Rick Girard is the CEO of Stride Search & Intertru. in this episode, Rick shares his passion about helping founders win-win the strongest hires to fuel unprecedented company growth. Learn also how to eliminate bad hires by building value - interview process that produces concrete evidence to support each and every hiring decision.
Podcast guest Rick Girard CEO of Stride Search & Intertru:
"I help entrepreneurs eliminate bad hires by building value-driven interview process that produces concrete evidence to support each and every hiring decision.
Healing Career Wounds available: https://amzn.to/3tGbtre
Extremely passionate about helping founders win-win the strongest hires to fuel unprecedented company growth!
Created the Hiring Operating System, HireOS®. The solution for leaders to win-win the strongest people by blowing up "best practices" with a humanistic, evidence driven, non-biased and time efficient experience.
Author of "Healing Career Wounds" (May 2021) & Radio/podcast host of Hire Power Radio
Strong social media presence, podcast audience, public speaking, and mad street cred
When not running a school for Gifted Mutants as Professor X, I host the Hire Power Radio Show & Podcast, a weekly series on LinkedIn Live, which serves as a business leader’s resource to solve their most difficult hiring challenges.
I compete in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and have an affinity for any adrenaline-pumping activity such as surfing, snowboarding, rock climbing and running with scissors."
►Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner
►See how she can help you: https://businessaction.co.nz/
►Email: Rick@stridesearch.com
--- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/betterbusiness-betterlife/message
Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.
She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.
Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:
She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.
Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.
Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.
Find out more here - https://www.eosworldwide.com/debra-chantry-taylor
Rick Girard 00:00
You want to attract a players today, you need to demonstrate how you can heal their career wounds. And most people have them. You know, there’s a lot of people that are in jobs right now that are working, they’re okay, they’re doing well in their jobs, but they’re not really in a place where like, they’re really thriving. And so if you’re able to kind of tap them on the shoulder, have a conversation with them, learn what these career wounds are, and then be able to demonstrate or connect the dots for them that your opportunity actually helps them heal those career ones, that person’s getting to a place where in which they’re, they’re going to be able to grow their career, and you’re getting a player that’s going to just crush it in your company
Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:36
Good morning, and welcome to another edition of Better Business, Better Life. Today, I am joined by the wonderful Rick Girard, who is a startup founder of an IT business. He’s a longtime person who’s passionate about recruiting the right people in your business. He’s an author of a fabulous book, and many, many more things. We’re gonna find out a lot about Rick over the next sort of half an hour or so. So welcome to the show, Rick
Rick Girard 00:56
Hey, thank you for having me, Debra. Absolute pleasure.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:59
Hey, look, we just been having a bit of a chat before we came onto the podcast, you’ve got quite an interesting background. So you’ve always been really passionate about people and getting people in the right space. Tell us a little about your history and how you came to be where you are today.
Rick Girard 01:12
Yeah, most definitely. So you know, I had inspired to be a professional photographer, and kind of went that realm in school, and then actually quickly discovered that, you know, the poor, starving artists lifestyle just wasn’t for me. So I was fortunate enough to kind of get recruited to get into a job that I knew really nothing about. But I knew that my boss did really well financially. And, and the opportunity also arose that I could actually move up to the mountains and be able to snowboard, which was something I was passionate about at the time. So I really moved up to snowboard, and I ended up falling into your career. That’s kind of the way I categorize.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 01:55
Okay, yeah. So that career was recruitments. And tell us a little about that journey.
Rick Girard 02:00
Yeah, I was headhunting for Silicon Valley startups, which, you know, at the time, and we’re going back, you know, quite a few years. I mean, I had hair and everything back then. But, yeah, at the time, it was kind of during the whole.com bubble when I started, which was, you know, it was kind of one of those things where you really didn’t have to be good at what you did. He just had to be able to, like, get people interested in companies. And and because it was just like this crazy feeding frenzy. So I did quite well, I, you know, in, it was kind of a transactional journey I did really well, from a financial perspective, I was able to help build a really strong business. And yeah, and then, you know, around kind of that 9-11 timeframe, when that happened, I decided to kind of pack up and sell all my stuff and moved to Hawaii. But I still, so then I was like the guy doing recruiting in the Silicon Valley from Hawaii. So I just kind of what was nice is it gave me the opportunity to be able to really do what I love to do like from anywhere.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 03:14
So we switched from snowboarding to surfing, right?
