Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor
Jan. 23, 2023


Tracey-lee Kellet, the General Manager of the Move Academy and a change specialist. Listen to this episode to be exposed on the shocking truth about what's killing you.

Are you aware of the shocking truth about what's killing you? The hidden dangers lurking in your food and lifestyle choices, carefully concealed by the industries that profit from them. But fear not, for in this episode, we have secured a top health expert, to expose these secrets and arm you with the knowledge to take control of your health and life.

Tracey-lee Kellet, the General Manager of the Move Academy, is here to reveal the insidious practices that threaten your well-being. Her extensive experience and knowledge in the health, wellness, and fitness industry, as well as her dedication to helping others in their journey towards health and wellness, make her a valuable asset in this fight.



Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner

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Debra Chantry | Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Operating System | Leadership Coach  | Family Business AdvisorDebra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.

She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.

Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:

  • Doing what you love
  • With people you love
  • Making a huge difference in the world
  • Bing compensated appropriately
  • With time for other passions

She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.

Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.

Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.

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Tracy-lee Kellett  00:00

I was pushing it thinking I must never let this happen again, you know? Yeah. And since then, yeah, I’ve had some amazing jobs. I’ve changed some habits permanently. I love life and celebrate life every day, I’ve created and sold a flourishing business. And I have a wonderful position in the health industry.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:22

So Good Morning, and Welcome to another episode of Better Business, Better Life. Today, I am joined by my very good friend, Tracy-lee Kellett, who is a change specialist. She’s the GM of Move Academy in New Zealand and Australia. And she also works a limited number of leaders to create good habits. Welcome to the show, Tracy.

Tracy-lee Kellett  00:38

Thank you, Debra, nice to be here.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:40

It’s great to have you. And I’m obviously I know a fair bit about your story. And you’ve worked you know, over your career, you’ve done a lot of work with big companies in the media industry, you’ve run your own businesses, you’re now GM of a reasonably sized organization throughout Australia and New Zealand, but you’re also trained as a personal trainer, you’ve got some psychology qualifications and LP a whole range of things. So tell me a little about your history. And, and, yeah, a bit about Tracy.

Tracy-lee Kellett  01:04

Well, I mean, I was a bit lucky as a youth, I flew through school, I never studied and I got A’s, I’d play a sport, I’d excel. And I just took everything for granted and kind of didn’t look down my nose, but didn’t understand people who say put on weight or got into bad habits. Well, fast forward, a divorce and not looking after myself not looking after my soul mentally and spiritually. And I was in a place where I was drinking too much making bad habits. And I guess my low point was riding an electric bike because I didn’t have a license for a year. And the battery ran out, and I got lost. And it was winter dark and raining. And I was pushing an old electric bike past Patty Murray prison. And so I was pushing it thinking I must never let this happen again, you know? Yeah. And since then, yeah, I’ve had some amazing jobs. I’ve changed some habits permanently. I love life and celebrate life every day. I’ve created and sold a flourishing business. And I yeah, have a wonderful position in the health industry.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  02:05

Yes, it doesn’t about move Academy, because I don’t actually know much about what it does. So why don’t you give us a bit of an explanation about what move Academy is.

Tracy-lee Kellett  02:13

 So move Academy is a registered training organisation in Australia, which means they’re audited by the government. So the standards are very high. And we have a whole lot of courses in the health arena from a Vedic health through to Allied Health, which is assisting dieticians to aged care and a health coach, which incorporates personal training, health coaching, and business diploma papers. And we have a wellness coach, which has a an allied health element and an allied health means you’re not a nutritionist, but you can assist a nutritionist and you have those sorts of aspects. So very much. Our aim is to train 100 People next year, as health coaches, because over in Australia, people post COVID really need that.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  02:54

I think over here too, I mean, a COVID is has a massive effect on all of us, right? We’ve we’ve gone through or depending where you are in the world, but you’ve gone through several months, several years for some of us have lock downs and a lot of stress, a lot of change in terms what we do as well tell us what effect that’s had on people do you think,

