Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor
Aug. 2, 2021

Living the EOS Life! with Daniel Davis - Episode 20 of Better Business, Better Life!

Daniel Davies is a founder, owner and leader in six successful companies in varying industries, and is now responsible for bringing the tools of EOS®, The Entrepreneurial Operating System®, into Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region. Daniel shares some tips on what the EOS life really is and how you can live the EOS life as an Entrepreneur or Business Owner.

Daniel has a 20+ year history of building companies, and his obsession is helping entrepreneurial organisations to clarify, simplify and achieve their vision. He has been a founder, owner and leader in six successful companies in varying industries, and is now responsible for bringing the tools of EOS®, The Entrepreneurial Operating System®, into Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region.

In this podcast, Daniel talks about:

  • His love for fast cars
  • What he learned as life as an IGA owner in the Blue Mountains
  • How he discovered EOS & his 'twin' Gino Wickman 
  • How he uses EOS in his personal life
  • How something can be simple but not easy!

Daniel also shares some tips on what the EOS life really is & how you can live the EOS life as an Entrepreneur or Business Owner.

Daniel's passion to help others is evident in this podcast - you don't want to miss this episode!


Daniel's EOS Life

When I read the book Traction by Gino Wickman, I loved it so much that I made it my mission to bring EOS® to Australia.

EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, is widely used in the USA and Europe by tens of thousands of companies, and we want to see as many companies as possible enjoying the benefit of the EOS tools across Australia and beyond.

Since 2017 the team at EOS Worldwide has entrusted me with the honour of representing and expanding the EOS brand here in Australia and New Zealand, and the wider Asia Pacific Region, where we are building a thriving community of entrepreneurs who are running their businesses using the EOS Process, Model, and Tools. As the regional Community Leader, I train and prepare EOS Implementers for a successful journey to EOS Mastery.

At EOS Worldwide, we are devoted to finding, training and supporting like-minded entrepreneurs who want to become master EOS Implementers and live the "EOS Life":

- Doing what you love to do
- Growing with people you enjoy
- Making a significant difference
- Being compensated appropriately
- With time to pursue other passions


Debra Chantry-Taylor

Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner

#betterbusinessbetterlife #entrepreneur #leadership #eosimplementer

Professional EOS Implementer NZ

Professional EOS Implementer Australia

Professional EOS Implementer New Zealand

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Debra Chantry | Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Operating System | Leadership Coach  | Family Business AdvisorDebra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.

She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.

Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:

  • Doing what you love
  • With people you love
  • Making a huge difference in the world
  • Bing compensated appropriately
  • With time for other passions

She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.

Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.

Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.

Find out more here -



Debra Chantry-Taylor 00:12

Welcome to another episode of better business better life. I’m your host, Debra Chantry-Taylor. I’m passionate about helping entrepreneurs and their leadership teams get what they want at a business and life. On the show, I invite successful business owners and expert speakers to share their successes. They are open and honest about the highs and lows of business and also life as a business owner. We want to share those learnings with you to inspire you, but also to help you avoid some of the common mistakes. My hope is that you take something from each of these short episodes that you can put into action to help you get what you want, not only out of your business, but also your life. So good morning, welcome to another episode of better business better life. today. I’m very privileged with Daniel Davis. And Daniel is the community leader for the APAC region for EOS worldwide. He’s also a certified EOS implementer. And he’s worked about 80 clients for the EOS system. So welcome done. Thanks, Deb. Nice to be here and joining you. Yeah. lovely to see you. Hey, I’m Dan, you’ve got a very, very interesting journey. How many because you actually bought EOS into the APAC region? Would you like to share a little bit about your journey and your course a business owner for many years, we’d like to share about your journey and where you got to and perhaps within that share of professional and personal best?