Rick Girard 03:17
Yeah, well, I grew up surfing and then got into snowboarding. And then, you know, decided to go back to surfing because I was living in the mountains for a while. And I was missing the ocean. And then, yeah, then I don’t know why just keep flip flopping.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 03:34
So good. So we’re in Hawaii was still recruiting for Silicon Valley. Obviously, the bubble has burst a wee bit now. So what happens next?
Rick Girard 03:43
Yeah, so the bubble bursts, I actually did some recruiting over in Japan, which was super fun. That was really an interesting experience. And then when the market picked up again, I got back into the Silicon Valley and helped build a whole bunch of startups. I had a small staff of people and, and we, we for quite a few years, we were like just crushing it, we were having a lot of fun. It was kind of a lifestyle company for me, because I was doing a lot more surfing when I was working. But then I kind of came to a point where I had the realization that I kind of gotta get back to, you know, fulfilling my purpose and that being helping really, really helping executives and entrepreneurs and startup founders do a much better job of hiring so that their chances of success are, you know, are great or greater than what they are because right now you have such a miniscule chance of succeeding
Debra Chantry-Taylor 04:45
And I know, I know that you’re a bit of an EOS fanboy. And obviously Gino Wickman has written the foreword for your new book, which is great. So we always talk about the right people in the right seats, and we know how important people can make or break a company really, can’t they?
Rick Girard 04:58
Yeah, yeah. And well, you know, like years ago, somebody said to me, Well, okay, oh, how do I know if I’m getting the right person in the right seat. And that was the challenge that I kind of took on is that, you know, there is, you know, like us, there’s a, there’s a methodology that you plug into that essentially helps you operate your business very like in a, in a fashion that that sets you up for success, right? enables you to get what you want on your business. But there wasn’t ever anything like that, when it came to hiring. And especially, you know, what I, what I discovered was the biggest problem in hiring is not getting people on the funnel, because there’s a million tools out there to do that the biggest problem in hiring is once you get somebody in the funnel, and you take them through the interview process, that’s where the wheels come off the bus. Because guess what, we don’t know how to interview. It, we have conversations with people most of the time that have nothing to do with, they might have a little bit to do with the work and some of the other things, but we’re not gathering enough evidence to support whether or not somebody should be hired. It’s usually like, Hey, do I like this person? Do I feel like this person is somebody that I can spend, you know, eight hours a day with? Yep. And that’s the criteria by which people are evaluated.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 06:15
Yep. And also, as far as we know, in the interview process, people can be very, very different in the interview process to how they actually behave when they’re in a work environment. So you can have a beautiful coffee with someone and go, like, I love this person. And they’re just like me, so that must be good, right? Not. And then you employ them, and then sort of, you know, down the track, you realize you’ve made a hiring mistake. So what are the common mistakes that people make in terms of that interview process?
Rick Girard 06:41
So I think first and foremost is that people don’t evaluate people based on evidence they base they base their evaluation on an interview, based on biased personal motives, or assumptions, right. And that’s pretty much what people run off of. So, you know, US companies have core values, right, we shouldn’t be evaluating people for core values. And so I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes that a lot of companies make is they don’t really drill into the core values of the company, and see if and gather evidence to support whether or not somebody aligns with those values.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 07:21
And I’ve said it with my clients as it, you know, you can come up with some core values, but it’s very difficult to actually test that. Because if you say to somebody, you know, we’ve got a core value of be your word. For example, if you ask somebody just outright, you know, are you your word? It’d be really unlikely that anybody would ever say no to that.
