Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor
Feb. 14, 2022

Blame it on EOS! A family business tale with Corey Lawson - Episode 42 of Better Business, Better Life!

Corey Lawson works as the Co-Owner and President of All Volleyball Inc - a family-owned business that has been running for many years. Find out why their business chose to go with EOS, what it has done for the business and how they went from 5 family members on the leadership team down to just one but how they still all get along and love each other.

"Being an excellent husband, father, friend & entrepreneur is a choice. Easy to say, hard to do." That's how Corey describes himself on his LinkedIn Profile & when you listen to this podcast you'll understand how he achieves all of these.

Corey works as the Co-Owner & President of All Volleyball Inc - a family-owned business that has been running for many years. 

Just 2 years ago, after trying to implement many other business systems, the family business decided to go with EOS & use a professional implementer to help them.

In that time they have survived & thrived throughout a pandemic & grown the business to 5x its revenue. However, it hasn't been without its challenges.

Find out why they chose to go with EOS, what it has done for the business & how they went from 5 family members on the leadership team down to just one but how they still all get along & love each other.

Their story is VERY inspiring & if you're a family business owner or part of a family business, you will take a lot from this episode.

Corey's Top 3 Tips

1. Find a system or create one

And then once you have it, don't deviate from it! Corey's family business implemented EOS / Traction & he strongly recommends it but maintains that sticking with any system will work.

2. Stop playing store

You've got to lean into the hard stuff to get the results!

3. Get or ask for help!

It's tough doing it alone. Find support from a coach, a peer group, mentors... Or all 3.


Head to our website for the full transcript & more tips & tools -

Debra Chantry-Taylor

Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner

#betterbusinessbetterlife #entrepreneur #leadership #eosimplementer

Professional EOS Implementer Australia

Professional EOS Implementer New Zealand

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Debra Chantry | Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Operating System | Leadership Coach  | Family Business AdvisorDebra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.

She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.

Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:

  • Doing what you love
  • With people you love
  • Making a huge difference in the world
  • Bing compensated appropriately
  • With time for other passions

She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.

Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.

Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.

Find out more here -



Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:12

Welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. I’m your host, Debra Chantry-Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want out of business and life. On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want. Not only out of your business, but also your life. So good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business better life. Today, I am joined by Corey Lawson, who is joining us from the US. And Cory is the president and co owner and visionary of the family owned company on volleyball, Inc. Is that right, Gary? That is correct. Right. Hey, look, thank you so much for joining us. Hey, and we always like to get started with sharing of professional or personal bests and ers things you know, and just just to give the listeners a bit of an insight into who Cory is.

Corey Lawson  01:17

Yeah, happy, happy to do and thanks for having me. I would say personal bias is we just talked a few minutes offline. ago, I am US has helped me so much and helped our business so much that I’ve been able to use the tools, drink the Kool-Aid, as we like to say internally at work here that the business has really transformed. And so I am actually transitioning out of the every day of the company. I’ve made that decision official just a couple of days ago, and I will be starting the journey to becoming a professional us implementer myself, focusing on family businesses. So that has been a long time in the works. But it really just became official in terms of paperwork signing, scheduling boot camp, making those arrangements. So it’s a big, big milestone for me, personally and professionally.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  02:11

Fantastic. Can’t wait to have you as part of the community.

Corey Lawson  02:14

Absolutely! I can’t wait. I can’t wait to be part of it. And then professional bus. We operate on a, you know, financial calendar year. And we just closed our year had the best year that we’ve ever had both in revenue and profits. And so we were really thrilled to put a stamp on 2021. And we look forward to 2022.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  02:32

That’s great, especially with evidence going around the world. That’s just fantastic news. Well, no, absolutely. Oh, so obviously we’re here to talk about EOS today. And your family business has been using it for a couple of years now. Would you give us a bit of a history of your family business and how it came about how you got involved? And then yeah, bringing EOS into it?

