Emily is the owner of SideMark, which she started 7 years ago. In this episode, she shares with us what being a growth junkie really is and how she has created a multi-faceted career, as co-owner of the business, a Professional EOS Coach and Business Coach, a published Author and a peer-group facilitator, as well as enjoying a full life outside of business. Emily shares her journey to bring EOS into the business and how it changed not only the business but her life too.
Emily is the owner of SideMark, which she started 7 years ago. It is a highly successful company & she puts its success down to implementing EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System) into the business.
Apart from the successful business, Emily is living her dream career life which she has crafted intentionally over time.
She has just recently written a. book called Growth Junkies Unite – A Simple Guide to Invigorate your Journey.
In this episode, she shares with us what being a growth junkie really is & how she has created a multi-faceted career, as co-owner of the business, a Professional EOS Coach & Business Coach, a published Author & a peer-group facilitator, as well as enjoying a full life outside of business.
After implementing EOS to help them run their business 5 years ago and seeing tremendous success, Emily launched her EOS coaching practice to help other entrepreneurs and leadership teams get more of what they want from their business.
She describes herself as the poster girl for EOS as she has run a business without EOS & with EOS. And she wishes she had found it earlier.
"When I first got into entrepreneurship, I didn't know what I was doing. It's not like I went to school and learn how to run a business. And at the time, I found this business was in need of a turnaround situation, it was a $13 million office furniture dealership down in the southwest part of the United States. And it was just so much fun to dig into. And yet I could have done it better now that I know what I know, it would have been easier and faster. And so when I moved into the opportunity to buy in as third owner of a $15 million office furniture dealership, my two partners and I quickly realized that we really wanted to come together and figure out our vision for where we wanted to take the company. And so luckily, at that time, I was a part of a peer group. And in that group, I heard about EOS, which is the entrepreneurial operating system. It's a way of operating and running a business more effectively and efficiently so that you can get more out of the business and actually enjoy the business more."
Emily shares her journey to bring EOS into the business & how it changed not only the business but her life too.
For Emily's 3 tips & her book, head to our website - https://www.debrachantry-taylor.com/podcast
Debra Chantry-Taylor
Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner
#betterbusinessbetterlife #entrepreneur #leadership #eosimplementer
Professional EOS Implementer NZ
Professional EOS Implementer Australia
Professional EOS Implementer New Zealand
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Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.
She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.
Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:
She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.
Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.
Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.
Find out more here - https://www.eosworldwide.com/debra-chantry-taylor
Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:12
Welcome to another episode of Better Business, Better Life. I’m your host, Debra Chantry-Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want at a business and life. On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want, not only out of your business, but also your life. So welcome to another edition of better business better life. today. I am really thrilled to be here with Emily ransom, who is based in the San Francisco Bay Area over in the US. And Emily is not only a professional EOS implementer, but she has actually used EOS in her businesses, and also run businesses that using Eos. So she’s got this great knowledge of how to use as in a business and how to, we’re going to about pivoting a business as well. So welcome, Emily. Lovely to have you. Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you, Debra. I’m really looking forward to hearing your story. So what I’d like to do Emily’s just start off, could you give us a little bit of a background about your story. And within that give us a professional personal success as well?
Emily Ransone 01:31
Sure. I think the easiest way to sum it up is these days, I’m enjoying a very multifaceted career, I like to say, and it’s because I’m living kind of my dream career life, if you will, and I’ve crafted it intentionally over time. And so the first facet of that is business related. So I co own a furniture business enterprise. And I can share more about that in a moment. And then I’m also a professional business coach. And then I’m also a published author, a little known fact.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 02:03
Yeah, I don’t know that. Yeah. Uh huh.