Rick Girard 07:39
Well, yeah, so if you ask it like that you’re writing, right? Because everybody’s gonna say, Oh, yes, that’s me, of course, because people lie in the interview. Right? And, and, by the way, rely on the interview, too, by saying our values are this when, you know, the truth is that we don’t live those values A lot of times. So there needs to be a language around the values that give somebody a North Star by which they can make make decisions. Right? So you know, be your word, what does that mean? Exactly, we usually have a couple of lines under that as to what exactly that means and how somebody lives that within their organization. So the way in which you back into that is you create what are called behavioral interview questions, which in my mind are like, I don’t think there’s anything better in gathering details to understand whether or not somebody operates the same way that you operate. And you can’t use the phrase in it, but you have to kind of back into, you know, walk me through a time when that ended, whatever that might be, right. And you create these questions so that, essentially, you’re getting an example of a real life situation in which they had a situation, how they handled it, how they felt about it, what they did, what the results were, that gives you a lot of data that you can pull from, that gives you an accurate depiction of who that person is. Because it’s really easy to just say, oh, yeah, that’s me. But it’s really hard to kind of make up things in life, you know, in kind of mold your story toward, you know, what you think it might be? Yeah.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 09:21
Okay. So that’s one of the things the mistakes what what else do you see happen in because I mean, you’ve got two businesses at the moment, you’ve got stripe search, and you’ve got Intertru.AI, which is your startup. So in the strange search, that’s obviously recruitments. What are the other sort of things that you see happening that really are sort of pitfalls of
Rick Girard 09:42
Interviews, not tied to values, job descriptions, terrible people like copy job descriptions from large companies, five years, it is four years of that, you know, start thinking of your job description or as a marketing document. You know, if somebody gave you A job description as a marketing material that, you know by which you, you’re going to market your company, you’d fire them, like job descriptions are just terrible. Yep. And then, and the third thing is that not having a structured process by which you’re bringing somebody through the interview process, right. So like, just, hey, come in, we’ll talk to you, I’ll grab some coffee, like those things are, are very casually done, but the impression that you’re giving somebody is that we’re a casual company, we’re not really a serious company, because I don’t take my interview process seriously. So you shouldn’t either. And, you know, if you’re trying to attract a players, especially if you’re a smaller company, you should, that’s all you should be looking for a players, they don’t get impressed by, you know, just, you know, you buying them a latte or, you know, just having a conversation that’s undirected, it has no purpose behind it. So each, each stage in your interview process needs to have a purpose tied to it. And and it needs to be communicated.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 11:08
Okay, so obviously, you know, this is your intro, Intertru Inc is there’s the new startup business, and that is just recently launched. Is that right?
Rick Girard 11:16
Yeah, we launched two weeks ago, we’re in our pilot program or a beta. Yes, we’ve got five customers using it. And, of course, our first five trials on it crashed, but we’re loving it, because we’re figuring out, you know, but yeah, we got it seems to be working right now. So.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 11:37
Oh, that’s great. Yeah. I mean, that’s always the challenge, isn’t it? You know, you build your MVP goes out there. It’s a beta version. We’ve got the same thing with EOS one at the moment. It’s, you know, when it was launched in the beta version, it was really, really buggy. And yet, you know, the until you start testing, you can’t learn from that. So it feels terrible. But at the same time, huge learnings?
Rick Girard 11:54
Is that what’s designed to kind of take the place of traction tools, or?
Debra Chantry-Taylor 11:59
Yeah, so it’s EOS has version of that software to run EOS purely in your business. So And hey, look, you know, they’ve spent a lot of money, obviously, a lot of development time on it, but you don’t actually get to find out what really works and what doesn’t until you put it in the hands of your actual customers. Yeah. Okay, so you got five customers? So it was that sorry..
Rick Girard 12:21
modern day QA at its finest. Yeah.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 12:25
So you’ve just launched you got five kind of customers using the beta version? What tell us a little bit about the software? Like, what’s it designed to do? And who is it for?
Rick Girard 12:34
Yeah, absolutely. So look at we, we designed it for companies that are anywhere from like two people up to like 100. And the idea is that we’re we’re giving you a plug and play interview process that’s built around your core values. And essentially, we’ve staged it out over the cloud over the probably the past 1015 years. One of the things that I’ve done in my search practice is that I’ve come in to and approach searches from the perspective of okay, look at I’ll take this search. But in order for us to do that, you have to run my interview process, because I know that if you run it your way, you’re probably not gonna get as much great data out there to make the right decision. But I’ve kind of fine tuned and I developed this thing called a hiring operating system, that essentially, we just plug that into inner true. And we allow you to kind of run that structure through through your, your interview process. And the idea is to just to do two things. Number one, give everybody a roadmap by here’s your questions are already pre assigned, here’s sub questions, so you can gather more detail. And then what we do is we record transcribe, and we have some technology that in the background will analyze the content to let you know whether or not somebody’s telling the truth, whether or not they’re, you know, like, you know, is this is the data that you’re collecting accurate?