Daniel Davis 01:26

Sure. So I’ll probably kick off with the personal and business best because I know I’ll forget otherwise. So there’s been my laptimes at the track lately. So as you know, I like my car racing and motorbike racing. And it’s nice to be back at the track after the last year or so of having the lockouts. So that’s been nice. And business best has been just the clients success that I’ve seen occurring and their ability to adapt to all the changes that have been coming around over the last year. And continue. Actually, as we speak, we’re back in lockdown here in Sydney. So personal and business best how I got involved with this, bringing EOS to here. If I was to give you the fast version, I started the first business when I was 21. A small IGA supermarket up in the Blue Mountains work very hard, growing that store opened it in the morning at five work through till 11 at night, and lived at the store for about three years. And over time. I learned every conceivable mistake, I guess, as you go. And thankfully, by the end of three years, it was a really successful store. And that allowed me to continue on doing some other things. So over the years I’ve been in property development, also building out other stores, other retail stores, some professional service space, b2b work that I’ve also had. And I guess how I stumbled into this space was after investing into a friend’s company. And I didn’t do any due diligence, he was one of our best friends from school. But the short story was I lost a few million dollars in that venture, and led me to seek help. I wasn’t sure how to fix the problem. tried a few different business coaches and advisors without a great deal of luck. Actually, it was quite frustrating. Until I came across. One lady, she helped me really, really, really well. And I actually found my passion of wanting to understand the science of business and help the business owners out there. So I ended up buying out her business and growing it. And then I came across EOS I read traction after a person sitting in an audience actually are speaking at an event and somebody came up and said, hey, you’ve got this twin brother called Gino wickman. Again, yes, you look like him and you sound like him. And you need to check out this book called traction. And so I read the book on a flight and never looked back. I thought it was just fantastic as a simplified version of what I was doing in my consulting firm, and flew to the US met, the team fell in love, I guess and bought the brand down here to the APAC region. And that was about six years ago now. So since then, I’ve had the pleasure of growing the brand here and training about 25 other people or that implementers like yourself and the rest of our crew down here that go out and help people everyday. So that’s the fastest version I can give us the journey so far.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 04:37

So what was it that you fell in love with?

Daniel Davis 04:40

Especially like simplicity, the simplicity, you know, and we we share this with clients simple, not easy. And I think this is a really powerful takeaway there. If we look at it’s interesting right now we’re in a lockdown here in in Sydney. And we we when you look at some statistics To find intriguing is that the largest health issue that we have in the world is, you know, heart disease and associated problems, diabetes, etc. When we look at the solutions, there’s actually a solution. It’s exercise and eating, right? It’s not that difficult, right? Sure, they can try and create tablets for it, that will help us be able to live our abusive lives, but on how we look after ourselves. But if people just exercise properly every day and ate the right foods, in most cases, you’d wipe out 90% of the issues, right? So but it’s not easy. So that’s what I mean by simple not easy. So that’s, that’s what EOS is for business is very simple, not easy. And I think what makes it easier is the work that we do with clients kind of holding their hand through that no different to what a I guess a professional personal trainer would do helping my fitness and health challenge.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 06:01

Okay. And so when you are running your own business, what were the biggest challenges you came across?

Daniel Davis 06:07

I think the main thing would be that a lack of experience. I mean, I was 21 when I first started, and I learned some great insights around what it takes to run a successful retail store. Yeah. So I ran, you know, I always enjoyed working with people. So I think, you know, building a team of people that enjoyed what they do that part, perhaps came easy, but managing them and managing everything else that goes into running a business like that. It was challenging. And I had no, there was no instruction manual on how to do it. It was quite, quite tough. So yeah, I learned the hard way of just getting in there and living and breathing all day, every day. And so I got good at it. Yeah,

Debra Chantry-Taylor 06:52

fantastic. So we EOS, obviously a very simple system. We talk about the EOS life and what it means to live the EOS life, I know that you’re you’re there, aren’t you in terms of actually living that we’d like to share a little bit about what that looks like what that means. And

