In the latest episode of Better Business Better Life, Scott Rusnak highlights the need for entrepreneurs to be selective about the opportunities they take on and to say no to those that don't align with their values and goals.
In the latest episode of Better Business Better Life, host Debra Chantry-Taylor sits down with entrepreneur Scott Rusnak to explore the strategies and tools that can help business owners live their ideal life. The conversation delves into the importance of surrounding oneself with the right people, delegating and elevating tasks, and setting and achieving 90-day goals. The EOS VTO and planning tools are also discussed as ways to plan out the year with purpose. The episode highlights the need for entrepreneurs to be selective about the opportunities they take on and to say no to those that don't align with their values and goals. Listeners will come away with practical tips and insights on how to create a business and life that truly aligns with their personal aspirations.
►Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner
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Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.
She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.
Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:
She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.
Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.
Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.
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Scott Rusnak 00:00
Expect to run into opportunities as an entrepreneur that you should probably say no to. They don’t fit you. Because if we say yes to the wrong opportunities, we get dragged in this direction. That’s going to take all kinds of issues, and put them on your table. And you’ve got to try to help people with those. You’ve got to be able to avoid those. And I think those three tools will help you do that.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:23
So Good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business Better Life. Today. I am super excited because I have got one of my favorite guests back again. So Scott Rusnak who is an expert EOS implementer, based over in the US, and he’s been on the show a couple of times before talking about how to design your life before somebody else does. And today, we’re going to actually explore what living your ideal life looks like. So welcome back, Scott.
Scott Rusnak 00:45
Hey, Debra, it’s so great to see you. And be on your show again.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:50
Yeah. Well, I’ve been looking forward to this for quite some time, cuz he booked us a few months ago, I was like, oh, yeah, he’s got to coming back on again. So last time you were here, I think it was almost a year ago. And we were talking about, you know, designing your life and designing your year before anybody else does. And I know that I’ve actually had a lot of people who’ve actually listened to that podcast, and I actually refer a lot of my EOS clients listen to that podcast as well, because it’s so valuable. I think a lot of people almost like their life just happened to them, rather than actually thinking about what they want. So yeah, that’s why I’m looking forward to what we’re talking about today.
Scott Rusnak 01:22
Um, to, as you know, it’s part of who I am, to make sure I not only surround myself with people I love, but to work with people I love. And I think you can get most everything out of your life if you really have a plan to execute. Yeah, we talked about the circles of friends last time from memory, which was really fascinating. And I’ve actually shared that with a few people. They’re like, that’s a great idea. So yeah, hey, um, it’s been about a year since we caught up. So what’s been happening in your life? What’s your professional and personal best since we last caught up Scott, while the professional best, and I know this isn’t a book promotion podcast, but the book is ready, it’s being printed. And it’ll be in the new year, it’ll be, I guess, the third edition will be will be ready. So I’m excited about that. And I’ve also had a couple of neat graduations. So long term clients are finally graduating, because we don’t want them to ever feel like they’re dependent on us. So it’s really neat to see them jumping out of the bird’s nest and taking the rest of this on themselves. And then Personally, I really do live my life knowing that I need extended clarity breaks. And my wife and I are just about to jump on a plane to go to a place we’ve visited a number of times in the last 31 years since we’ve been married, called Playa Grande, Costa Rica, we’ll be there for two and a half weeks.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 02:38
Beautiful. So you’re actually taking a kiwi Christmas break and taking a few weeks off?
Scott Rusnak 02:44
Well, we’re both members of the Commonwealth, I grew up in Canada, so you’ve got to take that long break over the holidays. And I think you need to take many during the year. And I know we’ll dig into that today.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 02:55
I know you’ve got some other trips planned as well, which is really awesome. Okay, so we’re going to start off by talking about, you know, living your ideal life. That’s it sounds beautiful, right? But what does it really mean?
Scott Rusnak 03:06
We’ve got it Well, a couple tools at EOS that I always lean on. The first is the people analyzer that many people already know about. And I won’t go too in depth in it. But if you really look at your core values, and you look at not only your business partners, but your life partners as well might be your kids, your wife, your friends. Are you living and breathing with your core values in mind? And are they and if they really get you they want to be with you in the app, the capacity to be with you and back at them. I think that’s the first step just making sure you’re surrounding yourself with the right people at all times.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 03:40
Yep, no, that’s a really good point. And that people analyzer is such a great tool. Little simple tool. It was what love about us the simplicity of the tools, there’s nothing complex in it whatsoever. But it’s literally going through your core values. And as you said, asking if people actually live and breathe by those core values day in, day out.