Debra Chantry-Taylor 14:05
Yep. And does it also pick up on things like tonalities? And, you know, the, the trends of what the what the person is actually sort of saying and how it comes across or
Rick Girard 14:15
Not yet, but that’s where it’s headed.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 14:16
That’s why I said it. Perfect. I love it. Okay, so let’s let’s, that’s a big step away from your traditional kind of searched background, which is very much service based, and now you’re going to a software as a service. What What made you decide to do that?
Rick Girard 14:30
I don’t scale.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 14:33
Yeah. Yep.
Rick Girard 14:35
You know, I work searches and you know, and I have a lot of fun with it. But, you know, I can only benefit the companies that I work with, and I can benefit at a larger scale. So I feel like you know, being able to put this in the hands of smaller organizations can greatly improve their ability to be successful. You know, because we, you know, you know, when you have the right people in the right seat Um, then magic happens. When you don’t it’s, you know, sometimes a plane crash getting ready to hit a train, you know, a train wreck, right?
Debra Chantry-Taylor 15:11
Sure. So your core, your core focus? How would you describe that? Because that’s obviously what’s driving you to reach more people and do more good work on, what is your core focus for?
Rick Girard 15:23
I mean, the core focus is just like, I don’t know, I’m, I’m partial to entrepreneurs, because I am on right. So I want to help shift the balance of power away from the transactional, you know, kind of model of what happens in hiring, you know, companies lose people all the time, because some big company came in with a offer much higher. And what I’ve realized is that most people don’t make a jump really for the money, but we kind of play that transactional game. And so when we get to the end, if we can’t show that we have value that we offer that person above and beyond what the other people do, they’re just gonna go for the highest offer. Yeah. And so yeah, it’s just, it’s just me being able to, to kind of help out my fellow entrepreneurs and get them to a point where, like, we win, as opposed to, you know, the big boys.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 16:14
Absolutely. And I suppose it’s a win win for not only the entrepreneurs who are employing, but also for the people who are coming on board, because they’re gonna have, you know, happy, happy people, they’re gonna be happy in their role. They’re gonna love what they’re doing, etc. So, yeah, interesting. Okay, you’ve also written a book. And I have to say, when I when I saw this, it’s like healing Korea wounds. So your startup secret weapon to attract hire retain ridiculously successful people. But tell me a little bit so that the title healing career wounds, it’s, it’s interesting, tell me about that.
Rick Girard 16:46
Yeah, I mean, you know, I just had this vision of like walking through the airport and seeing the book and like, you know, going, Oh, that’s an interesting title, I would pick it up and read it right, and see what it’s about. It’s really the punch line, though. If you want to attract a players today, then you need to demonstrate how you can heal their career wounds. And most people have them. You know, there’s a lot of people that are in jobs right now that are working there. They’re okay, they’re doing well in their jobs, but they’re not really in a place where like, they’re really thriving. And so if you’re able to kind of tap them on the shoulder, have a conversation with them, learn what these career wounds are, and then be able to demonstrate or connect the dots for them that your opportunity actually helps them heal those career ones. That’s when that’s, that’s when you’ve got a situation where you, you know, it’s super Win win, because that person is getting to a place where in which they’re, they’re going to be able to grow their career, and you’re getting a player that’s going to just crush it in your company. So that’s kind of the idea. I mean, it’s a guide for startups that you can just plug into your business. That’s our hiring operating system, right? Yeah. You can self implement.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 18:01
Look, I mean, with the OSI more for people, anybody who’s just doing us with a self implement, or, or with us, I’m all for it. Yeah. Anything to make the world a better place? Yeah. Okay, so So when did you write the book?
Rick Girard 18:14
Um, I wrote it, I started writing in 2019. And then I finished it during COVID. Because, you know, because, like, and then we, we released it last year.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 18:24
Oh, that’s awesome. I look forward to getting hold of a copy. And we’ll we’ll put a link into the bio in terms of where we’ll get hold of that. Now, you said a couple of times that you’re an entrepreneur and I can see that and obviously, you know, you’ve you’ve been, you’ve been running businesses your entire life, you’ve probably had some ups and downs in those businesses, because we, you know, when we, when we get when we think about business, particularly startups going into the startup space, they kind of imagine it’s all just gonna go that beautiful hockey stick curve and everything just gonna go so smoothly. You know, you’re gonna it’s just, it doesn’t work like that. Does that?