Corey Lawson  02:51

Sure, sure. So family-owned business. I’m second-generation owner. My dad started the company 26 years ago in 1995. He never graduated from high school. He was a union welder his entire life. And he got laid off his job got shipped to Mexico. And he didn’t have a job. And right around the time my sister who’s also a kohner, she’s a year older than I am. She was playing just starting to play volleyball, and he was driving around St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, where we’re based at, couldn’t find anything volleyball related and just decided to start a volleyball store, just a little retail store, 400 square feet and a small strip mall. No, no business degree, no high school education. And he just went for it. And that’s what he did. And he got it out for several years, and slow, steady progress along the way. And then fast forward. About 12 years ago, I joined the family company, and around that around that time, we were a little bit under $2 million in revenue. My mom and my sister and just a small group of other staffers worked with us almost all of them part-time. And then we just kept going right foot, left foot, rinse and repeat, just trying to show up for our customer, but small, small growth, you know, almost every year and just having a hard time getting out of our own way. Five years ago, we started this succession planning. So my sister and I became official owners, and really the everyday operations that turned over to us and one of my first priorities, you know, five years ago was figuring out how we’re going to last into the next generation, both mine and hopefully my kids someday. And I spent a couple years just you know falling all over myself trying to figure out what the next steps were both in how to you know, you know, deal with the changing market and the changing world and changing industry but also like how are we going to use these tools? What tools can we use to actually put this into play? I tried many different things open book management Lean process improvements, I dabbled in Rockefeller habits. us you know, many people call attraction was recommended to me by some friends I’m in EO which is Entrepreneurs Organization. was recommended to me, I took a look at it, I decided very quickly that I was not capable nor I was qualified to actually implement it. So I walked away from it, I gave it a year came back to it and realize that if I was going to be able to take our company where we wanted to go, I needed a better operating system. And so I spent a fair amount of time talking to people internally, making sure that we were ready for it. And when we decided we were ready for it. We went for it. And so we went all in, that was about two years ago. And we have been implementing it with, you know, a certified implementer for two years. And, you know, it’s really, it’s really changed our business. So we started implementing right before the pandemic happened, and went through there and got us to here. So that’s really the short business story, but we are we’re a volleyball specific company. So we focus on selling all things volleyball related to athletes, they’re, you know, generally their parents, their families are the ones that make the buying decision. So it really a b2c market. And we have a b2b market, which are teams organizations, you know, these big clubs that operate in the US and worldwide that we service, all the athletes in their clubs, and we really had a narrow focus since the beginning, and that’s, it’s proven as well.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  06:21

Right? So I know that you talked about trying lean financial Rockefeller habits that were really really great systems. I mean, I know them all. Yes, well, what what was it that appealed to you about EOS?

Corey Lawson  06:33

Um, I think I saw myself in the business, you know, when I Eos, you know, EOS has a lot of funny jargon, you know, the semantics, the visionary, and the integrator and quarterly conversations and rocks and just all kinds of, you know, fun colloquialisms. But, you know, when I started reading about a visionary, I really like I really saw myself there. But part of my hesitation initially was I don’t have an integrator, and I am the integrator. And I’m also the bottle washer and cook and everything else. But I saw myself in there. And when I saw myself in there, I gave myself a chance to explore what what the other tools and systems were like. And what I realized was that it’s a harder system, I believe, to implement than some of these others. But it is a turnkey system. And it addresses everything from the really high level stuff like core values, and long term targets all the way down to how do you run meetings. And that’s really what I needed was, I didn’t need just tools and tricks I needed really a turnkey system, that I could just open the playbook and say, if I follow this playbook, if I just do what it tells me to do, and I execute it to the very best of my ability, then we’re gonna win. And once I found that I gave myself permission to say, we have to build our company around this. That’s when things started happening. They didn’t happen overnight. But the progress really did start immediately. But really, when it came down to is that, you know, I was scared off of from it at first, because it was so comprehensive, because there was a tool for, you know, essentially everything that scared me at first. But when I realized this was for us, this was the only way. We just knew that we had to dive headfirst into it. And that’s, that’s really what’s been the linchpin to the majority of our success.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  08:27

Oh, that’s great. It is interesting. You say that, actually, because people do say, Oh, well, it’s so tight in terms of what it provides. And you have to follow all these different tools and rules and things. They feel that it might be restrictive, but can you just give me your experience on that?