Scott Rusnak 03:58
And it’s tricky. I have number of conversations with clients, and I talk to them about the people that Alas, are they humbly confident to they do the right thing. They do what they say. US we say one of our core values is grow or die, but I say it’s called grower Bye, bye. If people don’t want to grow, it’s time to say goodbye. Because I’m always pushing for more. And if I can surround my self with those kinds of people, I think I’ve probably headed in the right direction.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 04:25
Fantastic. Okay, so that’s the first tool that you use, but you’ve got another favorite as well, haven’t you? Oh, I do. I’ll hold it up. And I I’m sure you can put that the delegate elevate checklist in the show links.
Scott Rusnak 04:38
And so what I do with my delegate and elevate checklist is I take it up another level and I talked about this at last year’s EOS conference. So if you’re looking at the the tool, you’ll see on the top left is what do you love to do? What are you great at top right is what do you like what are you good at and the bottom is where we really need to get clear on something we don’t like we might be good at it. Don’t like a knock it out. And a lot of people look at it say, well, that’s really simple. I think I know what this is. Well, what I asked him to do is look at it each and every week, not only professionally, but personally. And I bet them that by the time we meet again, in 90 days, that thing changes five or six times. So what I want my teams to do is not only say, Hey, I love and I am great at mapping out the year using the people analyzer, and coaching my employees, and the people I work with, so that might be at the top. But then I say, Well, what about your personal life? What do you absolutely love to do, and you think you’re great at and for me, well, I love traveling the world with my wife, I make it very clear on the days we’re going to go we we link up, it makes it really fun. But the other part that’s important to me on my delegate and elevate is I love to surf and ski with my sons. And I have for a long time. And one thing that’s allowed me to do is let’s call trap them on the chairlift.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 06:03
And so when they’re young kids, a chance to really go deep with them and find out what’s going on in their life. That’s great and not so great. And when I talk to my clients and my friends about that, they start to get a feeling about who I am at my core, not only passionate about sports, but a passionate real, really having a great family. But also I really want to be able to push forward and coach the right people and really dig in.
Scott Rusnak 06:26
So, that’s my first step with the people analyzer. What I love to do and what I think I’m great at.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 06:33
And it’s interesting, isn’t it, because I think the box that I kind of struggled the most with has always been a stuff that I don’t like what I’m good at. And from for a long, long time, you know, I would actually do my own house cleaning, because I’m really, really good at house cleaning. But I hate it. And every moment I was doing it, I’m kind of you know, grumbling and moaning and bitching and whinging about the the cleaning I have to do. And I suddenly realized that okay, maybe I’m good at it. Because obviously, it’s something I’m, I have a skill for, but I really don’t enjoy it. And I think sometimes they’re the worst things to be doing because you don’t realize quite how much of an impact it’s having on you. Right?
Scott Rusnak 07:11
Debra didn’t send you my delegate delegate checklist, but you must be reading it. Why have you got your cleaning on yours do Cleaning, anything technical, mechanical, anything around the house? I won’t do it. And I tell my clients that and my wife actually has two boyfriends. And like, what she has two boyfriends. Yeah, Dennis and Jose. Whenever there’s something broken in the house, she calls them to fix it. But it’s made my marriage a lot better. Because we don’t have to fight about getting the new toilet seat from Home Depot or wherever you do shop. Dennis or Jose, they take care of everything. Because if I were to do it, it would be a five hour fight. Yep. Then flipside to work, anything technical, mechanical, anything to do with marketing, LinkedIn, Facebook, I don’t do any of that. Because it just looks like the pit of despair. So I’m pretty clear on the fact that you’re not going to see me on social media unless my good friend Debra, post something about this podcast.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 08:14
I have to be honest, I actually outsource some of my LinkedIn and stuff to people who are much better at it than me. I’m I do some personal things. But there’s definitely some stuff that they helped me with. Because again, I’m good at it, but I’m not sure I really enjoy it.