Emily Ransone 02:05
And I also facilitate a monthly peer group, helping business owners and leaders kind of sort through their biggest challenges. And so it’s, it’s a lot of fun. These days, I’m having a lot of fun. And I couldn’t do that if I weren’t living what we call the EOS life. So if you’d like me to dive into that, I’m happy to
Debra Chantry-Taylor 02:24
Yeah, please tell us a bit more about you know what that looks like for you. Yeah,
Emily Ransone 02:27
so you mentioned this in the intro. And I appreciate that I’ve run a business without Eos. And I’ve run a business with Eos. Now, let me explain what that means. When I first got into entrepreneurship, I didn’t know what I was doing. It’s not like I went to school and learn how to run a business. And at the time, I found this business was in need of a turnaround situation, it was a $13 million office furniture dealership down in the southwest part of the United States. And it was just so much fun to dig into. And yet I could have done it better now that I know what I know, it would have been easier and faster. And so when I moved into the opportunity to buy in as third owner of a $15 million office furniture dealership, my two partners and I quickly realized that we really wanted to come together and figure out our vision for where we wanted to take the company. And so luckily, at that time, I was a part of a peer group. And in that group, I heard about EOS, which is the entrepreneurial operating system. It’s a way of operating and running a business more effectively and efficiently so that you can get more out of the business and actually enjoy the business more. And so we quickly adopted the tools and principles embarked on the Eos journey. And within two short years, we were looking for ways to burn cash. I’m not kidding, it was actually really fun. We were taking really fun executive retreats to places like to loom and that was the Lucas in Fiji. And then we started to be self funded to startups to the tune of 2 million million dollars each. Not kidding. And so the first one is on ice, the second one is off the ground. We have liftoff we’re super excited. And quite literally, we couldn’t have been changing our business model from a standard kind of outdated boring office furniture dealership model to this new direct to consumer business model. If we weren’t operating with a common language, a common set of tools, a common vision. And so it really helped us be able to fly the plane. Yep, and change the make and model of the plane while we were flying. That’s how I can best describe it to you. And so now our business is about taking all the inefficiencies out of our sector of the commercial real estate industry. And so what we do is we act as kind of the, the the manufacturer so the maker of the products all the way through to the delivery and service and warehousing Before it was like, you’d go see one entity for this, and then hopefully they would work with this entity for that. And so it was, it was a lot of cooks in the kitchen. Yes, and a lot of extra time and a lot of extra money. And so now we sourced stuff directly, kind of like what you find in the mattress industry. It’s called a direct to consumer business model, it used to be that you would go to the mattress store, you know, you just buy your mattress online or think about Warby Parker, they upset the glasses industry in the same way or a way luggage, there’s so many now that are really relevant in the retail sector. And so we’re just bringing that same model over to the business sector, and it has just been so much fun. So we, we save clients time, because our products are in stock. And then we save the money because we’re their source, right? It’s the whole source. And so we save them up to 30 or 40%. And so that’s been really fun. And quite literally, again, we couldn’t be doing what we did over the past several years, especially during a pandemic, yes, that would sink most startups couldn’t have done it if we weren’t running on Eos. And so I jokingly say, I’m the poster child of Eos. But it’s kind of true. I think you also Yeah, you know, I followed my my passion and became a professional EOS implementer a couple years ago. And now I’ve carved out day to day operational time from the Magnus which is our direct to consumer startup, so that I can focus on other things that I truly enjoy. So I sit on the board of, of two nonprofit entities and then also am a business coach actually teaching these tools and principles to other business leaders and owners. And it’s I just light up at the end of a session day, I’m so electrified. And I kind of wonder like, what’s what’s in my water. But no, it’s so true, I just get so excited for seeing what is possible for these clients, and what they’re capable of. And I can almost see two to three steps ahead where they’re heading. And I kind of joke because it’s like the US gods are smiling down on you. It’s true that they start to to embody and bring things into their business that they never thought possible. And so it’s just it’s been so rewarding for me, it just really has. And you know, part of that journey was writing my book growth junkies unite. And it’s because you know, we all go through this cycle, in our career in our lives, where we need something to kind of reinvigorate whether you’re early in your journey. And you’re kind of learning some of these tools, or you’re later in your journey, and you’re kind of burnt out. So I jokingly say this as a simple it can because it is a guide to invigorate your journey. It’s quite literally because it’s this is me, it’s full of bullet points and factoids, and you know, it’s a quick read, I mean, you can literally read this in 20 to 30 minutes, but it’s got a jam packed full of great nuggets. And it’s meant to, to get someone ready to dive back in, you know, to engage in that, that hunger for growth, because in my mind, you’re, you’re at two ends of the stick, you’re either growing or dying. And, you know, I’d rather be at that growth end of that stick. So um, yeah. So that’s kind of my little nugget that I guess I would share is to always be striving for that growth, right. And I think that’s why you know, us is just such a great fit for me, because I’m always looking for ways to grow and improve so
Debra Chantry-Taylor 08:24
perfect out there. But it’s, it’s interesting, isn’t it? Because, you know, we get taught in universities and things that there’s this classic kind of growth curve that just goes with a hockey stick. And and this isn’t like that, right? We all know that there are points that the business gets to where it hits the ceiling, and just can’t seem to get past that. What would you say? Are those are the hitting the ceiling moments in your business? Before you kind of brought EOS into it?