Tracy-lee Kellett  03:10

Look at enormous. You’ve had couples stuck together that were coping, realize they didn’t like each other. You’ve had parents getting to know their children. I mean, the upside is I mean, we had 13 year old girls with false eyelashes and false nails. And I watch us on iPads, going to school buying sushi every day. And that’s just crazy. So some elements, sometimes some of the hard life back a bit, which was good. But the the results of stress on society as a whole is unyielding and enormous. Yeah, we’ve got something called surge mentality, stress mentality. So if there was a tsunami, in a village, people would die, people would be hurt, things would be destroyed. And the whole community would rally around, they’d be mourning, they’d be grief. They’d be shocked, there’d be trauma, the body would deal with it, people would rebuild. And then they would move on. I mean, they wouldn’t forget the past life with their loved ones, but they have a process to go through. With COVID, we still don’t really know what’s around the corner. I mean, look what’s happening in China right now they’re locked down again. So sued, stressed mentality is like a little tidal wave coming and nearly drowning you and coming again and nearly drowning you and coming again and nearly drowning you. And the effect that that’s having on our heart rates in our sleep as is through the roof. You’ve got children who get a cold, and they get terrified because they think they’re going to die.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  04:31

So it’s changed the way we kind of view everything as the husband has put us almost into a state of constant stress. Correct? Yeah. And I think you know, as business owners, entrepreneurs, we’re already in a state of stress a lot of the time because of the challenges of business. And this is just added to that. And I know, I know for a fact myself I’ve not been very good at sleeping recently. It’s there’s been a lot of stuff going on. So how does it affect us when we’re in that constant state of stress?

Tracy-lee Kellett  04:55

Well, we’re going to see heart attacks and strokes go through the roof. We’ll probably see. Probably see Dementia increase, the brain cannot withstand that kind of pressure. So sleep, our synapses shrink 20% When we sleep, so if you have a hideous sleep, you know, for longer than a week, or you get into that awful habit of waking at 11 8:11pm and 3am, as some people do, and waking up at 4am, and not being able to get back to sleep, there’s actually we call it we feel frazzled, but we actually have our synapses and neurons in our brain and our communication and our brain cells is not working properly with that level of interruption, right? There’s four stages of sleep out of alpha, alpha, beta, theta, and you know, the first day it is so when you first wake up in the morning is when your mind is at its most brilliant, you kind of half awake, you have that gorgeous 1015 20 minutes of peaceful awakening. Now, that’s when your brain is at its most creative. Now that’s the best time ever to walk, think colorin sit still. But instead, we grab our devices, and we traumatize ourselves. So we start our day with trauma and bathe. Yep. So that pattern then repeats all day, and then the brain starts to get addicted to it. So there’s going to be a lot of people addicted to bad news, a lot of people have just like, on high alert. So you know, back in the day when we were hunter gatherers, we often talk about people who live on the edge. And somebody asked me once what it was like living on the edge. And you know, if you’re living on the edge or taking up too much room, and someone said to me, why would I do a speech on getting out of your comfort zone, I said, Holy Moly, I’ve never been in one. But if you go back to your to the hunter gatherer days, we exercise and we exercise that stress off. Now stress releases cortisol, and as you know, the fight or flight and that cortisol comes into hard the squirrel fat, and it’s deep in our organs and surrounds our organs. So we might think that we’ve just got a little bit of a COVID tummy, you know, I put on the COVID team. But the damage it’s doing around our organs, if it sits there, and you don’t do anything about it for a long period of time. Now you look at somebody running a business, say between the ages of 40 and 60, who’s been through the stress of COVID. And, and they’re carrying a little bit of weight, because they’ve been you know, doing the wine and cheese and corn chips as well as too much wine. And so we’re actually self medicating and this whole advertising phenomenon about alcohol and different wines tastes like raspberry and asparagus and under notes and tones. It’s all actually complete bollocks. It’s all a marketing ploy. Alcohol is ethanol. And ethanol kills our brain cells. So if you look what alcohol does to your body, it dehydrates you. It kills your brain cells, and it destroys your sleep, you don’t get that quality REM. And yet, at the end of the day, it’s the cheapest thing to do when you’re stressed and tired. And it just seems to take the edge off the world.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  07:44