Corey Lawson  08:40

Sure. It is, and it shouldn’t be? And that’s a good thing. Most, you know, I spent a lot of time with other business owners and many are not, generally they’re not operators, nor are they integrators, they’re, they’re usually visionaries that have to be integrators. And we, I can say that, because I’m one of them, we need that we need structure, and we need focus. And we need those tools. So it’s generally, in my experience over the last couple years, it’s really not about ego, it’s really just about, you know, ignorance and not not in a bad way, just like we don’t get it, you know, we don’t see the like, we don’t see the ability to focus and narrow and simplify. We don’t see that as a as a business driver, until you get hit over the head enough or punched in the gut enough to really give it a shot. So, you know, certainly that is valid, but I would say too many, that is a good thing. It’s really just about buying into it and really understanding how it can apply to your business.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  09:44

Hey, look, I know that you’re working with Sarah, who is a fantastic implementer and a good friend of mine. And she was saying to me that in our introductory email that you know, when you started the process, you went into focus day, which is the first day that we do which is a little bit different to most consulting methods in that we don’t cover the high level big picture stuff we actually go into, you know, what’s holding us back? How do we create the right structure, the accountability chart, and start putting things in place to actually do it. But that accountability chart exercise can be quite confronting how, how did that go with your family? So who came into focus day and what came out of that?

Corey Lawson  10:18

Yeah. So focus, say, and that the people journey has been really interesting, focusing in particular, because, uh, when, when we went, it was myself, mom, dad, my sister, Shannon, and a few other people, two other people that were sorry, three other people that were just part of our company working in different roles, finance, marketing, and customer service. And when we got done with that focus day, my mom and dad were transitioned off of the leadership team along with another person, really, really hard conversations around that. And a process that didn’t just it was an absolute right there, it was a process of many weeks and months, it was really just acknowledgement of something had to change. So at that focus day, that was cute, it was one of those watershed moments of we don’t have the right people or the right people are not here, the need to execute and run the business owners can be on the, you know, on the leadership, team, and many are. But for us, we realized, you know, my parents at the time were in their 60s, they were ready to slow down transition, they didn’t want to go to a 90 minute meeting every day, sorry, every week. And we were sensitive to that. But there was also just other holes that we needed to fill. So we we started that transition right then and there. And over a period of about a year, mom, dad, and my sister all were transitioned off of the leadership team. And those were really, really hard conversations I had to have with them. But those were, those were, you know, that just goes back to us just executing the plan. And we, we talked a lot internally about blaming it on Eos, you know, it’s not personal. That mean, I didn’t do it. You know, we signed up for this, we signed up for us, and it’s telling us what we need to do. So in the course of that year, it was mom, dad, my sister, Shannon. And we had two other people that we had to transition off the leadership team to make sure that we have the people component, right. And what we learned is that we still didn’t have it right. And we had to, we had to keep working at it. But that was very interesting conversations around how that other process looks. And what do you say? How do you? How do you start the conversation? How do you end it? Did you cry? Did they cry? Were they mad at you? Yes, in all of it. But we we went through that because we this was the part of the process that we knew if we were going to get this right, we’re really going to do this. We we had to we had to you know, we had to be super vulnerable, we had to enter the danger. And we had to call like it is and those are really hard conversations. But you know, now, everybody’s happy that we did it. You know, it’s just it just took a little while.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  13:06

And I mean, so two years down the track now. So what do mum and dad and sister are they still involved in the business today? What are they doing?

