Krystal Holm

Krystal Holm Profile Photo

Feng Shui Master

Krystal Holm is the founder of Designed Life Studio and the creator of The Designed Life Method℠: mind, body, soul, home. She is an interior designer, feng shui master, and entrepreneur but what she really loves to do is help soul-driven female entrepreneurs design an office and a life that they love. Krystal also happens to be a fellow witch!

July 1, 2021

S3 E16: Feng Shui & Your Relationship With Your Space | A Southern Dialogue with Krystal Holm

Feng shui master and witch Krystal Holm is here to talk about your relationship with your space. She tells us about her own healing journey, as well as offers tons of great tips for incorporating feng shui principles in your ...
Guest: Krystal Holm
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