Emily Ransone 08:47
Yeah, I think, you know, we were the biggest this was an office furniture dealer that that was kind of well known in the San Francisco Bay Area, and frankly, up and down the West Coast, had all these awards and accolades. And I gotta be honest with you, before I came into the picture, zero profit dollars to show for it. And so we knew you really needed to retrench and retool. Yep. And so because of that, you know, we didn’t want to lose the flavor, the essence of of what sidebar had embodied. You know, we’re proud of that. And yet, we knew we wanted to do something more innovative. This side of our commercial real estate industry is just stale. there’s been very little innovation. And so, you know, this is our attempt to shake things up and basically say, you know what, we can do better? Yeah. So people are starting to sit up and take notice, it’s been really rewarding and really fun.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 09:38
So is there a particular tool in EOS is kind of the hero tool for you?
Emily Ransone 09:44
Yeah, I think there’s a few on the personal level. So one is the delegate and elevate tool. And, you know, early in your journey, that’s not possible because capacity, your time capacity is a huge issue. You know, you’re just trying to stay afloat. You feel like that hamster on the train. That just can’t get off. Yep. As you get into your journey with EOS using the tools and principles, the thing that will happen is this this magical ability to start to understand how to better delegate, in order for you to be able to do what you love to do and are best at which gives you energy, right? you end your day feeling excited about what you’re doing, rather than depleted, which then starts to lead the stress, which starts to lead to illness, etc, etc. And so that was a big one for me was really finding that sweet spot. And some of that is learning what to say no to Shawn. So the on the macro side, on the business side, the team side for Magnus, it’s really that vision traction organizer, which is a two page strat planning document that is so powerful, yet so simple and effective. And it’s because it keeps it grounds us It keeps us on the same page, it keeps us all ignited funneled in that same direction, and crystal clear on our top priorities. And so with a, literally a two page document, something powerful and profound happens. It’s the compound effect, or is the force magnifier, you’re getting not just one or two people that might have this vision in their head, you’re getting all these people in your organization fired up and excited. And the the capacity to make that happen then is taken off the the owner shoulders, right or the business, the leadership team shoulders, and it makes it so that you have kind of this common galvanizing energy that moves you forward. And it’s almost like a force takes over. Or you know, in the example that you hear so often it’s the flywheel once you get the the actual wheel spinning, you know, the momentum will start to carry itself. It’s just like that. So that vision traction organizer was really profound for us making that change from from a different business model to the direct to consumer model.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 12:00
Perfect. And you’ve talked about obviously running a business without Eos. Would you say that you actually had a plan back in those days? Where did people know what you were trying to do? Like? I guess I’m trying to understand the difference between where you were when you weren’t using EOS and what EOS then did for sure.
Emily Ransone 12:16
You know, I think I luckily, the the president owner, this is a family on business in the southwest, was incredibly savvy ran a very sound business. And so I could learn drafting off of that strategic planning element that he would have us as the leadership team do. And so that was very helpful. And then on top of that, you know, I think because we had a good team in place already, I always say, if you can focus on getting the right people, the rest of stuff just really starts to take care of itself, all those those issues that nagging at you will start to get easier over time. If you have the right people. If you don’t, then everything’s magnified times 10. And it’s just gonna take you longer, and it’s gonna feel like you’re pushing that boulder uphill. And so because of those two elements, I feel like I was fortunate. And really, you know, it was just taking the business from the vision of the previous General Manager, you have to where I saw it needed to go and working through some kinks or bugs along the way. And luckily, you know, I kind of had some some of my own tools at the time in terms of how to make sure that I was getting the team focused and headed in the right direction. I just didn’t have an easy two page document to warehouse it. Right. Yeah. So you know, that’s really the difference is that it could have been much more simplified and more effective if I would have had those tools. Yeah, so really, that’s the difference.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 13:51
I must, I must agree. I mean, I’ve spent 25 years running businesses, for other people and in my own businesses. And I also coach for 10 years before I even took on board Eos. And a lot of the stuff was using tools that I’d come across things I intuitively did, what I loved about EOS, when I came across, it was just the simplicity. And the framework that just makes the video is an absolute, you know, Dream tool to work with. But all of the tools are all just really, really simple but structured, which gives you the framework.