Rick Girard 18:53
No, no, no, I mean, you know, I actually have a podcast too. And it was kind of nice, because I actually did see the hockey stick once we, like, started getting it going. Yeah, that was kind of cool to see. But then it kind of started doing this. But then, yeah, like, you know, I probably had a lot more downs than ups for sure. I just happened to be kind of stubborn, I just keep going. You know, I, I worked for somebody for a very long time. And when I moved to Hawaii, that was when I started up my recruiting firm. And, you know, we it was more of a lifestyle business and really a business until I moved back to California. And then, you know, kind of started these other projects that like are more passion projects, but I’ve been able to turn them into a business, which has been really nice. But they’re, you know, they’re all tough. It just requires that you you can constantly work on them and and get them better and, you know, I like I said, I fail way, way more often than I then I succeed.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 20:02
So how? I mean, that’s interesting. I think what probably you and I’ve got a similar kind of journey. I’ve had a few failures in my life as well, although I use them as learning experiences, because I think a lot more from the failures are due from that successes. But I mean, how do you keep yourself going? Because people say to me, gosh, you’ve been through so much, how do you keep yourself going? And, and for me, it’s about I know why I exist right on this planet. So I just keep tapping back into that, I’ve got to keep doing that. And if that means I have to keep falling down and getting back up again. I will keep doing it too. But yeah, how do you keep yourself going?
Rick Girard 20:32
Honestly, like I have times where like, I just, I just want to pull my pillow over my face and not get back up. You know, I don’t know, I think I have this kind of like thing. I don’t know, if it’s like your greatest strength is always your greatest weakness, or, you know, but once I start something, I have to finish it. And the problem is that like a lot of things, you start, you can’t finish, right. So I don’t know, I just I, I just kind of wake up. I don’t drink coffee, but I do do. I do jujitsu like usually every morning, and that kind of wakes me up and gets me going. Because you know, sometimes I have good day, sometimes I have a bad day. But, you know, he kind of kind of like, okay, I’ve already accomplished this. So now it puts me in a position where where I can go hammer out a bunch of stuff that I have to do.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 21:26
And switching from a service business to a software as a service business, which is very, very different. What are the biggest challenges for you?
Rick Girard 21:35
Oh, gosh, get it out of the mindset of, you know, service based business is all about, you know, business development and continually like, who’s who’s in my funnel, I gotta wrap this thing up, I gotta go find new business. For me, it’s always been a bit of a roller coaster ride, right? So you never have a consistent amount of business, sometimes you have too much, and you have to turn away and then all of a sudden, you finish things up faster than you thought you were going to. And then next thing you know, you you have nothing. You know, yeah. So that’s been that’s been a big challenge is to change that mindset of me always being on the phone and recruiting people and kind of running that business and shifting more toward developing relationships. And you know, we’re developing a SaaS platform. So we’re really trying to make this sticky for, for, for customers. So like, I’m doing a lot of customer, you know, gathering information and stuff like that. I’ve been around startups, I kind of understand how they operate, and how successful companies operate, thankfully. So that’s been, you know, I’ve seen so many do a lot of things that I, I put in my memory banks, and I’m like, Okay, I will not do that.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 23:03
Learn from their mistakes, which is great. So you say we Is this a project you’re doing with another co-founder or?
Rick Girard 23:11
Co-founder? Yeah, the co-founder, his name is Awesome. Like, so you can’t even have a better name for a co-founder.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 23:19
Seriously, that’s his name.
Rick Girard 23:20
Yeah, his name’s awesome.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 23:22
Oh, wow. Okay. And so that that would be quite interesting for you. Wouldn’t it been going from running your own business on your own to having a co-founder? Tell me a bit about that?
Rick Girard 23:32
Yeah, I mean, we’re going actually full venture on this, like, so I’m raising capital, I’m kind of I’m going that whole route. I, you know, again, I’ve been around it for most of my career. So I’m, it’s not completely foreign to me. It’s just and it’s been, it’s actually been really nice to not be have everything on my shoulders to be able to kind of balance things off my off my co founder shoulders. But it took me a long time. You know, since I do recruiting, I like I’ve vetted like, we had lots of conversations before we started working together. Yeah. And it was about kind of understanding what he wanted and understanding what was important to him. And, and, and seeing if we were in alignment, because if we weren’t in alignment, there was no reason to kind of continue me selling the job. So I talked to a lot of people. I talked to a lot of people that I know in the industry and I had a few the bit but didn’t really like it and you know, awesome, and I just kind of like we resonated with each other so that that tend to work. Yeah, but it’s been it’s been great. So far.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 24:47
Okay. I must admit, I work more established businesses these days, obviously, with EOS. It’s really for that sort of more established business. But I spent seven years working with the Ice House over here, which is one of the tops of incubators in the world and did a lot of work with startup Some market validation taking things to market raising funds and things. And you know, everybody always wanted a co founder. And my my thing was, absolutely, it’s great to do it with somebody, but do make sure you find the right person because to me, it’s like getting married, right? If you don’t have the right sort of shared values, if you don’t have the same vision in mind, if you’re not on the same page with all of that, it’s gonna be a pretty miserable relationship.
