Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor

Scott Trevethan

Scott Trevethan Profile Photo


Hi, I'm Scott Trevethan. Founder and Managing Director of Financial Fanatics.

I am passionate about helping Small and Medium sized business owners in Australia with their bookkeeping!

How can anybody be passionate about bookkeeping?

I know how to turn your underperforming business into a profit and cash making machine! I'm not passionate about what we do, but what it does for our clients! How it turns their lives around. Killing debt, taking home profits (not just paper profits). Upgrading holidays. Paying for School Fees. Not working for your employees or the ATO, but working because it pays you MORE than you could earn somewhere else.

Of course the big upshot of this is that you can spend LESS time at your business (if you want) AND when you are ready to sell (yes SELL) get much more than you ever dreamed. Dare to dream!

Sept. 19, 2022

Outsourcing To The Third World

Scott Trevethan is the Founder and Managing Director of Financial Fanatics. In this episode, you'll learn how to use EOS to grow through the tough times.

Episode page