Corey Lawson  13:14

Yeah, so mom and dad are are still involved in the business, they, you know, when the when the pandemic started, we, you one of the first things we did was we you know, we had to layoff eight people. So it’s a big part of our company, because we’re you know, we’re about 30 people 30 plus people, those big part of our company. But by nature, they had to go back to work in the every day. And so they, they were not working everyday, they were not working in the everyday part of the business, they were getting to enjoy some of the benefits of really being, you know, a hands off owner, very focused on culture, very focused on just being a presence. They like to say that they’ve got, you know, nine grandchildren, which is their immediate family, but 24 grandchildren, because we have lots of young families that work here. And so they’re very focused on that. But when when the pandemic started, they, they went back to work essentially full time, everyday nine to five. And since then what was what was really neat was part of the US process, they get to fall in love with the business all over again. And so they got to not be owners in the sense of executing the business plan, but they got to fill really essential roles in the business. And so that gave them the opportunity to kind of redefine what their work life balance look like. And so they worked very heavily in the business during the pandemic. In 2021. As we transitioned out, they still worked almost every day. And they but they really found roles my dad so we we do a lot of production, you know, shipping orders, kidding orders for clubs and teams. My dad’s a blue collar guy, you know, he you know, again, he never graduated from high school, no college education, never learned how to type. So he likes being back in the back with with the you know, the crew that is you know, working with their hands all day. My mom supports our Finance and Business Affairs team. So these are important roles, but they’re not ownership roles. They’re not leadership roles. But they’ve really fallen in love with that. And so they’ve, you know, they don’t work, they pull back in their schedule, but they do still have a very active role, but we have worked hard at meeting them where they are. And so we kind of check in with them every quarter, when we do our ownership, same page meetings. I’m gonna add, how are you feeling? Like do you? Do you want to pull back more? Do you want to work more do you and we, we really work hard at crafting those roles. But at the end of the day, they’re high level contributors, but just not an ownership or leadership level. My sister Shannon does. She did, she did transition out of the business. So we went from, she was on the leadership team. She left the leadership team, still an important role within the company. But over 2021, we realized that her gifting was outside of the company. And so December 31 of last year, so just just a couple weeks ago, was her last day at work. So she went to work somewhere else. She’s still an owner, she’s still very involved, we left all on great terms. And so she we still lean on her heavily, because she’s got 15 years of tribal knowledge, you know, locked in her head that we haven’t been able to quite get out yet. All amicable but it was all I mean, these are all huge transitions and huge changes that we’ve done over the last couple years.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  16:21

It is interesting, isn’t it, because this happens both with family members, but also with staff members. And people are always nervous. Because you know, the this person has been in the business for a long, long time, but I can’t speak on behalf of your sister. But often, when they go and they find something else, they’re a lot happier as well as the business being in a better space because of it. Like isn’t a negative because somebody chooses to go somewhere else isn’t.

Corey Lawson  16:44

The hardest part is just making the decision. And having the conversation. Yeah, both Shannon and our company are healthier as a result of it. And that was a big moment for us. And it was a tough moment for, you know, my dad just wanted my sister to be happy, didn’t matter if it was at all volleyball, or working someplace else. My mom, she wants your daughter every day, and she was kind of pissed off about it. But at the end of the day, my sister is healthier and happier. And so as a company, and we left on the right terms, so she still we get to see her she doesn’t work on Fridays. So the last four Fridays now, she’s been in helping our young staff transition. And, you know, we backfill her role internally. So we were able to elevate somebody who’s been with us for a while into that position, which has been really cool to see. So she still comes in and helps out to make sure that their transition goes well. So you know, knock on wood. It’s only been about a month, but it’s been a really great move for everybody.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  17:43

Excellent. That’s great to hear. So, in terms of the EOS journey, do you have any favorite tools that we have used in that journey?