Daniel Davis 07:09

so it’s and there’s a book coming out on this soon, I think in the next 12 months to be great for everyone to read. But Put simply, it’s five things we say doing what you love. So when I say doing what you love, I think that the takeaway there is for me anyway is find that thing that you enjoy doing now, I think some people have this romantic notion that it’s going to be some beautiful story, right? I don’t think it’s it’s means that that right? That it’s going to be some easy thing. It’s about just having something that you enjoy and that you’re passionate about doesn’t mean it’s easy. So doing what you love. And I think the only way you will find that is to try a few different things on particularly in those early years of your career. Don’t be afraid to try something different with people that you love. I’d say this is one of the most important parts. And as business owners, the people listening to this, I’d say, understand these two things. Were the ones who recruit the staff members and decide whether or not to keep them on board. So surround yourself with people that you love. And when you master this, it’s also choosing the clients that you love. That’s when you know you’ve nailed it in life. That’s one of the best things of your slide for myself. Anyway, I think having that ability to choose who I work with making a significant difference. This is an interesting one, because I think most people if you’re really to question them, they probably don’t think that they make a significant difference every day. And it’s probably because they’re not reflecting on the impact of the work that they do. So even back to my first store that IGA store, small soup marketing, in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, kind of country area, it was very quiet, not an elderly people. And I would always be talking to my staff about just remember the impact that you make some of the people that visit our store, this is the only this is the highlight of their day. So when you go to the extra effort of greeting them when they come in and seeing how they’re doing and making sure that the music playing through the store is music that’s going to be appropriate for them. It makes a difference. And as a result is one of the driving factors that I think drove our success in that store. So making a significant difference is important realizing the impact that you have all of us have have impact every day, just a few Think of how big great that is. being compensated appropriately is just being paid well for what you do, but also looking beyond just the money. It’s like what else do you get in terms of compensation for what you do? I think again, if you’re doing something that you enjoy, it’s purpose driven, including even as simple as working a retail supermarket, I can make a difference. And with time to pursue other passions. That’s what I’m still working on. open and honest. I kind of think in life, the thing about us life is it kind of goes in that sequence, right? Finding that thing that you love doing it with people that you love, you get paid well, once you’ve mastered something, you make a more significant difference. Again, the more you master something more impact that you have, and then time to pursue other passions. Well, that’s, that’s not over committing on the work front and making sure that you leave time for other things. And I’m trying to get better at that as I go.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 10:27

Yeah, I think you’re doing pretty good on you. with your family and whatnot, which is great. Okay, so how do businesses get to that sort of stage? I mean, we obviously the EOS model is designed to help them to do that. Can you just take us through, I suppose a journey with a client, what, what typically happens in that EOS process? And yeah, what do you do with them?

Daniel Davis 10:51

Um, so it’s, it’s a process that we’ve been using for two decades now. So 20 years of history and 11 more than 11,000 companies of all different industries. And so it’s, it’s a system that works for basically every business out there. And we follow a process that goes for approximately two years, from the time of initial engagement through to what we call graduation, where you’re learning and implementing a simple but highly effective set of tools into the business that helps them bring their vision. Firstly, we help them clarify what is that vision? What is it that they want, because it varies from from business to business, individual to individual. So getting clarity around what they want, getting them all on the same page, and then giving them a set of tools that help them bring that patient into reality. And we said that we help them with three things called vision, traction and healthy vision from the standpoint of simplifying, clarifying that vision, traction from the standpoint of grace and giving them the tools to succeed and a healthy from the standpoint of creating healthy, cohesive leadership team that can be really open and honest with one another, enjoy working together and confront the issues that the businesses face, day to day basis. So and graduation simply means they get to a point where they’ve learned these tools, and they can run, run independently. They don’t need to be working with you. They’ve kind of got this and they can continue with those great habits, successful business and life.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 12:24

Fantastic. So clients that come to you, why would they usually come? What are their biggest kind of challenges that they go, Oh, my gosh, I need some help. Hmm.