Rick Girard 25:23
Yeah, yeah, it is. And by the way, I’m usually the one brought in to fix those situations. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Usually when, yeah, usually when the companies like Iran getting their series A and, and the team is like, hey, look, you know, we’ve got so and so here, completely not working, we need to replace that person, then that’s, that’s always been the, like, the role that I’ve come in and help film. So I’m very familiar with that. I’ve seen way too many. You know, nightmare stories.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 25:52
Yeah, no, same here. Okay. So you’ve also got a podcast, as you said, so and I was just reading about that. And it’s sort of so we’re not running a school for gifted mutants, Professor X, I host, the higher power Radio Show podcast. Please tell me more about that. Because that is good. It’s just completely piqued my interest.
Rick Girard 26:09
That was one of the so yeah, one of my employees used to, like call me Professor X. For some reason, probably because of the bald head, you know? Yeah. So that, yeah, it was just kind of a joke that made it into the bio, and people like it. So we left it.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 26:27
Yeah. So what tell me about the podcast? What is it you do on the podcast? Yeah,
Rick Girard 26:30
So the podcast is called Hire Power Radio. It’s not a religious show, by the way, it’s about hiring
Debra Chantry-Taylor 26:36
Hire as H I R E.
Rick Girard 26:38
Yeah, High Power Radio. And the purpose behind the show is that we bring on entrepreneurs, and VCs and professionals who are really like, who have figured out, like how to hire, you know, in a way that works for them. And then we kind of, we identify a specific problem, and then we provide the solutions that hopefully other entrepreneurs can take and plug into their businesses. Yeah. So that’s, that’s the aim of the show. Do we get it every episode? We’re getting pretty close. But sometimes we don’t?
Debra Chantry-Taylor 27:11
Yeah, fair enough. I guess we’ve got because of such a lot of information here that we just sort of talked about, I would really love to kind of condense that all down into sort of three things that the listeners can take away from this and go, Hey, I can do this in my business right now to start making a difference. What would those three things be? Do you think for you, Rick?
Rick Girard 27:29
Well, I think first and foremost, values are super important, like the companies that I know, that are the most successful. And, by the way, like people don’t ever want to leave, you know, it’s really easy to retain people was when people align with the values of the company. And so, you know, look at your values, ask yourself, if they’re real. And if they’re real, then make sure you got some context to it, some measurable, you know, kind of wording to it that you can people can align to right, and then take that data and build your AV questions around that. Because that’s what’s going to determine whether or not somebody’s successful. I don’t know if you know this, but Amazon has been doing this, since the early days, where 70% of the hiring decision is based on whether or not somebody aligns with the values of a company. They know that they can teach skills. But if somebody doesn’t align with their core values, they’re not going to work out. So arguably, the best success story, right? And I don’t know why more people don’t copy that. But, you know, they’ve, they’ve certainly crushed it year over year for a very, very long time. Yeah.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 28:49
I do wonder if it’s that. I mean, I’ve spent some time for my sins and kind of corporate world. And often the values piece was really a tick in the box, you know, yep, tick, we’ve got some values there on that wall here. Are we off we go. And they weren’t real, and they weren’t authentic. And they tried to shove them into an acronym of the name of the company or whatever they might do. Yeah. And so I think that if you’re going, if you’ve had that introduction to it, and then you’re going into your own business, you don’t see the true value of getting these things, right. Whereas if you’ve worked in a company where you know, they really genuinely live breathe higher fire by their core values, you can see how important they genuinely are.