Well I also think for me personally, it became a habit. So when I got home from work, you know, you kind of change into your home closers the first and then you pour yourself a glass of wine. And that feels like the end of the day as they you feel like you’ve kind of cut off. And I actually replace it with non alcohol wine. And it was really funny, it made no difference. Because it was just a habit. And actually having a glass of something just meant it felt like it was the end of the day. But nevertheless, yeah, there was a time throughout COVID Where every single day I was drinking. I’d like to say one or two but often it was three or four. But at the end of the day, so yeah, it feels right. Yeah, it does feel good. Yeah, yeah. But it affects you. So yeah. So it’s going to create issues around the body, it’s going to also stop you from sleeping. As you said, sleep has a massive impact on how we feel.

Tracy-lee Kellett  08:29

Well the, chances of a lady in high street running a business between 40 and 60 has almost 50% more chance of getting breast cancer if she consumes alcohol regularly, right. So there’s an increase of 50% That’s, that’s huge means chances of heart attacks and strokes go through the roof because the heart is an organ and it’s a muscle. So alcohol stops a lot of protein synthesis. So if you go to the gym and do a big workout, then you drink, your muscles aren’t getting that that protein synthesis gain, they’re not getting that strength thing. They’re not keeping that elasticity yet we feel like we’ve worked out so we burned it right? I was just trying to think of any way to combine a protein shake protein powder

Debra Chantry-Taylor  09:16

But it’s not going to help because it’s still having the same itself some negative impact. Okay, so, but it’s probably unrealistic to expect a little bit stop drinking altogether. So what can you do without going to the absolute extreme? What things can you do to actually help to improve your sleep and to help improve those stress levels as cortisol levels?

Tracy-lee Kellett  09:34

So when I first look at someone, I can tell if they’re dehydrated, and if they’re putting themselves under stress by the elasticity of the skin under their eyes? Yes, by the glow, almost by the aura by their by their energy levels. And there are many things we can do now ginger, I love ginger, ginger and everything. You know, back in the old days they used to get a great big piece of ginger dig it up from the ground, bash it with a rock and drop it and everything they were cooking. That ginger really cleans out your liver and your kidneys. So if you have a lot of ginger and you’re cooking fresh raw ginger, eat it when you’re feeling nauseas it’s the most amazing product ginger and lemon together is absolutely amazing. So I often, and you don’t put boiling water on them because it kills the property. So I often have ginger and a slice of lemon with bitter cold water, and then I’ll put nearly boiling water or cold boiled water on it. So it’s nice and hot. And it’s the most amazing hot drink, add a pinch of tumeric and a tiny bit of honey and you’ve got the most amazing tonic. And if you drank that every night before you went to bed, that would just significantly improve your liver and your kidneys and your whole body’s nutrition system. In our bodies, We have 1000s and 1000s of microbiomes in our gut. And so that’s why we talk about gut health. It’s been scientifically proven because of my generic change plasticity program. As you know, it’s been scientifically proven that they fit your personality. So you know how you might see that stressed gruff businessman with a big tummy. And he’s kind of a little bit abrupt and a little bit short. What’s going on in his tummy under a microscope would be awful to look at. Yeah, okay, if he’s eating lots of white bread, drinking lots of beer, lots of heavy fried foods and lots of processed meats or processed meat is particularly bad for you talking about things like Salamis and sausages and all that yeah, here the Lakers him he is vegan. Everything you become addicted to because it’s salty and sweet. Yeah, yeah. So ginger lemon and honey. I can’t stress enough how I’ve changed people’s habits by them drinking that every night to the point where they’ve made a jug of iced tea with ginger lemon honey and a little bit of Tumeric not too much at nighttime because it it’s a bit like cayenne pepper it might speed metabolism up a bit. That really really helps we cannot drink enough water to we forget two to three liters of water a day. Just really nourish nourish yourself. Kemah miles and amazing her when you’re feeling stressed.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  11:57

Anyway, you can hide the taste of it. I really don’t like the taste to come and that’s quite bizarre isn’t it is Yeah. Honey? Maybe?