Daniel Davis 12:34

It’s interesting. So some are feeling pain. And they come along, because maybe they’re not getting what they want from their business, they might be frustrated, feeling like they’ve got a vision, but just not not not coming to reality. Some made me come because they feel like they’re not getting the financial reward out of it that they should. And what I’m finding, though, however, is many of them just just come along nowadays, because they’re referred to me from my existing client base. And they’re actually independently successful people in their own right, they’re just looking and thinking, I think I could do better. And that doesn’t necessarily mean financially, it could just mean, I could create a better workplace for my team members to enjoy. And perhaps I could be better in my market, you know, even better than what we are now. So they’re just, they’re really open to trying on new things. They’re not necessarily in pain, they just think, Hey, I think I could do better. And I’m really open to look at us to help me.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 13:37

Yeah, I sort of liken that I say that one of my clients come to me, they usually good businesses, we look from the outside in, they’re good in terms of they’re making good money, they enjoy what they’re doing. But they just feel that there’s something not quite something missing, and they could be doing better. And so they come to actually get advice about how they can take you to that next level, which is, which is great. And as you said, that’s not just not just financial, but it can be around, you know, having more time to do what they love, maybe, you know, creating a better environment, whatever it might be. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. Okay, so what do you have a favorite tool in the EOS model? I always ask this question like,

Daniel Davis 14:12

what is your favorite tool? Funny? It’s interesting, because I’ve probably just shared it the EOS life is not necessarily a tool that we teach. It’s more of an outcome of the work that we do. But it definitely is my my my favorite thing that I referred to, but I’d probably say the VTR being a visionary, you know, having a document that can capture that vision and put it down into its into a simple page. It’s hard to believe that you get everything that’s in your head onto one one document. And so on point. I’ve had multiple occasions when we finished the two vision building days where the founder, who we you know, offer the term the visionary. gets a little teary little emotional. So that’s how I’ve been trying to. That’s what I’ve been trying to share all these years. And I just couldn’t put it into a simple form. And so it helps them clarify where they want to go and the team to get united around that same vision. And it’s, that’s pretty cool thing. I use the same methodology also at home, same document, just planning home too. And I was gonna

Debra Chantry-Taylor 15:24

ask you about that cuz I know that you do. Yeah. So do you have quarterly sessions with your family?

Daniel Davis 15:29

Right, right. I mean, my, my boys didn’t want to attend initially, but now that they’re getting to an older age 17 and 15. They’re more interested in that. They like that whole planning tool, because they’re starting to realize the power of it.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 15:45

Yeah, fantastic. Okay, cool. I was going to ask, in terms of the, you know, that making a significant difference thing. As much as I observe Actually, I’m done in Wellington at the moment. I’m here for a conference. And I was in a hotel yesterday, and I went to get breakfast, there was a guy who was cooking omelets there. And I went over and he asked me what I wanted. And I told him and he very grumpily kind of went, so I’m making this omelet. He got it wrong, which was another thing. But anyway, at the end of it, it just wasn’t a very pleasant experience. I went back to my to, to have breakfast with Steve and I said to God, the guy making the omelet today, he was really grumpy and and it made me feel really grumpy as well. And Steve said, well, it’s a really boring job. And it’s really repetitive. I said, Yeah, but I went to Fiji A few years ago, and there was a guy there, he was making omelets. And he was the best person I’ve ever met in a kitchen because he was happy, he was joyful. He was engaging with people. And he would actually make my morning like, every morning, I’d go in and order an omelet. And he was making hundreds of omelets. Probably boring as batshit. But he would actually, you know, hi, how you doing and have a chat to you and really engage with you. And I think it may can either make or break your mornings. So yesterday’s morning, you know, I could have chosen to actually get really pissed off with it, but I just moved on. But it was just not a great start. Whereas in Fiji, the guy had a real passion for making people’s mornings.

Daniel Davis 17:04

Yeah. And I think that’s something that, that I was fortunate enough to learn really early on, you know, working in a retail environment working in a service station, right. So gas station for the American listeners, but you know, cars come in, they put fuel in and they come in, it’s not the most exciting job in the world, I quickly came to realize that it can also be a really miserable job for me, or I can learn how to flip that and I guess become the Fijian omelet maker. Yeah, man have fun with this. And, you know, I can make it enjoyable. And like, attracts like, and also, you know, positive or negative energy, when you give it off, you often receive it back. And so when you do flip back, and you’re giving off that positive energy, it builds the same. And you’ll find that you become very, very, very popular. The store did really well, as a result. We obsessed over it so much in that first store of mine that we have two of my staff members left in people’s wills. That’s that’s at four we were I mean, we were the number one store in the country. And it ran off the very simple premise that my team really went above and beyond to be exactly what you just described there. just have some fun taken interest in the customers that were coming through and always ask them, How could I do better? How could I make that experience that little bit better. And as a result, it made it fun and challenging gave us something to do in the store rather than it being boring? Yeah, we built something really special. And we genuinely loved working there. It was a really enjoyable experience. The customers enjoyed it and valued it. And inside of my team members, it was two way street.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 18:50

So how do you instill that kind of behavior into the team? What what’s the sort of the magic tool that you use to get them all on that same page and deliver that excellent service?