Scott Rusnak 08:25
Again, you’re reading my LinkedIn are my delegate now have a checklist. My assistant Melissa does all of my LinkedIn stuff. She knows my tone. She knows who I am. And she presents herself as Melissa. I just won’t do it. It’s just a rabbit hole for me. And I won’t go down it.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 08:40
Yeah, fair enough. I think for me, I mean, I really enjoy sharing the stuff that we have. And so I don’t want to stop doing that. But I just realized it was definitely somebody else’s, could do it a whole lot better. And they enjoyed doing it. So that’s the most important thing. So what about the we end up sort of with a list of things in two halves, if you like four quadrants, but two halves? What do you do once you’ve got that list?
Scott Rusnak 09:02
Well, so it’s tricky, because we all think that we can get more done than we actually can. And so what I try to do is when I look at the bottom half of the list and things that I don’t like but I’m good at and I definitely don’t like and I’m not good at, I try to delegate gait, at least one of those things every quarter.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 09:19
Scott Rusnak 09:20
Every quarter, I set a rock for myself to delegate something. I got really hung up in the last version of my book. It was done, I thought it was done. And I realized that I needed to find some data a bit more grit to it. So I found a really great writer who’s done some stuff on Showtime and for Apple TV, and he’s just really put a nice sparkle on that book. If I would have done it, I’d still be sitting here with an incomplete book. So I try to find people that can take over these tasks for me that are much better at than I am.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 09:50
And so you’ve got you’ve got the two boyfriends and I know you’ve got an assistant in the business as well. wife has two boyfriends, boyfriends
Debra Chantry-Taylor 09:59
Two boyfriends in your relationship, I suppose. But yeah, okay. So yeah, so you’ve got people who can actually help you what other sort of helped you get it? And how do you how do you decide who to delegate to. And then more importantly, I think, how to let go because you’re an entrepreneur like myself, and we let’s face it, we are control freaks at times. And so it can be very hard to actually let go of the things even if we don’t like them.
Scott Rusnak 10:23
It’s tough. So what I do is I go to that bottom half, and then I go to my people analyzer. And I find find the right person, as we call it the right person in the right seat. The right person is someone who fits my core values. The right seat means absolutely love to do it. And I know that Melissa loves to send out calendar invites, she likes to send out invoices, she’s great at all that marketing stuff and pulling together my schedule was I’m terrible. In fact, today was Case in point, I showed up 12 minutes late for this podcast, because I didn’t look at my calendar, and she needed to remind me so when we find those people we really trust they can get us point in the right direction.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 11:05
Yeah, okay, cool. And so using the people analyze it as making sure that they really do GW see the role that you’re wanting to give them. And then, you know, I read something really interesting my vision on the EOS worldwide blog about the difference between sort of delegating and just Relinquishing I thought it was a different word that they use. But you know, Delegate doesn’t mean you can just kind of go Okay, that’s it, it’s yours. No response from me just do it. There has to be some rigid sort of handover or process in place as well.
Scott Rusnak 11:34
So this is almost perfect timing. A really good friend of mine, Leonard lynskey, from Dallas, Texas, wrote a blog this morning on delegate Elevate, we should populate the show notes with that. And he talked about his son who had been appointed to be the manager of a coffee shop in Dallas. And he obviously was a great barista really knew how to make the greatest drinks. But his team was kind of suffering because it didn’t learn how to do it properly. So sometimes, as entrepreneurs, we need to get really straight on those simple and easy but repeatable core processes, and train those people on how to do things. So they can be better than us. So if you look at that delegate and elevate, if you’ve got to be the manager or the boss, make sure those things are on the bottom on the bottom of your list of being taken care of. But then also go to your staff and ask them to fill out their own delegate and elevate to make sure that those things are being taken care of as well.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 12:27
Now, I know that you just said that, you know, you should do this on a weekly basis to make sure that you’re doing the right things. I’m bet a lot of people are sitting here thinking, I haven’t got time, Scott, you know, I’m so busy. I just don’t have time to do this. What would you say to that? So you’re telling me, you don’t have time to floss your teeth. You don’t have time to brush your teeth, you don’t have time to shower.