Rick Girard 29:25
Yeah, exactly. And, you know, you’re right, like most company, I’ve walked into so many companies where, you know, they have their values and they’re all oh my god, I don’t even know what do these mean, I don’t see any teamwork that’s going on here. As I walk around, I see people hiding, you know, and, and you just have to live those. I think even if you have an environment that’s like you would some people consider a harsh environment like you have a bunch of backstabbing people who you know, you eat what you kill, and, you know, lock your desk at all costs. I mean, I would love to see those values in some company. It’s true. Yeah, yeah, it’s true. But not only that people, there are people that are like, yes, I want this. Yeah. You know, I think when companies get into trouble is because they say that there’s something that they’re not. And then it becomes a, you know, harsh work environment.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 30:17
Yeah. And I think it’s also true. It’s like, you’re right, there are people, different people have different values. And so they may not fit in with your organization. But they could be really great for another organization. I think sometimes people struggle to let people go. But it’s actually the best thing for both parties, because they’ll go find somewhere where they actually do fit in with their values and are in a better space.
Rick Girard 30:37
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, you know, you don’t want to waste time on somebody that’s not even going to accept your offer. Right? It just, it doesn’t, it’s never made sense to me, you know, the recruiting model, where you’re going to get 100 resumes, interview 20 People make three to five offers, and hopefully somebody accepts. Yeah, you know, because it’s, you’re not getting your top, you’re usually not getting your top 10 Or your bottom 10%. Right, like you’re screening out them right off the top. Right. And then And then so what are you getting, you’re getting the middle 80%. And hopefully, you know, somebody resonates with you, and accepts the offer. And then if they work out, it’s purely based on luck. If they don’t, I mean, actually, I read a statistic not too long ago, where you have like a 51% chance of making a wrong hire, just with a normal interview process. So you’re better off actually just walking into the room flipping a coin. You’ll do. Tails, you’re not. Yep.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 31:38
Yeah, I love it. Okay, so we’ve got make sure you’ve got your values, make sure they’re real build, use that data to build your interview questions around it. And then finally,
Rick Girard 31:48
And then finally, could train and coach or people like get your people understanding the value? Well, understanding the language of your values, and and using it within the organization, but if I how the people in your company make decisions, empowering them to make decisions based on Hey, are we, you know, I’ve got the value that you said earlier, but, you know,
Debra Chantry-Taylor 32:14
Rick Girard 32:17
And usually, when it’s a baby, like a baby, you can, when you can use it as a basis to by which you make decisions, that people make better decisions. And, you know, you don’t have as many problems that that happened. And then also, you know, as, as people go into an interview, they should understand that the purpose of this interview is to gather this data, you know, they should be trained on how to run an interview, talk to people, not what not to say, but really, how to listen, how to ask questions, and listen and gather data.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 32:55
Yep. Love it. Brilliant. Okay, so we’ve got some really great tips there. We’ve also got some things that people can do that will actually help them. So you’ve got your book there that people should definitely have a look at the healing Korea wounds, which we’ll put the link in, though, then. What about your new software? I mean, is that sort of its I know, it’s in beta stage. But is it ready for people to start jumping on board or?
Rick Girard 33:15
Yeah, we’re actually we’re building our customer list right now. So it’s Intertru.AI? It’s a I N T E R T R U.AI Where? Yeah, where we are building a list. I think I’ve got about 18 companies right now. So we just wanted a beta with five. Yeah. And then, but we’re gonna be adding more more companies as we go along. So excellent.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 33:41
And then obviously, we’ve got the podcast as well. So the High Power Radio is an H I R E Power Radio. And so but if people want to get in contact with Professor X himself, how can they do that?
Rick Girard 33:53
I’m on LinkedIn. You can also probably drop me an email at Rick at strides search.com I’m pretty I’m pretty open. I get a lot of email, though. So it might take me a few days to get back to you. But yeah, I’m always I’m always happy to, you know, to help when I can.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 34:14
No, that’s beautiful. Hey, look, thank you so much for your time this morning. I really appreciate it. Some really good tips and pointers in there, which of course will fit in perfectly with our whole EOS, right people write stuff so that’s always good. Good luck with the new, you know, the new software. I hope it goes swimmingly for you look forward to reading your book and hopefully sharing some stuff on that as well.
Rick Girard 34:35
Yeah, thank you so much, Debra. It was really nice to meet you.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 34:37
My absolute pleasure. Thank you.
EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach
Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.
As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.
Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.
Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.
Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.
As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More
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