Daniel Davis 19:01

I think it’s really comes down to this thing of mindset. You know, it’s the way that you think about things, whatever the task might be. I remember when I first started in retail part of the job was the cleaning had to clean bathrooms had to clean toilets at the mop the floors. And I could either look at that as a real negative or I could think I just want to have the best floor and the cleanest toilet that’s ever existed. And so that’s what I did. And I kind of took that same philosophy through to everything that it did throughout throughout my business life and I used to say that I share the same thing with the team we can come in here and be miserable for the entire shift or you can have some fun here and try and be the best. There’s an art form to everything even mopping the floor. There is an art to it right because you got to do a quick you got to read make it clean and in a retail environment, the challenge You’ve got as people are constantly coming back in every, you know, every five minutes, and they’re messing it back up to where people are gonna slip over. So how’s that for running? So you have to get the water really hot. Yeah. And and basically, you know dryers pretty pretty damn quick to say even now all these years later I remember the artful I’ve mopped many floors in my life. So I enjoyed it. Yeah,

Debra Chantry-Taylor 20:24

yeah. So it also comes back to that kind of core values as well, though, in the people that you employ, like employing the right people in your business as well. I’m assuming. So in IGA, how did you pick the right people? What would what does that look like?

Daniel Davis 20:36

Yeah, um, well, it was interesting. The first three staff members that I had two was straight out of high school. So it was their first job. And the other was at the end of her career. So she’d had a career working in many different different fields, mostly retail and working in a chemist, she wanted something closer to home, she had moved up for Blackheath, in the Blue Mountains. And so she came in and and so we had a really diverse workforce there is there was no secret. We loved having Leslie because she could teach us many things, because we were the young ones. I mean, I was 21 to 18. Yep, it should have been in early 60s, and she was a gem. But I think we also bought the energy. So we all contributed in our own way. And it made for a great team, and we built from there. So getting the culture, right, and the mindset, right is a big thing. And you need to take the time to coach your team members. My simple philosophy is, okay, so mopping the floor and cleaning the toilets, or flipping the omelets. It’s not such a big job, right? Not such an important thing. So tell me, then what when do you perceive that your job is going to be important? At what point in your career is what you do important is that when you start managing somebody, that’s when you will take your role Seriously? And I mean, at what point does it become important? And the reality that answered that question is everything’s important? Yeah. Because if the bathrooms aren’t clean, or the, the shelves aren’t stacked properly, or you don’t speak nicely to the customers and greet them, hello, and say goodbye and nice things, then, then nothing, you can do everything else at the top, and you can have the best accounting system in the world. But if you being a joke at the front counter, your store will never succeed. Yeah. At what point do you take it seriously, I think you should take it seriously. Right from the entry point, mopping the floor is where it starts.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 22:36

Yeah. And then that comes down to as a leader being a good communicator, too, right. So having those conversations regularly with your team and making sure they are on the same page. Yeah.

Daniel Davis 22:47

And being patient, particularly with young staff members nowadays, one of the things that I’m observing is, teenagers don’t have jobs, the way we used to, makes me sound old. But back in our day, right, it was very normal to get a job when you’re 13 or 14 years old. So by the time you actually entered the full time workforce, you had four years, five years under your belt of being in a work environment. A lot of the time nowadays, kids, you know, we have, we’re in a different economic time, they just don’t have the, you know, parents look after them, they don’t really have the same requirements. And what we’re missing is the true value of them working at a younger age. So just be Be mindful that some of them even go straight to uni, then, and they still, you know, they don’t even know what your daily life is. Oh, yeah. And it’s like, you need to be respectful that data, they don’t get some of the very basic things you need to take a little time just to help them, guide them through and teach them some real 101 things. Don’t assume that they’ve learnt those lessons yet in life. And don’t assume that they don’t want to know. I think that’s that’s false. You know, sometimes I hear people say are the young ones don’t want to work anymore. And I think Well, I think that’s a real generalization. And not fair.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 24:12

And if we just don’t know, do they they just don’t know what that’s what I’m missing out on a bit like a bachelor, I suppose.