Corey Lawson  17:53

Yeah, I mean, I would always point to the l 10. Meetings has been one of the one of our favorite tools. I’m not so sure that I would call that a tactical tool, because it’s really one of the cornerstones of Eos. But that has been super helpful. implementing them, it the all of the you know, all of our departments, that has been very, very beneficial to us, I would say the tool that we you know, we pull out and we use the most is just continual gut checks on the accountability chart and our quarterly conversations. So these are tools, they were so hard for us to implement and to even feel like we’re getting any type of traction or to get right. But we have learned that these two tools help us gain more clarity to that, like, really just the everyday operation operating of the business, and how we need to how we need to organize and structure feedback for our staff. So you know, we’re, we are we are trying to become experts at you know, right people, right? See, GW see, you know, the whole model of the accountability chart, we are really working hard at that because we to us that’s unlocking really the success of our business. And then how do we teach coach, and really kind of upskill we have a very young staff, most of them have been with us for a really long time, but most of our staff is in their early 30s. And so as we give these, this next generation of leadership, the opportunity to lead a growing company, these quarterly conversations have been really, really good because it’s intentional feedback. And it’s the same way delivered every time with the same scorecard. So everybody knows the playing field that they’re on. And it’s just been such a big deal for us for all of the reasons and more that I’ve just described.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  19:49

Okay, and so, um, what would you say is the been the biggest change in the organization since starting on the Eos journey?

Corey Lawson  19:58

biggest change in the organization? is that there really hasn’t been a lot of change. Once we’ve figured out what our, you know, our long term target was, we went through our core values, exercise, and really we worked on those foundational tools. There has been, you know, pivots and tweaks along the way. But we have maintained a pretty laser focus. And that is very different than especially the couple years preceding that, you know, when I took over, you know, we went from, you know, 1995 to 2015, or 2016, largely doing the same thing. And that’s, that is why we had slow and steady growth. But that’s also why there was real risk to the business, because we just didn’t, we weren’t changing fast enough. And when I, when I took more of a leadership position within our company, man, I was changing everything. Go I like, literally, I was one of those guys that would go to the conference, realize we’re not doing this, we have to do that. And, and, you know, this created a very whiplash effect. And, and really what it did was it eroded the trust that people had in the direction of the company. And so that was, you know, we laugh about it. Now, we have a lot of fun with it now. But there was a period of time where that was a really, really tough place to work because roles weren’t defined the direction we were pointing this way, and no one really knew who’s in charge, because that was the time when Shannon and I were co leading the company. And so the biggest change was that we, we went through this process. And we said, you know, unless the house is on fire, you know, even at the risk of a global pandemic, we’re not changing, because we’re going to put in the work to make sure that whatever decisions we make are the right ones. And we’re really going to stick to them. And so the biggest change is that we’ve we’ve moved in one simple direction for the last couple of years, and we’ve just reaped the benefits of it.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  22:04

And that’s got you through a pandemic as well. So you’re not saying that you don’t have to adjust the environment. But you know, he’s a sharp focus on what you’re doing. Interesting. You talked about, you know, setting up that long term target, which we do in the video and the core values and things. Did you have that before EOS? Excuse me? Or did you have it written down? Even I should ask as well,

Corey Lawson  22:24

no, we well, we had like 12 different versions of it. And, again, like that was a problem is that we, our core values really weren’t core values. And we did not have any long term targets. I mean, in fact, you know, I remember vividly realizing, when I started thinking about the EOS process, and what a long term target meant that I had been working for the company for, you know, five, six years. And I didn’t even know what my parents wanted the Dad, do you want it to be $100 million company? Or do you want it to be five? Like, I never asked him that question. And so that all of those were really groundbreaking for us now, it wasn’t that we didn’t try, like I tried different versions of it. But again, like, that’s why I fell back to, you know, revisiting EOS was because it’s a very clear outline of the things that you have to accomplish. And so the answer is yes. And no, if you were to ask me the question in a different way, like, Hey, did you actually use any of these things to direct your business? I was absolutely not all I did was just confused the shit out of people. And really just cause a lot of Just Cause a lot of anxiety around there. Because people really didn’t know, you know, one day to the next, probably not, but certainly weekly, monthly. People felt like change was always coming. And, you know, that was that was a hard transition for us to make. But now, yeah.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  23:52

I love your honesty, thank you so much. Um, just for those people who are listening, who perhaps see the visionary traits in themselves. You know, it is true that the visionary is often caught with lots of different ideas. They’re sort of all over the place in his way going, that’s really important to take the business forward. But how did you feel having sort of structure put around that? Did you feel constrained? Or what? What was going through your mind as a visionary because I do have people who I talk to, and they go, oh, yeah, but I don’t want to be constrained. Yeah. It’s hard.