Emily Ransone 14:22
Yeah, the thing I love is that it’s packaged in a way that you don’t have to think about it. Yeah. And if you have a great coach that takes you through it step by step, they have the the the, the, the weight on their shoulders to make sure that you’re learning what you need when you need it. You don’t have to think about that. You just start plugging in and running your business. The the issue with with out EOS was that I was trying to find these tools on my own. I was trying to learn them while I was running the business, which Who has time for that? Yeah, you know, it was just it felt like I didn’t know what I was doing. And so I was just grabbing it everything. And so, for a team, what that feels like is is Oh, well, Emily’s just gonna bring us the workshop does your right, hold on long enough, it’ll go away. That was that was one of the things that I really appreciated with this was, you know, a just a completely packaged set of tools. And it is a journey that if I just plugged in, it would start to take care of itself. Yeah, you got to do the work because it’s like building a muscle. It’s like training for a triathlon. Because you know, if you’ve, if you’ve never done those three sports in tandem, you know, it can be you’re using all these different muscle groups. It’s the same with adopting something like this, you know, whether you’re you’re building a true iOS operating system, or a business operating system, you’re having to learn a whole new set of principles and tools. And so, you know, it still takes time and effort. And yet, it also can be fun, and much easier, especially with the right, coach.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 16:00
I completely agree. There, Deborah, thank you for that. Appreciate it. Ya know, it’s interesting, because when I was gm of so a reasonably large organization, like for New Zealand, tiny for the US, but we had 220 staff, and I was GM there, and I decided that I needed some tools I went did my MBA. And to be honest, in hindsight, I probably wouldn’t do it again, because I actually found that none of it was actually really useful when it came to running the business. So I mean, it was wonderful. Those are the things that you learnt. And yeah, I wouldn’t, I won’t regret it. But I probably wouldn’t do it again, if I had a chance, because I just felt it didn’t really add to the running of the business. And there was it was just a little bit too. What’s the right word? I bet academic, I suppose in terms of Yeah, right. Yeah. I always say go get your real life MBA. I mean,
Emily Ransone 16:48
there’s so much in terms of resources now that are free, yes. If you can kind of figure out where and how to plug in, in a way that kind of streams streamlines it right, you because when you Google something like growth or culture, like the big wide open things are right, you’re gonna get a million hits, right. So you got to know where to funnel that in. But the same time it’s out there readily available for you. Yeah, I like I like what you’re saying, because I always say that to get your real life MBA.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 17:18
No, I completely agree. And I think that the one thing I loved about EOS, so I actually came across, because I launched into New Zealand using my event space. And I didn’t actually get to the presentation, but I got left a copy of the books that get a grip and traction. And I just read it and I went, Oh my gosh, is like my entire 50 years of my life has now been packaged down into two books, make it really easy to explain what it is that I do. But what I also love is that, you know, we have this amazing community. So that was, you know, three or 400 of us around the world that we can actually tap into. So it’s not as if you’re only working with one person, as your coach, you are literally having access to that entire community of people who are doing it. And the top, you know, the stuff that EOS worldwide provides us with to actually support our clients. It’s just fantastic.
Emily Ransone 18:00
It’s worldclass. 100%.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 18:03
I agree. Yeah. Okay. So in terms of tips for people who are perhaps feeling like they’re a little bit stuck, you know, we’ve had a really tough year with COVID. We’ve had a lot of things going on. Maybe they feel like they’ve they’ve just stopped growing and they want to get reinvigorated. What would you recommend they do to start that process?
Emily Ransone 18:21
Yeah, so three quick hits, which we’ve already kind of been hitting on them. So this should just all fall in line? Yeah. The first is I give a workshop that’s really popular right now called drop the ball. And I think it’s because we all struggle with what we can say no to these days, especially post COVID where no one no one wrote the rulebook, right? For the past year and a half to two years, there’s been no, no guidebook for any of us. And so it’s been like, you know, kind of making it up as we go along, or as I was describing earlier, kind of flying the plane and also, you know, making sure that you’re not having to fly it with duct tape and baling wire, right. So I feel like that one is huge figuring out what you can say no to. And so some of these, these tools that we just talked about, like the delegate and elevate tool is a great one. Yeah, there’s several of these. But I feel like that’s an important thing to start figuring out is what you can say no to so develop some filters. And I think the vision traction organizer, it doesn’t just have to be for business, you can make a personal two page strat plan for your career. And if you do that, you’re going to figure out what to say no to a lot easier. So that’s the first one the second one you can
Debra Chantry-Taylor 19:38
also use it for your family life too. Sorry to interrupt, but I you know, there’s a lot of EOS guys that are actually using it for their family life because again, it just gives such a huge clarity around what is important, and then it makes those decisions a hell of a lot easier. So you can actually say hell yes or hell no, I suppose Well, I’m not quite sure.
