Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor

Verity Craft

Verity Craft Profile Photo

Thought Leadership Specialist

Verity Craft loves nothing more than helping purpose-driven experts become thought leaders so they can have greater impact and create the business and life they want.

Together with Christina Wedgwood, she’s built Intelligent Ink into the foremost experts on thought leadership in New Zealand, helping clients develop their own unique positioning, write their books, and take a strategic approach to building thought leadership.

Using proven thought leadership frameworks and engaging content, Verity's clients are able to take their ideas to the next level, then communicate those ideas in a powerful way that establishes them as thought leaders.

Feb. 7, 2021

EXPERT SPOTLIGHT - Better thinking for a better business: How to become a true authority through thought leadership with Verity Craft - Episode 5 of Better Business, Better Life!

Verity Craft is an entrepreneur, writer, consultant, speaker (and musical theatre nerd!) based in Auckland, New Zealand. Together with founder Christina Wedgwood, she’s built content agency Intelligent Ink into the experts on thought leadership content in New Zealand. In this podcast, Verity talks …