Scott Rusnak 12:48
I liken these as the same things. Not only is your brand going out in the world smelling nice looking good. But also the inside of your brain going okay, am I taking care of am I really taking care of who I am at my core, so that I can design that life I’m really proud to live. And I think if you don’t look at your vi to, if you don’t look at your delegate and elevate and your people analyzer once a week, you’re failing yourself. Because you’re gonna run into opportunities as an entrepreneur that you should probably say no to they don’t fit you. Because if we say yes to the wrong opportunities, we get dragged in this direction, that’s going to take all kinds of issues, and put them on your table, and you’ve got to try to help people with those. You’ve got to be able to avoid those. And I think those three tools will help you do that.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 13:33
Yeah, I agree. I completely agree. And I think it’s a really important point is that we need to kind of be constantly referring to them, making sure the stuff that we’re saying yes to is the stuff that really makes the boat go faster, or makes your heart sing is the things that are important for you. But also important is to say no, right? We have to have very strong ideas about what our what we should say No, there’s nothing wrong with saying no.
Scott Rusnak 13:53
I love the fact you said Will it make the boat go faster. In fact, as a young kid growing up in Western Canada, I really tried to become a professional cyclist. I got pretty good. But it didn’t get to be on the level I wanted to be until my coach Dez said, Scott, from today forward. This was when I was about 17 said you need to make every decision in your life from this point onward, with one idea in mind. And that’s an implementation intention that says Will it make the bike go faster. So instead of going for beers with my friends, that before a training ride, I’d stop, instead of eating that pound of ice cream, and I love ice cream, I wouldn’t do it. So I’ve really taken that mantra to this point in my life. And it’s kind of Uncanny that Dr. Benjamin Hardy wrote an entire book about making a boat go quicker, but I gotta give credit to coach Dez because he really put that in my mind to use these simple things to get yourself pointed in the right direction.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 14:48
So being really, really clear on what that vision is and everything is is helping you towards that vision. Now I know that I’ve had this myself with some of my EOS clients where they sort of say hey, look, this is really easy for you, Debra, you know you’re a small business So you’ve only got a couple of employees, for you to plan your life and decide you’re taking these holidays and only doing this work on these days, etc, etc. It’s really easy. We run a business that’s got, you know, 50-100 staff, it’s not as easy for us to do that. I know what I say to that. But I’d love to hear what your thought is on that. Because you’ve you’ve also been in charge of running some large businesses and still live by the same mantra, right?
Scott Rusnak 15:00
Yeah, absolutely. And so when I go back to the people that alacer, I think of the five most important people of my life. And I’ve got to make sure that I’ve got a tensional side time set aside with those people throughout the year. So not only go to Costa Rica tonight, for a couple weeks, but I’ve got a trip with my entire family planned for Japan, in February, that we got something in June and something in the fall. So I map out my year with the five most important people. And then I look at this next group of friends, about 15 people, and I want to make sure that I’m seeing them as well. So I put them in my calendar sample is here. I’m very intentional about it to make sure that those folks go in first. And then I look at other business associates and other things I’m going to be doing. And then in that map in all of my clients sessions, and what I’ve just gone through my first half batch of annual planning for the year, and my year is starting to get mapped out almost in full. So I know where I’m headed. That was a serious month, but I sell it off. And I even tell my clients, so like some of my clients like Dutch Bros, coffee that I’ve been working with for a number of years, thousands and thousands of employees. But their CEO is smart enough to say, hey, look, I’m going to make sure I’ve got that stuff mapped out for my family as well. So you can definitely do it. But you’ve got to be intentional.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 16:42
That’s right. And I think you know, one of the things that I actually took from our very, very first podcast was I got back into loving war planners again. And so now we have a war planner at home and in our room that has got all of our different work and holiday commitments are the same in the office and, and I sat down and probably about a month ago now and just planned out next year as well, to make sure it was all very, very intentional. I think I need to do a little bit earlier, I think leaving it until November was perhaps a little bit too late. But nevertheless, it was really good to actually sit there and go right, this is what is coming up and knowing then, yeah, the most important things have been put in there.
Scott Rusnak 17:17
Well, and so I rotate my calendar every 90 days. So it’s right there on the wall, I won’t turn the video over to there. But every 90 days, I reset the next 12 months in advance. So I don’t want people to think about it as a New Year’s Day activity, I want them to think about it as an any day activity. So let’s pretend Today is Feb one. So why not plan out the first 60 days and then look at the rest of the year, and then get straight on the 12 months. But every time you hit the end of a quarter, put another slot on the wall for the next nine or the next 90 days.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 17:52
That’s a good idea is that becomes part of your 190 day world is actually looking at your calendar as well. And obviously what you’re doing, you delegate and elevate on a regular basis, there’s probably going to be more things that will fall out of that.
