss trauma and how confronting soul loss can bring healing, fear shaming, curses and the relationship be...

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March 4, 2021

S2 E14: Mesmerism, Ideomotor Response & Magick | A Southern Dialogue …

Lance Baker found his gifts of healing through healing himself of nearly a decade of debilitating migraines. Not only does he share with us his journey of personal healing in today's episode, but offers insight into the world...

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March 2, 2021

S2 E13: Ten Tips to Manage Pandemic Stress & Anxiety

March 2021 is Wellness Month here at Belle, Book & Candle and I've got some amazing guests through the month, but to start us off, I'm going to give you 10 tips for managing your stress and anxiety especially during this coro...

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Feb. 25, 2021

S2 E12: Ghostly Storytelling | A Southern Dialogue with DC O'Rourke

Master storyteller DC O'Rourke, host of Hauntingly Yours: A Podcast for the Paranormal, is here with us to take you on a journey of chilling experiences both personal and from legend. We also tackle the idea of how hauntings ...

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Feb. 23, 2021

S2 E11: Angels Are My Friends | A Southern Dialogue with Patty Holmes

Y'all, hearing about Patty's first-hand account of her harrowing migration to America while crossing the desert pregnant, and the difficulty that faced her as she took care of herself and her two daughters, was nothing short ...

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Feb. 18, 2021

S2 E10: Star People Encounters & Supernatural Entities | A Southern D…

Marianne was 18 months old when she had her first remembrance of contact with star people, what some might term aliens. We talk about her many encounters with star people, and all the incredibly insightful information they pa...

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Feb. 16, 2021

S2 E9: Paranormal Investigation with the Ghost Biker | A Southern Dia…

Paranormal investigation fans, this is the episode for you! The Ghost Biker chats about her haunting experiences while filming her web series, Ghost Biker Explorations - from sleeping alone in a haunted penitentiary, to locat...

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Feb. 11, 2021

S2 E8: Practical Love Magick

Love magick - should you or shouldn't you? In this episode, we'll talk about practical love magick including it's dangers. Love magick is powerful, we've all heard stories, and before you engage in love magick (or any magick!...

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Feb. 9, 2021

S2 E7: Crystals, Tarot & Unicorn Magic | A Southern Dialogue with Pam…

Time for some unicorn magic, y'all! We talk tarot, crystal magic, and Pam's "Hogwart's Meets Harvard" approach to business offered through the High Magic Certification and Business Course. Credits My dad wrote the lyrics to m...

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