S2 E16: Naturopathic Healing & Intuition | A Southern Dialogue with Dr. Serena Goldstein

Dr. Serena is our guest in this episode, and she delves into the topic of listening to our physiological intuition to give us information about what our body, mind and soul needs. She believes there is a deep connection with our soul that needs to be addressed, and often there is a deeper meaning to physical symptoms or disease. She gives practical advice for accessing that intuition, as well as offering insight into her own personal journey to where she is today as a naturopathic doctor. My favorite bit of advice from Dr. Serena? To "take responsibility for your shit!"
Check out "5 Everyday Tips to Strengthen Your Body's Intuition" www.drserenagoldstein.com/intuition
Contact Dr. Serena if you're interested in scheduling a complimentary 20 minute phone call at www.drserenagoldstein.com/
My dad wrote the lyrics to my theme song, and we sing it together at the beginning.
Thanks to my husband for his contributions.
Thank you to our guest, Dr. Serena Goldstein.
Original Broadcast: 3.11.21

Dr. Serena Goldstein
Naturopathic Doctor
Dr. Serena Goldstein is a Naturopathic Doctor who works with people to bring order to chaos, trust their intuition, and engages with them using everything from conventional and natural medicine to dreams, astrology, and past lives. While she does believe there is a mind- body connection, she also believes there is a soul piece that begs to be discussed, as even sometimes physical symptoms may have a much deeper meaning than just a pathway gone wrong. Dr. Serena is primary care trained and has an extensive psychology background, allowing her to incorporate her knowledge and understanding of the human body along with observing how her patients talk about their life to help them understand that what's happening internally is what's happening externally. She will then work with lifestyle changes, nutrition, homeopathy, herbs, astrology, and the laws of nature & ancient medicine perspectives to create long-term success where her patients can learn to trust themselves, their body, and feel like they'll always know what to do.