Scott Rusnak 18:04
Well, the cool thing is I sent a picture of my calendar, Melissa. And then she inputs, all the dates that I have personally on to my family calendar. So my wife and my kids who are 24/26, know where we are. And then I get her to populate all the clients. So because she takes care of that, it all meshes into this one beautiful thing. But me not being so technical, I can see it on the wall. And every time I walk into the office, there it is. So makes it really easy to operate.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 18:31
And I must admit I have this setup, I actually have it in my Outlook calendar. So we’ve got a family one, we’ve got an EOS client one, we’ve got other bits and pieces in there. But the thing about the wall planner that I really love is the end of the year. So yesterday I actually snapshot because I’ve actually officially finished with the year two. And so yes, they are a snapshot of my calendar. And what it gave me because I use different colored markers for the different areas of my life. And what I’m doing is the holidays, EOS other stuff that I do outside of work. And that gave you a really clear picture of how much time was actually spent in each of those areas. So it gives you a little bit of a visual to go Hey, is that the right amount of time? You know, Gino always talks about, you know, how many hours or days in a year do you want to work? And did I actually stick to that and I must admit this this year, you know a few things I probably didn’t stick to as well as I should have done. So it gives me a bit of an insight into next year what I can do better next year
Scott Rusnak 19:18
Well, so this is perfectly up as well. I call my time with the five most important people blackout days. So I’ve got these blackout days and on my calendar those are blacked out. The red zone is when I focus on client activities and to typically I do sessions from Tuesdays to Thursdays but an annual planning season which is typically after American Thanksgiving until Christmas when I leave and then end of January early Feb. That’s all red zone. And red zone means I’m going to 100% focus in those areas. And that’s guess that’s an American football NFL term that that’s when you punch the ball across the line. But I’ve got my red zone dates all planned into my calendar. And then the blue zone dates are what I’m with the 15th and the other 50 important people in my life. And I’ve got that down for more creative time outs, mountain bike rides, ski trips, whatever it may be. But no one’s ever gonna hijack my calendar. Because if you’re looking at it say, well, it’s full, it’s 100%. Packed. So if someone who’s not in my five by 15, my 50 wants to get on it, it’s pretty impossible for me to let them in, because I’m gonna have to break up with someone already.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 20:26
It is tricky. I love it. Okay, so um, what else in terms of living your ideal life? So we’ve talked about the people analyzer making sure you’re surrounded by the right people doing the right things. We’ve talked about the delegate and elevate, making sure you’re giving stuff over to people who can do it better than you, but also, most importantly, enjoy it. One or the other, you got the EOS video, which is, you know, your your planning tool in terms of both long term and your 90 day world stuff. What else do you do to make sure that you actually live your ideal life?
Scott Rusnak 20:26
So it’s tricky. Yeah, so there’s two things. The first is if you’re not absolutely fascinated about what’s to come next, I don’t think you’re really putting your nose into the game your chin into the wind. And by fascination, I mean, every 90 days, you should have a really fun break, you’re gonna take it, if even if it’s just in your town, and it might be an event with friends, if you’re jumping on an aeroplane or going skiing and Park City like I do or surfing in Solana Beach, you shot those things that are just wonderful, and you can look forward to, because no matter how bad the day gets, you could always have in the back your mind that you’re going somewhere really cool. And you can have a lot of fun. So we’ve got to have those keep fascinated goals that really keep us looking forward.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 21:39
It’s interesting, I don’t know if you know, but I just recently bought a new car. And it’s a step away from the usual kind of cars. I’ve always been a bit of a European sports car girl. But one of the things that my husband and I love doing is actually going on adventures. And we were very clear when we got married, that we wanted to make lots of adventures. And so I bought myself an SUV. So that we can actually easily take the kayaks, the bikes, or the dogs in the back and actually go off and do things. And so we’ve been planning out some long weekends away to various different places and hit the car and, and enjoy that and have to say, like you said, it gives us something to look forward to. Because even when you love what you do, there are still some days when you’re gonna be tired when you’re going to be, you know, not quite feeling it and something goes wrong. So having something to look forward to, I think is really important.