Corey Lawson  24:21

It was it was it was hard, realizing that I was in that role. And I wasn’t, I was not the person that should be in that role. So it was hard. It was really just hard. swallowing the idea of I’m not the right person in the right seat to be able to execute the business model and the in figuring out what that is, like, early in our journey. It was hard realizing that that person didn’t exist at our company, and that we really needed to find that person if we wanted to make this work. And so yes, it was hard from the moment that I started it It is still hard. We have an excellent integrator now, who does keep me focused, keeps our company focused. But we we fight like brothers and sisters, because to this day, I still get excited about new ideas. And so we are, we are very much that classic pair, you know, a duo, so to speak. But yeah, it’s like to this day, it does get it is hard. Here’s the thing, though, is that once you start seeing some of the decisions that you make, and focusing and letting your integrator or if you can be that integrator because there are people that can do both of those roles. When you stick to and you see the results, same focus becomes a lot easier. Once you see the results, whatever your results are, generally it’s revenue and profit. But it could be, you know, freedom of schedule, it could be, you know, passing the business object, whatever, whatever your objectives are, once you start seeing the results, it becomes a lot easier. But for a while there, it’s really hard. And true visionaries. I don’t think it ever I don’t ever think it goes away.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  26:05

But what it has done, if I’m if I’m hearing you right, though, is it’s actually given you now the freedom to go off and do other things outside of just being the visionary within the organization. Hey, where did you find your integrator out of interest in how I found

Corey Lawson  26:18

my integrator. So we had a local recruiter in St. Louis, that was helping us fill positions, marketing sales positions that we needed to. And she, she, we spent a lot of time together. And she said, I have a I have a friend that I think you should meet is a great like, tell me about her. And so the long story of it is was she you know, she was more accomplished than most people that we were looking for. We weren’t even looking to hire her. But this this recruiter that knew me well, and knew her well said, I think you guys would make a good pair. And she was familiar with the EOS model. And so we met just informally. And we, we spent the better part of the year. But once a month, we will get together and talk and you know, she’ll she will tell you that, you know, one of the first conversations I had with her was, I don’t have a role for you, and nor can I afford you. So I’m not really sure why we’re talking but Kelly told us that we should talk. So here we are, let’s have some coffee. And and that was a long, you know, it was a long process to realize that she while she was in it, I wasn’t looking for an integrator, so to speak, I was actually looking for an adult because I we again like that this was back when most of our staff was in their late 20s that could help me manage the business helped my sister and I manage the business. And what I realized was this person is classically an integrator. And so before we got serious about us, we took the the rocket fuel assessment, and we realize that we both tested you know that the equilibrium of ourselves were really skewed towards an integrator and a visionary. So it wasn’t been a happenstance. We have used other, you know, companies recruiting firms that specialize in finding integrators or finding, you know, finding people with the fill in the Eos model, which all highly recommended. But for us, we were very lucky that she kind of was introduced us and entered into our life right when we were starting that journey.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  28:28

So just for the listeners who don’t know, so the rocket fuel test is a very quick online test that actually helps you to understand whether you’re more likely to be on the visionary side or the integrator side. And as we know, if you can find a visionary and integrator who work together well, that’s the perfect combination for taking your business forward. Right.

Corey Lawson  28:46

It really is. And I railed against that for a long time, because integrators generally. I’m lucky enough to be very good friends, and I enjoy working with our integrator, but that doesn’t, that’s not always case. We certainly are not anything like each other. But they’re expensive, and they’re hard to find. And so they’re making that commitment is really tough. But I’m just you know, one of the reasons I feel it’s important that I enter into the US community as a coach is because I’m still living and breathing this stuff every day. And I really can’t speak to the value of spending more money than you feel like you have maybe even creating physician that you don’t even know exist. But people, especially visionaries that want to make this work, not having somebody that can execute the business plan down to, you know, your daily cadence of an L 10. is really the missing link to a lot of the stuff.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:45

Fantastic. Hey, look, we’re running short of time. It was good to go so quickly when I’m having these conversations. So I’d like to thank you for sharing all of that. Just in terms of tips and tools for the listeners we like to give them three things they can take away, could be something that you’ve done yourself or something for your business. What would you like to offer?