Emily Ransone 19:54
Well, that’s a great point, because I’ve heard this phrase before. If it’s not a hell yes, then it’s probably an no orso. That’s a great point you make there. The second one, I love to say is develop your superpower. And in my mind, your superpower is learning emotional intelligence. And the first thing about emotional intelligence is self awareness. The second part of this equation is awareness of others. And that means really learning to harness the ability to read a room, read body language, read the situation, and start to think about things not just from your vantage point, but from others. So another workshop that I lead is called Social Styles, literally leveraging your superpower, because it is the quintessential thing in communication amongst teams. That goes awry. I’ll give you a quick example. On my team, we have multifunctional cross functional teams, right? So you’ve got an account manager, that’s client facing the one that wants to get the client to the Yes, and is making all these promises, then you’ve got you know, the customer service person who’s like the one to kind of the wizard behind the curtain making things happen, you’ve got a designer that wants to kind of tell you if you can, or can’t per regulations and code, and then you’ve got a project manager that’s making sure the service end is happening. Well, these people are coming from different sides, and they have different communication styles. So if you have a driver that’s talking to an amiable, they’re gonna rub each other the wrong way, time and again. So this workshop really gives you the tools to be able to start to learn is situationally how to see these things in advance, and how to be able to have these conversations. So you can both get what you need out of that dialogue, right? I mean, it’s getting both of you to the ‘Yes’. It doesn’t have to be win or lose, it can be win-win. And so figuring out how to get there with these tools. And then the third thing that I would suggest is what we’ve been talking about, which is get your real life MBA, yeah, be hungry, be hungry for it, you know, it’s out there. And so if you have a personal VTL, like what we’ve been saying a personal plan, yep, for your career, for your life, the things that are most important to you, then you can start to funnel into how to get those tools and resources that you need. And a lot of that stuff is available online for free. And if it’s not free, it’s pretty darn inexpensive these days. Yeah. And so you don’t have to necessarily go back to school. I’m not I’m not saying don’t go back to school, if that’s the right thing for you do what you need to do. I’m just saying there’s so much available out there. And so have the hunger to go go out there and get it. I’m self taught. Yeah, I am. I am self taught. And I feel no shame in that. No shame at all. And so one of the things with my book, the growth junkie, tonight book, I provide actually the toolkit, all of my source material. Okay, I literally provided as a free toolkit, because I want people to have like my top 10 Ted TED Talks, I want them to know where I sourced everything. Because that’s what I did, right? Yes, start to crawl through all the mountains of information into the best of this stuff that really serve you well, I think grab on to those, right. So get your real life MBA. So those are my top three,
Debra Chantry-Taylor 23:07
literally, I actually do something similar. I have a weekly newsletter that I send out, I just curate three things each week that I’ve kind of come across that are my favorite TED talk on my favorite tool. And, and just because there is so much stuff out there, and it is overwhelming at times to go, you know, well, what should I be doing? What should I be listening to, hey, there’s the new rocket fuel university had that I saw EOS have actually launched to them in the last couple of weeks, which is really great for that whole visionary integrator relationship, and to sort of learn more about how that works. So there’s just so much stuff, as you said, that is free that you can, you can get great advice from and, and peer support, because I think you mentioned at the beginning, you know, having peer groups can be really important in terms of being able to share openly and honestly, within a you know, a different environment as opposed to your own team. Oh, I
Emily Ransone 23:53
highly recommend that get your board of advisors, get your board of directors, your personal Board of Directors is what I’m talking about. Yes. Because you know, you don’t have to go spend 1000s and join a peer group, if you don’t want to, you can build your own group out of you know, the people that you can help and that that you that you need. And that kind of comes back to the you know, now that the tips are coming full circle, knowing what ball to drop, you know, again, there’s such mountains of information out there such wealth of opportunity, and how do you know how to navigate that and filter it right down to the best view? And in my mind, you can’t do that unless you’ve got kind of a personal plan. And some of these decision making group governors literally these decision gates that give you that yes, no, you know, kind of project flow, if
Debra Chantry-Taylor 24:45