Tracy-lee Kellett  12:03

Yeah, you could put honey with I mean, honey is a sugar. Yep. So you don’t you wouldn’t have much. I don’t like it tasted. Yeah, you came by came a mile pills. Okay, Herbalife. Got a really good one. Yep. And you came by chemical tablets. Now I take two of those to sleep. So I went through a stage was drinking way too much making crazy decisions. Hence I ended up on an electric bike. But that had gone flat in the middle of a winter’s night in Coatesville. And so you know, I make these delicious drinks for myself like a slice of watermelon, sparkling water, a splash of lime, teaspoon of passionfruit pulp. So you just learned get become a master at making mocktails have iced tea in your fridge all of the time. That green tea and ginger in the morning is the very, very best thing you can have before your coffee, right? And a prebiotic and probiotic. So if somebody did nothing else, and they took a really good prebiotic, and a really good probiotic, just as they went to sleep, that’s going to work on all the bad flora and fauna in your gut.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  13:03

And that’s the best time isn’t it? Because the body’s actually doing all those things it needs to do. Yeah, correct.

Tracy-lee Kellett  13:08

Yeah. So if you go to eat something and you look at it, you can kind of look at it like, is this? Is this going to nourish me? Or is this going to attack me. So if you go into a cafe, nice, gorgeous cream, doughnut cutter, nicing Sugar and full of cream that’s going to attack me when I eat it. And I’m going to feel it. So it’s really about actually honoring yourself. Now with sleep post COVID I’ve done work with two or three leaders that weren’t sleeping had got into bad habits we’re drinking every night. The first thing we did was we created an evening ritual. Celebrate Now, you might be going through a really rough time. But your chances of getting through a really rough time are 100% right cuz you still here. Yeah. Yep, the most amazing thing a person can do is have a nighttime ceremony of thanks to themselves for five minutes. You can write a letter to yourself for the next day. You can sit down and do breathing. Now a really good clearing one is for breathing for for long seconds. Fill your lungs for for long seconds, hold, exhale for four seconds and stay empty for four seconds. Now if you do that five or six times, it actually has been proven to lower your heart rate. Meditations another one there’s fabulous apps like Carmen aura that will give you a guided meditation that bring your insight I love them. I’ll often put my my phone down on the floor out of sight out of mind, but I’ll let one of those run to get me to sleep. So an evening ritual, thank yourself for what you’ve done. There’s a world leading neuroscientist Chase Hughes who I love I follow him and I listen to his podcast and everything. He says be your own butler and be your own fan. When he goes away on a business trip. He he writes a letter to himself on his desk to read when he comes back. Just little things like that. So at the end of the day, celebrate yourself

Debra Chantry-Taylor  14:56

and it’s really quite powerful. I remember doing Outward Bound about five or six years ago And it was a massive challenge because at the time I was the oldest person there, the fattest person there, but nevertheless, did my runs every morning, jumped into the ocean, all that. And then we had to write a letter to myself about the things that we were grateful for and the things that we want to do. And it got sent to us six months after we finished the course, wow, I just six months later, we actually got the letter we wrote to ourselves. And I have to say, it was amazing how that had also set me up to make huge changes in my life, because I recognize what needs to be done. And then also just this beautiful, you know, kind of a celebration of me from myself, which was great. Yeah, yeah, we

Tracy-lee Kellett  15:32

don’t do that enough. I said to someone the other day, you’re an amazing colleague and friend, and person and wife, but I don’t know that anybody ever tells you that she’s and I didn’t even know that. And we don’t appreciate each other enough. I’m glad you’re in my life. And I’m feeling down. I just ring you. And so we’ve got stuck into this media frenzy of oh, God drama.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  15:54

So light on social media kind of encourages that too, doesn’t it?