Corey Lawson  30:03

Couple things that I would say, first and foremost would be, either find a system that you can use to operate your business or create one of your own. And don’t deviate, spend the time and the energy to find the right one, even if it’s not an EOS, or anything that’s already been published. You know, if you read the book, it’s really not rocket science. It’s really about so if you’re, if you can build your own system out of cobbling together, the best of everything, the key is finding something and sticking to it. For us, it was us many others, it is different, different business operating systems. And some of the most successful people I know that are in my EO forum, or just, you know, just other counterparts, they don’t run on any operating system, they just have built their own, but they’re disciplined enough to use it. So my first might make my plea for any business owner that wants to wants to find some peace and some profits and purpose in their business is find that system, whatever that looks like, like commit to finance system. The second thing that I would say, like that we talk all the time about is we say stop playing store. So when I say this, I mean, stop going through the motions, like Stop saying you’re gonna do something, and then do the exact opposite, like, lean into the hard stuff, you know, everybody knows what we what you need to do. We’re just all scared all of us all the time. And so the that is really kind of taken on a life of sound, we say just stop playing store, like lean into the tough stuff. And do what we know is right for the business. And the last one is just get help. You know, for us, you know, I joined EO, which is, you know, other business owners, and I’m part of a forum that I really enjoy and appreciate. And then we hired an implementer. And again, like they’re super expensive. But getting help, whatever that looks like. So if that’s a coach, if that’s a professional organization, many times like we’re on an island, and our co workers, even our families, they just they don’t get it. And so finding that support, whether that’s personal professional, a combination of both, has just paid paid really big dividends. For me, our business and my family personally.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  32:17

Yeah, that’s fantastic. Okay, that’s great. So you’re gonna become an implementer. Very soon, if people want to talk to you about your journey and want to come on board with you, how would they get hold of you? Where would they find you, Cory?

Corey Lawson  32:29

Well, I’m gonna be honest, my social, my social game is pretty weak right now. But I am on LinkedIn, you can just, you know, search Cory Lawson. But really the best way to reach me right now, it’s just my, my email address. And that’s just Corey – C-O-R-E-Y at Those all come to me. So I hope that you’re going to ask me that question in about six or eight months, and I will have a website and I will have all kinds of other ways. But right now, that’s just part of my transition. It’s also just being really self aware of where I’m at is, you know, this business and brand building process. So that’s why you either just go to our website, all fill out a form, it’ll get to me, or you can email me and I’ll get back to you within one business day.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  33:10

Oh, that’s fantastic. Thank you so much for that. Hey, well, again, congratulations on the best year ever last year. Congratulations on becoming an EOS implementer. I look forward to catching up with you in the community as soon as we’re allowed to travel again.

Corey Lawson  33:23

Likewise, thanks for having me. I appreciate and thanks for doing what you do for the community. It’s awesome.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  33:26

When you appreciate Thank you very much. Thanks again for joining us on better business better life with me your host Debra Chantry-Taylor. If you enjoy what you heard, then please subscribe to this podcast. And let us help you to get what you want out of business in life. Each week we release a new short episode which will give a success story and three takeouts to put into action immediately. These will help you take your business from good to great. The podcast is also supported by free resources, templates and useful tools, which you can find at Debra Chantry-Taylor dot com. I am a trained entrepreneur leadership and business coach, a professional EOS implementer and an established business owner myself. I work with established businesses to help them get what they want. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to have a chat about how I might be to help you. Or if you’d like to join me as a guest on this podcast. Thanks again to NZ audio editors for producing this podcast. See you on the next episode.

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer Profile Photo

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer

EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach

Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.

As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.

Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.

Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.

Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.

As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More