you will. Yeah. And so you know, just to kind of tie this up with a bow. Those three kind of go all hand in hand really, completely agree. Hey, sounds like your book is a great tool to get started on this journey. Where would we find that? Where would the listeners find your book
Emily Ransone 24:59
Growth Junkies Unite calm. And if people want to reach out, I do have a VIP code. So you can get half off if you come through me and I do ship internationally, go happy to do that. And I also have the free PDF too. So if somebody wants it that way, I’m happy to send that happy to send the free toolkit if they just want that as well.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 25:18
Cool. So what we’ll do is I’ll grab that information from you afterwards. And I publish that on the site where the podcast perfect. And in terms of working with you, I mean, again, plugging ourselves I know, it’s so sounds great. But it’s true. I mean, I know that personally, I actually also have a coach, right, because I think that you need someone to actually better see things from the outside in. And that’s really important. And while there’s a lot of stuff that you can do that you can sell them from, it’s great. I really think that accountability, and having somebody the coach that looks in from the outside is really important. So I can see your passion. I’m at your your clients must love working with you. What’s your kind of ideal client from an EOS perspective? And how would they get hold of you?
Emily Ransone 25:57
Yeah, definitely, I’m not afraid of change and growth, you know, they’ve got to be hungry, you’ve got to be willing to kind of look at what they’re doing that’s contributing to what’s working, but also what’s not working, like celebrate what got you to hear, but let’s realize together that that’s not going to get you to where you want to go, right. You’ve got to evolve, you’ve got to grow or die. Frankly, it’s two ends of that stick, like I said, and so really, I’m looking for that kind of, you know, I want to make sure that the Mojo of the leadership team is really going to have the courage and bravery to look at themselves look at each other and and be able to do what needs to happen to build that muscle that we talked about. So yeah, that’s that’s the right Mojo fit for me for sure.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 26:42
Perfect. I’m just gonna call Pixies was down my throat wrong way. Anyway, bless you. Thank you. And so how do they get in contact with you in times? How do they get in contact with you if they’d like to work with you, Emily?
Emily Ransone 26:55
Sure. So my email is emily.ransone and those are both N as in Nancy. So emily.ransone @eosworldwide.com.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 27:11
You go. Wonderful. Hey, look, it’s been an absolute pleasure to talk to you. I didn’t realize your story. So it’s just so nice to actually have a chance to hear that and, and also feel your passion. I mean, that’s kind of part of the thing I love about the whole EOS community is that we’re all business owners, we’ve all been there, done that got the T shirt, and we’re passionate about helping other people get to that same place. So I love I always love talking to other EOS implementers and other business owners.
Emily Ransone 27:37
I’m forever grateful to my EOS implementer I really am. There weren’t any in the Bay Area and at the time, and we we brought her up from LA and she was the one that encouraged me to become a professional us implementer and I’m forever grateful because I’m truly living what we talked about in terms of that us life. I really feel so grateful. So thank you, Deborah, this has been so
Debra Chantry-Taylor 27:56
fun. And it has been a lot of fun. Thank you so much for giving me the time. I know it’s a different time zone where you are. So thanks for you know, taking time out in the middle of day. I really appreciate it and I look forward to seeing you again soon. Okay, sounds good. Thanks. Okay. Thanks very much. Thanks again for joining us some better business better life with me Your host Debra Chantry-Taylor. If you enjoyed what you heard, then please subscribe to this podcast. And let us help you to get what you want out of business in life. Each week we release a new short episode which will give us success story and three takeouts to put into action immediately. These will help you take your business from good to great. The podcast is also supported by free resources, templates and useful tools, which you can find at DebraChantry-Taylor.com. I am a trained entrepreneur leadership and business coach, a professional EOS implementer and an established business owner myself. I work with established businesses to help them get what they want. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to have a chat about how I might be to help you. Or if you’d like to join me as a guest on this podcast. Thanks again to end audio editors for producing this podcast. See you on the next episode.
EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach
Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.
As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.
Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.
Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.
Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.
As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More
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