Daniel Davis 24:18

Yeah, inspired by them to see things that haven’t yet seen. That’s the joy of work.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 24:24

Perfect. So let’s just say business owners going Yep. You know what? I want that EOS life What are we doing what I love with people, I love making a difference being considered appropriately and having time to pursue other things. Where would they get started? What were their sort of the three tips you would give them to get them started on that journey?

Daniel Davis 24:42

Um, I think we’ll firstly read the book traction. You know, get that Get, get that book read. That’s where it’ll change for me. If you’re too busy for that, which many people listening to this will fall into that bucket though. So well, that’s great. I will at some point. Just contact one of the implementer community reached out to one of the EOS implementers and ask them for a chat. And, you know, book in a 90 minute meeting, so we can go along and hear about EOS live some, for some people, that’s better, more convenient than reading the book. And just get started, I kind of I kind of thought about these lessons prior to today, cuz you’d given me the heads up that, you know, what would what are some insights and these are the things that I thought, number one is try things, you know, to find something that you enjoy in life, I think too many people are fearful for change, just try different things on and see what what, what happens. Respect that it takes time to master something, whatever it is better trade, a professional skill of any description, it’s gonna take commitment, right to get great at something. And the same applies for running a business, it takes time to learn the skill of running a business. So when you think that you spend four or five years doing, you know, a university degree or a trade, your apprenticeship and then it takes another four or five years to get actually really good at that skill. So it’s decade, appreciate that going and registering a business doesn’t make you a successful business owner, you need to learn the craft of running a business. So EOS is designed to just help you on that journey to run the business more successfully. And the final point, I would say there is being World Cup day today World Cup final, I thought it would be appropriate to share this take on life that I have. And and that is you can’t score a goal from the sideline, you need to actually get on the field and have a go. And often see too many people sitting on the sidelines, either critiquing everyone else, or criticizing everyone else in a negative way. Or they’re sitting there reading too many books going to too many conferences. They read they do too, too much education, and they just don’t don’t realize until you get out there and kick that ball, you’ve got no no chance, it’s impossible to try and score a goal. So get out there and have a go. And know that. You know, from a business perspective, EOS is a fantastic start to help you understand the craft of running a business. So just do something. Great. Right. Great opportunity right there.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 27:39

Yeah, I love it. I think one of the reasons that I fell in love with EOS apart from yourself and Fran and the values that EOS has was that it was for me, I have read lots of books, and I have done the MBA and I’ve done all of that stuff. And I’ve also run a business. But I love that it took all of that knowledge and really brought it down into a very, very simple model. And I think you’re absolutely right, we can almost get like I’m paralyzed was analysis by paralysis or paralysis. It’s one of those where you basically you know, you can just keep reading and reading and this so much stuff out there. But when you take it back to its absolute core basics, that’s what EOS is, it’s the simplicity of the really basic stuff that the business means Yeah,

Daniel Davis 28:19

100% it’s, it’s a phenomenal the statistics that I see. So for all the listeners out there worried about their kids in school who are mucking up and being difficult. Here’s some statistics to take away, I would say somewhere between 80 and 90% of the companies that have worked with the founder, or founders have been the ones who were marking up at school, they didn’t fit in, they didn’t find school easy. They had learning issues, etc. And then they’ve gone out to the workplace. And they’ve dominated and interestingly, the rest of the leadership team are the educated people who beat them in school. And then they end up working for the person who wasn’t so great at school. And I think part of the reason of that is some of the founders are just the street smart, but they’re not necessarily booksmart. Baby, they’re not the ones with the great education. And I think what I want to see is they can’t see the dangerous when when people go to uni, they actually realize all of the dangers associated with running a business. They know the failure rate, and they know the statistics, and that makes them like you say paralyzed to think oh, I don’t know if I can do this. Whereas the some of the founders, I think most of them just blindly go in thinking yeah, I’ll be okay and have no idea what they’re about to embark on. But they think that they’ll be fine. And thankfully, if they’re working with one of us, they tend to work out that way statistically pretty much 100% success rate. So we hit out crazy