Tracy-lee Kellett  15:57

It does know, like, like, there was a news flash the other day, Europe’s hotter summer and centuries. But somebody went back three years ago when the temperatures were hotter. And they were just talking about on Monday, and there was no drama surrounding it.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  16:10

Besides the boats and copper that if you read that, yeah, there was those that were completely destroyed by tsunami and talpa. They were pedal boats. But it was quite so impressive.

Tracy-lee Kellett  16:24

Not quite such a tsunami of a bit of a tidal sensationalism opt out of sensationalism. Yes. Yeah, completely opt out of sensationalism, and celebrate yourself, celebrate the people you know, and love. And I’ve, I’ve actually tried saying something nice to people that are annoying me or I’m in a queue and somebody’s a bit gruff and a bit rude. I’m trying, I’m trying to teach myself to just smile at them and say, I hope you’re okay. Yeah. And, you know, one guy turned around and gave me a hug and burst into tears and left the shop. He wasn’t okay. Yeah. So, yeah, we just need to get back to that community spirit that community feel, and we need to start their own back gardens. Be nice to the people in your family. Be nice to the people you work with. appreciate them. Appreciate yourself. So we keep going back further and further. Appreciate your soul. Who are you? You know, there’s a really interesting thing on the internet you can do called your flow state and purpose. And it’s it’s a, you look at your flow state. Where are you at right now? What’s your purpose in life? Do you know what it is? Are you following it? Start there, feed your soul, then feed yourself. Have some treats. But nourish yourself sometimes as well. Yeah, those nights when you’re tired, go to bed with a great book. Yeah. Don’t go to bed with a device. Yes.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  17:39

So let’s talk a little bit about sleep. Because it can be really challenging. I know that I’ve often kind of woken up, actually more recently at sort of 4: 35 o’clock in the morning, and they’re not able to get well, more like four o’clock because I get up about 5:30. Anyway, so four o’clock, I wake up and I just can’t get back to sleep. But there are the odd occasions where I wake up at two or three in the morning as well and then struggle to get back to sleep. What are those sort of things we can do? Because I have no issue falling asleep. That’s the easy part. It’s the waking up in the middle of the night and then what can you do to get back to sleep?

Tracy-lee Kellett  18:05

The breathing is a really good one. Okay. Qmr tablets really do help. You might not want to take them at two or three in the morning. But those a restless often you wake up and you’ll feel your heart racing. Yes. You’ve had a funny dream. A lot of people have been funny dreams. COVID weird dreams, right? You’re gonna lift with 12 people from another race and they’ve all got knives or really strange or you’re running down the street. realize you’ve got no clothes on and everybody’s watching. Yeah, yeah. So your heart will be racing. Yes. So it’s, it is quite hard. But you just talk to yourself and say, Hey, you had a good day today. And talk to your heart, put your hand on your heart. And just say it’s okay, we’re gonna be okay. We’re gonna go back to sleep and just breathe. Just do your deep breathing, and maybe put on a guided meditation. Yeah,

Debra Chantry-Taylor  18:50

That’s what I do these days. Yeah. So what about because the challenge with that is, you know, that means having your phone next to your bed. And that almost then encourages that behavior in the morning off, okay, I’m awake for Sanders grabbed from my phone. What can you do to stop that? That behavior that grabbing for the phone first thing, because the best thing we can do is instead of going out of bed, go for a walk, do something that could really use the best energy of the day.