Scott Rusnak 22:21
Yeah, absolutely. Is those extended clarity breaks are important. Yeah, we say to take weekly clarity breaks, but you’ve got to have extended ones as well.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 22:31
That’s a really good point. So clarity breaks, you and I both know what they are. But for those who might be listening for the first time, what do you How would you describe a clarity break?
Scott Rusnak 22:38
They come in different sizes, shapes and formats for me. But the easiest one is just to step out of my office or my home, there’s a beautiful little pond that’s about a five, six minute walk away. And I’ll just go sit there with a blank piece of paper and a pen, no electronics, nobody bugging me. I just sit there and I think And the crazy thing is when I just have time by myself to think I start solving some of the trickiest problems, at least I get ideas on how to nudge things forward. So every week I take at least one or two of those real simple secluded clarity breaks. But then I schedule in longer ones. So you know, I love to mountain bikes, I take these three, four hour long mountain bike rides on the weekend, nothing in my ear, I’m just on the trails, and stuff just comes to me. So weekly clarity, clarity breaks, extended ones, and then vacations can be clarity breaks as well. Just as long as you’re surrounding yourself with the right people and it’s not a big mosh pit of people you don’t know which I completely avoid.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 23:40
Fair enough. And so obviously at the mountain biking is a great one because you’ve got nothing going on while you’re there. When you go on holiday. I’m just curious because I always still take a couple of business books to read I can’t help myself I find it’s a nice time to actually sit, relax and and actually find reading is probably one of the few things that’s my non active relaxing if you like, what about yourself, do you what do you do when you go on holiday? Do you completely remove yourself? Or do you take books with you?
Scott Rusnak 24:05
I’ve got audible books, I’m not much of a reader. I always fall asleep when I read but when I listen to a book, I’m good. But I started my vacation typically my holiday by two or three days of nothing. There’s just so much coming at us. And today actually is my prep day for my holiday. I take a day off before actually take time off. So I made sure the pacu was straight that the dog got off to the you know, the vet place to the little doggy ranch points on my Saw my eye doctor so I just got all these things straightened out of my own brain so that I was ready for my holiday. And at the start of it, it’s just three days with my wife and I before my sons and their friends started arriving on the Friday. When they come they start asking me questions about the books and everything else. So I’m kind of prepared for that as well. So, absolutely. Couple of my favorite books from this year down below at your best by Carrie Neufeld.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 25:00
and Mickey singers book the surrender experiment. So those are ones I’m gonna reread again, there’s absolutely wonderful books. Right now that’s pretty good.
Scott Rusnak 25:09
That just step back from the books and other things I do is, it’s little known to people who are within the EOS world that we also have a tool that is similar to the VTO for business is called the personal life plan. And you can still build your own family VTOand your own personal VTO with this two page documents, so it’s something that’s really helped my family stay straight on our values, our core target, and what we want to be able to accomplish as well.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 25:43
Yeah, and she’s interesting is that because it is a once you start doing EOS in your business, it does start to flow for into your life, but it’s not. But it’s not a forced thing. It just happens naturally. I know that my husband has started, you know, whenever we have a, an issue or a challenge, he always said What should we IDS that, then that’s that’s just come almost by osmosis from him hearing me talk to my clients about IDS things. So we’re starting to bring in little little bits of Eos in for life without even realizing it. And one of my clients the other day, he said to me, you know, he was just super excited because one of his kids or that she said, hey, look, we’ve got a problem here, I think it’s going to be really good. If we actually IDs this problem to get to the right solution.
Scott Rusnak 26:19
You have to be very careful how much you bring to home. Because my wife has said to me a couple of times lovingly on a walk, don’t you dare IDS we today? When in the right place IDS can be fabulous.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 26:34
Yeah. So if anybody wants to get hold of a copy of that life planner, obviously I can, I can let you have that. So just drop a note in the in the podcast comments. Okay, so we’ve covered quite a lot already today. So we’ve talked about, you know, using the people analyze or delegating, elevating, doing it every week to make sure that you’re on top of it, using your VTO yo and your 90 day cycle to kind of review things including your, your planner on your wall, checking in with your the people in your life to make sure you’ve got the people not only in business, but in your personal life as well. Huge amount of stuff there. But I still gonna ask you for your three top tips to design your ideal life just so the listeners go away and have something they can really start to work on.