Debra Chantry-Taylor 30:01

Yeah, I love that. Brilliant. Okay, Dan, we’re kind of getting to the end of the session, I just want to thank you so much for sharing all that stuff with us in terms of the clients that you love to work with, what is your ideal client look like? And how would they get in contact with you?

Daniel Davis 30:17

I love to work with clients, primarily, I love to work with clients that have been referred to me from from my existing if I if I’m open and honest, I’ve become a little bit spoiled like that. And that is because like attracts like, it’s what I shared earlier, right. So great. People tend to know other great people who are values aligned. That’s my first port of call. But people who are passionate about what they do, and they genuinely want to build a business that has a positive impact on its customers and for its people, if you if you’re just coming to me, because you want to increase that bottom line, and that’s your obsession. I just don’t really have any interest. To me, that’s a byproduct of getting the other two things, right. When you’ve got customers that love you and a team that loves you, the rest of the things tend tend to fall into place. And so passion driven people, this is what I typically like to work with.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 31:13

And if they wanted to get someone to get hold of you, how would they do that?

Daniel Davis 31:17

LinkedIn is probably the easiest way. So they can search me up Daniel Davis on LinkedIn, Sydney, Australia, there’s probably a lot of those. Actually,

Debra Chantry-Taylor 31:25

you must be got a few of those. Yeah.

Daniel Davis 31:27

EOS implementer, something like that. And I’m sure they’ll find me. The bald guy. Yeah. Well, others just reach out to you.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 31:35

Yeah, sure. Of course. Just one last question for your sons. What do you think your sons are gonna end up doing? I’m quite fascinated, because they’ve obviously been brought up in a very entrepreneurial family and with the EOS life, and the veto,

Daniel Davis 31:47

run question, but and they really have because our entire family pretty much my extended family all run their own businesses, too. So very, very entrepreneurial business, business, family, and the fact that they both the two oldest ones, basically are looking to go and get trades at the moment. So yeah, they’re talking about plumbing and the other one being in carpentry. So they love the idea of being able to run their own business, and they look at it as something that’s not going to be heavily impacted by technology and helps people and ticks the boxes, and they’re pretty active, active guys, they like the idea of having something different every day. So that’s Yeah, after all those private school fees that are paid by going into the trade. And as they both have wisely responded to me, it wasn’t their choice to go through the private system, you wasted money, you should have bought us a property and I’m like, okay, you don’t get it. All right, and they were spot on. So the third one will not be going.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 32:56

That’s brilliant. Hey, look, thank you so much for your time. Really appreciate it. Look forward to catching up with you again, hopefully, once these borders get themselves opened, and we get things back under control. But in the meantime, I look forward to seeing you online.

Daniel Davis 33:09

Yeah, thanks. Great.

Debra Chantry-Taylor 33:12

Thanks again for joining us on better business better life with me Your host Debra Chantry-Taylor. If you enjoyed what you heard, then please subscribe to this podcast. And let us help you to get what you want out of business in life. Each week we release a new short episode which will give us success story and three takeouts to put into action immediately. These will help you take your business from good to great. The podcast is also supported by free resources, templates and useful tools, which you can find at Debra Chantry-Taylor dot com. I am a trained entrepreneurship and business coach, a professional EOS implementer and an established business owner myself. I work with established businesses to help them get what they want. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to have a chat about how I might be to help you. Or if you’d like to join me as a guest on this podcast. Thanks again to entered audio editors for producing this podcast. See you on the next episode.

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer Profile Photo

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer

EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach

Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.

As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.

Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.

Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.

Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.

As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More