Tracy-lee Kellett  19:10

You had to had one where you have your recordings. Yeah. So I’ve got my favorite recordings downloaded to Google Drive on my iPad, which I’m not inclined to grab so quickly. And I’ll put that on the floor. Maybe instead of the phone, and I’m better if I leave my phones in the lounge, right? Yeah, yeah. It’s a real big thing. And it’s an addiction. My phone might ring somebody might need me what’s going on in the world? Yeah, it’s become a real addiction. And so to put your phone away for hours at a time, is actually giving yourself your life back. Yeah. You know, I’ve gone off Facebook myself, because there were moments when I’m tired and alone, and I was scrolling the app. And then one day, I thought, I’ve just lost 90 minutes of my life. I’ll never get back. That’s cool. It’s called Doom scrolling for a reason. Yeah, probably bought three things on the beneath. There’s always that as well.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  19:57

Okay, that’s cool. So as much as possible, we should try and keep it right. As is away from us, but it can be helpful to have something that you can play a guided meditation on something.

Tracy-lee Kellett  20:05

Yeah, I would challenge anybody to go into a mirror after hearing this podcast and look in the mirror and say, I honor you because, and I love you because, and you might get quite emotional. Because you got through a really hard divorce, you’ve got your business or a tough time you lost your business, but you handled it, you’re brave enough to face the world and start again, without everything you might have had before. COVID. Yeah, you’re brave enough to say, I don’t want to lose my marriage or my children. I’m going to make some big changes. Yeah, you know, you’re brave enough to say, I love this man once before, maybe I can love him again, and make some changes. You know, so look in a mirror and honor yourself. And then every day, think why what are you grateful about? What do you enjoy? Now? When I lost everything all those years ago, I had the ability to sit on the beach with a cup of tea and be blissfully happy. And I’ve got a friend who sold her business for 80 million and she’s never happy.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  20:55

Yeah. Yeah, money is money is great, but it is not the be all and end all it certainly doesn’t make you happy. Yes, for sure. Okay, so have gratitude. Be kind to both yourself and to the people around you. What else would you suggest people can do to just to be happier, I suppose with and more comfortable with who they are.

Tracy-lee Kellett  21:18

Be real. Now the word depressed if you break it down as deep rest. And often people get depressed because their body’s saying I don’t like the avatar of the person you’re pretending to be right. So if you look at someone’s personality when said, but that’s my personality, I always get uptight in that situation. No, that’s not your personality. That’s a trigger. Yeah. So you being triggered by something. Our personalities are ingrained on us from the day we’re born. And they’re how we behave in different environments, because it’s worked for us in the past. So the organism that always does what’s always worked for the organism. And so we work for things that have worked for us in the past, we’ve either been aggressive because it’s kept people away, and we don’t think we’re worth love. So all of those things, having a growth mindset is probably one of the best things that I’ve learned. Mistakes are great. estate’s a really good look at it and think, Well, I tried that. And that didn’t work. So that show me that I need to do this. Don’t Don’t be in a cultural like, are you stupid fool. And so negative self talk? Yes. After the self critic as a as a massive one, right? Yeah. So growth mindset. If you’re dealing with someone else, and they’ve done something for you at work, it’s not quite what you want. Say, You’re nearly there. It’s not quite there yet. The word yet is really important, but powerful. Now, if I say to you, that’s not right. Yeah. That’s judgment and condemnation. And if I said, that’s really good, it’s nearly there. It’s not quite there yet. Yeah, that’s growth mindset. If I say I can’t run fast, that’s, that’s. If I say I could probably run faster in a week if I practiced every day. That’s a growth mindset. Yeah. So I think it can change your outlook on life.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  22:52

Can be hard to do this on your own though, right? I mean, like trying to do this kind of thing. It’s a bit like I always use the example of a personal trainer at the gym, I had been a member of so many gyms and spent so much money and never ever used them. It’s only when I actually get a personal trainer. And I have a personal trainer, like this morning, who was there waiting for me at 7:30 on a Saturday, and you kind of go, I have no choice I had to go. And then it becomes a habit. And then it becomes you know, a good thing. Yeah. Would you say the same sort of thing in terms of looking after yourself?