Scott Rusnak 27:14
Yeah, for sure. We’ve talked about some of them already. But I’m really intentional about it. I call them tent poles. So every quarter, you’ve got to have a tent pole, something that points out that says, here’s where I’m going. And I’m really excited about it. As much as I’m excited about going to Costa Rica, and that’s been in the calendar for a long time. I’ve got a trip to Japan, we’re going skiing in Japan, before our Dallas QC. So that’s coming up in about 60 days. I know that on June the 22nd. We’re going to Helsinki I know that on September the ninth we’re going back to British Columbia. And next year Thanksgiving, we’re taking a trip with some friends. So I love having those points of fascination that I call tent poles every year in my calendar gets me excited even when I’m at the lowest of lows. Got it? Yep. Number two, I’ll go back to Dunbar’s number, the five, the 15, the 50. Make sure you really are surrounding yourself with people you love to be with. So you can make a massive impact in the world. And then the third one I kind of sprung on you was the personal detail the personal life plan that’s a part of EOS. And I think that the people in your market should really reach out to you for that tool and ask you for a bit of coaching around that because I could just be something that takes your life to another level.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 28:30
Yeah, it was really interesting. I was actually at a function the other day and one of the speakers actually asked the audience, but 120 people there, you know, how many of them actually had a plan for their life. And only two people put their hand up and I was one of them. I’m pleased to say that we’ll do the rest of them weren’t. And it’s like, it’s really fascinating, because as a business, we know we have to have a plan. But the same applies to our life, right? I mean, it doesn’t mean you have to be absolutely rigid, but it actually gives you more freedom by knowing what is important, in my opinion.
Scott Rusnak 28:58
Well, that’s why you’re one of the best the best. And if people have that plan, and in the VTO we have a 10 year target, which you can also call it a core target. Well, I switched mine this year to eight, your target, I’ll be 65 and eight years, can’t believe it. But I know where I’m headed, I’m pretty sure that those things are going to come together. Of course, there’s going to be roadblocks and obstacles and disruptions but I’m putting on the future. I use that long range thinking really to make sure that I’ve got that right attitude to get there.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 29:28
65 Wow! That’s yeah, that’s funny, isn’t it? Because do you know, I actually do a lot of work helping people with those 10 disciplines of managing your, your energy. And yeah, one of the things you know, talks about is that long term thinking and so one of the first questions we get people to do is go hey, you know, do the 10 year time How old will you be? And it really starts to bring it home to you right? Because in 10 years time I will be 62 and I never never thought I’d get to that age if I’m honest. It’s not exciting. But it does start to make you think very carefully about you know, we’ve got a limited what do they say a limited number of summers how meet some of you got left? And are you doing the stuff that you really, really love with the people you love? Are you making time to pursue other passions or the EOS lifestyle that we talk about?
Scott Rusnak 30:10
Well, I’ve got a little hack that I always put into my summers into my days off. People ask me, How many days are going on vacation for and I’ll say, Well, I’m going for 30. They’re like, Wow, that’s crazy. So we’ll hang on though. It’s really inhuman hours. It’s only 15 days. But I typically have about an hour nap during the day. And I get to wake up and do it all again. So I like it. When I go on vacation. I split them into two days at a time. So I might be going for 15 Human days. I don’t really care for 30. Scott does.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 30:43
That’s fantastic. I was got it’s a pleasure as always to talk to you. I hope you have a wonderful, wonderful trip, what many trips, but the first trip, particularly with your wife, if people want to get in contact with you. And if they want to get hold of the latest edition of the book, how do they do that?
Scott Rusnak 30:57
It’s only on Amazon. And I think it’s only in the States, but off the check with the publicist because they were going to make sure we’re sort of worldwide so They can hit me up at scott@Scott But I think the smartest, smartest, the wisest thing they can do is reach out to you first because you’ve got a ton of information. And I know your world class coach.
Debra Chantry-Taylor 31:18
Oh, that’s very kind. Thank you very much, Scott. Hey, look, as I said, Honestly, I really, really do look forward to these these times. And I know that you’ve been hugely supportive of me outside of the podcast as well. So that’s once I thank you for everything that you do for me for the world for your clients. Thank you so much.
Scott Rusnak 31:33
You’re the best of the best. Thanks, Debra.
EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach
Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.
As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.
Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.
Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.
Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.
As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More
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