Tracy-lee Kellett  23:19

There are some good apps. I’m developing one for some friends at the moment that has a really good habit change. You’re on it. It’s really good to do these in groups, get three or four people together and say over a month we’re going to achieve blah, yeah. It’s really good to have a daily record of your habits changing. And it’s really good to have accountability. Because when you’re tired is when you fold. Yep, you know, halt, hungry, angry, lonely, tired. That’s when all progress halts. This died in the world you don’t need all day you’re stuck in traffic, you get home at nine o’clock. The only thing at the gas stations are meat pie. Yeah. Hungry, Angry, Lonely, tired.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  23:59

That’d be pie. Okay. But still, you can get help from other people as well. I’m saying as well as

Tracy-lee Kellett  24:04

Reach out for a wellness coach, a life coach, a leadership coach, a habit changer. Work out what it is that you want. Personal trainers are fantastic. Sometimes we need a bit more. We just want someone that’s going to work with us and say, Okay, it’s not just about what you’re doing at the gym. It’s the 23 hours, you’re not at the gym.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  24:21

And I completely agree. I’m saying that that you should have a coach for all areas of your life. Yeah,

Tracy-lee Kellett  24:25

A coach or mentor, someone to aspire to right now, a really powerful trick is to write down who you are in three months time. And then you bring that person back and pretend you’re that person today. Yep. So once I wasn’t once I was in a role that I didn’t feel I had the experience or qualification for. So I just I have to tell myself that I do. And boy, did I step up and learn. You know, and I made sure that anybody looking up to me. I showed them the right things. Yeah. So So write down that person that you really want to be in and start paying Mm hmm. Yeah.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  25:00

Okay. Okay. So I always ask my guests to give three top tips or tools that people can actually use. You know, as soon as they finish listen to this podcast, hopefully, because we want people to take action on people to actually start doing things that will actually benefit them. Better Business Better Life.

Tracy-lee Kellett  25:15

So first of all was breathing techniques. Yep. Learn breathing or tapping, you’ll resonate with one of them. Tapping, you can tap one cheek, the other cheek, your chin, your collarbone. And you can say, Okay, I’m really annoyed about that person who just spilled coffee on my new computer, I made it I made a nine and a half out of 10. And do a round of tapping, I’m at eight, do another round of tapping, I’m at a sec. So tapping or breathing the four and hold for four, exhale for four, keep your lungs empty for for both of those will bring your heart rate down, right. So Luna breathing or tapping technique, have a little ritual for the next week before you go to bed. That’s my challenge to all the listeners today. I want you to have seven nights, create a little ritual that you do before you go to bed. Now, a really nice one is to smell one of your favorite oils, and think something really nice about yourself, right? If you actually did that for 21 days, you’ll implant that thought, okay, so if you’ve got something that trips you up all the time that you think about yourself, I’m never good at maths, smell something you don’t like, then tell yourself, I’m going to be good at maths and smell something you do, like, do that for 21 days, and you’ll get rid of that negative self talk. Smells powerful. And the other one is celebrate yourself every day. Okay, what do you mean by that? Well, isn’t it amazing that we’re here? Yeah. All the people in the world who aren’t? Every day above ground is a good day. Yeah. Am I scared about getting older? No. What’s the alternative? ever grateful? Choices? Oh, I’m getting old. Isn’t it? Great? Yeah, your brother died at 28. And you know me. So celebrate yourself. You know, everybody has heart and soul and warmth and something to offer the world. So if we all celebrated ourselves and looked after ourselves, then we would all celebrate those around them and look after them as well.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  26:58

Absolutely. Love it. Cool. Okay, so you work with you said a select group of leaders to actually help them on their journey. Tell me about how that actually works, and what kind of people you’d like to work with?

Tracy-lee Kellett  27:09

Well, it’s people who are looking to create change, and it’s normally business owners. And I can only do a select few, because I’ve got quite a big role. And, and they’re looking to create change, or they don’t, something just doesn’t quite feel right. Yeah. I’m finding a lot of people between 40 and 60, can sometimes feel a bit of a fraud, a bit of a 40, in effect, like people think I’m a successful business person, but I’m not really I’m just a boy from anywhere to played rugby. So yeah, so there’s that impostor syndrome is quite big when people are stressed. And if people want a better quality of life, you know, it doesn’t take that long to change some habits permanently. But it does take daily attention. You can rewire your brain, it’s completely proven that the brain is has neuroplasticity, you are not hardwired from the age of three, like we used to believe. So somebody who has some dreadful thoughts and habits with work, commitment and dedication can completely change those thoughts,

Debra Chantry-Taylor  28:06

even if you’re 40 5060. More so really, okay, more so

Tracy-lee Kellett  28:10

because you got more insight and more patients to do it. Okay. So somebody at 50, who hates a certain type of person was triggered by certain type of event can use one or four modalities to change the response. And when you think about it, like the surge stress, a trigger is 90 seconds of a chemical release. You might see someone that look like an ex husband who beat you, or you might see a car that ran you over when you were little, or you might be standing on a cliff and you badly hurt yourself on one. And you think I’m just scared of cliffs? No, your body’s having a physiological response to something that happened before. Now, if you tell yourself before you react before you raise your voice to your husband, or before you grab that wine, give yourself 90 seconds and see what see what you know, and put a different response. And after that, and see how long it takes to change.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  28:57

Yeah. Love it. Okay. So you’re generally leaders, people who are running businesses, people who want to make some permanent sort of life changes, life changes. Yeah, absolutely. And how do they work with you? So what is the process of working with someone like yourself.

Tracy-lee Kellett  29:10

We just have, you know, health coaches have a big conversation with someone at first. Yeah. And we do their purpose and flow state, where are you at and come to the neuro change programming. And so where are you at? And where do you need to go? What are you prepared to do to get there? Right? Okay, you’re not prepared to do this? Well, you’re not going to get there. You’re going to get here? Is that a good place to start?

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:29

We just do that to be realistic, rather than trying to do too much

Tracy-lee Kellett  29:32

Be very realistic, have small steps. It doesn’t matter if you’re zigzagging so long as you going north if you want to hit North. Yep, you know, you’ll still end up there just a bit slower. Yeah. And be really honest about what your sacrifice. A lot of people won’t want to give up wine. That’s great. Let’s let’s work around it. Let’s update up your ginger and Tumeric intake. Let’s start mixing wine with soda water when you’re drinking. Let’s try all these sorts of things. It’s just slowly if people are smoking you 40 a day. Okay, we’ll just make 39 a day for a month. And then CTA. It doesn’t matter if it takes you a year to quit.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  30:05

But still steps forward. There’s a problem that a lot people actually try. And they try to do too much too quickly, don’t they? And then they fail. And then there’s all of my failures. I’ve beaten users up again. Okay, brilliant. And so people want to get in contact with you and have a chat with you. How would they do that?

Tracy-lee Kellett  30:18

Debra Chantry-Taylor  30:20

Fantastic. And if you’ve got a website, they can actually go to as well as where they can find out more information.

Tracy-lee Kellett  30:24


Debra Chantry-Taylor  30:28

Okay so if anybody’s listening and they are, you know, our business owners feel like something’s not quite right in their life and want to make some changes. And then please do get in contact with Tracy. There’s some information. I think on the website, we will learn more about what you’re doing as well.

Tracy-lee Kellett  30:40

And if you want to help change the world, yeah, move, moved or We’ve got some amazing health and wellness coach programs there. And so if you want to jump on this bandwagon, and it’s a $42 billion industry projection for this year, you know, help people as well, you know, yeah, that’s a really nice career.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  30:58

Fantastic. Hey, look, thank you so much for your time. Maybe it was a weekend. So I really appreciate that. I look forward to catching you

Tracy-lee Kellett  31:03

again. I’m celebrating being here.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  31:07

Thanks, Tracy. It’s been great.

Tracy-lee Kellett  31:08

Thank you. Bye.

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer Profile Photo

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer

EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach

Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.

As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.

Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.

Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.

Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.

As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More