Better Business Better Life is hosted by EOS Implementer - Debra Chantry-Taylor
Oct. 10, 2022

Running Your Business Like Dave Ramsey

Christine Mozer is the owner of Lead Together, LLC and the co - founder of True Fractional Integrators. In this episode, we will learn how to run a business like Dave Ramsey.

Podcast guest Christine Mozer:

"As a Fractional Integrator using EOS® principles, I'm passionate about helping Visionary small business owners create a business that runs itself.

Working with clients in-person (locally & regionally) and virtually (worldwide), I help them stay focused on their vision, execute on the plan that leads to success, and provide accountability to ensure consistent progress. Everything is done with the express purpose of increasing revenues, boosting profit, creating team unity, and streamlining operations. In many instances, we work alongside EOS Implementers to help a client stay on track in between Quarterly Planning Sessions! Wondering if working with a Fractional Integrator is right for you and your team? Let's chat!

When I'm not busy helping visionary business owners transform their lives, I love working on (and driving!) classic automobiles & sports cars, traveling, bicycling and volunteering. I'm mechanically inclined, enjoy working with my hands, and love troubleshooting tangible and operational challenges.

I've always been a huge proponent of creating a memorable and engaging experience for clients and customers in any business I've owned and find joy in making others smile 😊"



Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership & Business Coach | Business Owner

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Debra Chantry | Professional EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Operating System | Leadership Coach  | Family Business AdvisorDebra Chantry-Taylor is a Certified EOS Implementer & Licence holder for EOS worldwide.

She is based in New Zealand but works with companies around the world.

Her passion is helping Entrepreneurs live their ideal lives & she works with entrepreneurial business owners & their leadership teams to implement EOS (The Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping them strengthen their businesses so that they can live the EOS Life:

  • Doing what you love
  • With people you love
  • Making a huge difference in the world
  • Bing compensated appropriately
  • With time for other passions

She works with businesses that have 20-250 staff that are privately owned, are looking for growth & may feel that they have hit the ceiling.

Her speciality is uncovering issues & dealing with the elephants in the room in family businesses & professional services (Lawyers, Advertising Agencies, Wealth Managers, Architects, Accountants, Consultants, engineers, Logistics, IT, MSPs etc) - any business that has multiple shareholders & interests & therefore a potentially higher level of complexity.

Let’s work together to solve root problems, lead more effectively & gain Traction® in your business through a simple, proven operating system.

Find out more here -



Christine Mozer  00:00

Dave Ramsey actually calls it sanctioned incompetence. I love that phrase. Because if you’re not doing something about poor behavior or poor performance, you’re actually saying it’s okay. And then what does that do to the people that really are striving, that really do want to succeed, that really do want to pull for the greater good of the company? They are slowly crushing their spirit.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:20

Good morning, and welcome to another episode of Better Business, Better Life. Today, I am joined by the delightful Christine Mozer, who was not only the owner of lead together, LLC, but also the co founder of True Fractional Integrators. So welcome to the show. Christine, lovely to have you here.

Christine Mozer  00:36

Thank you so much, Debra, for having me here.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  00:38

Yeah, that Christine is actually based just outside of Detroit in Michigan, which means I think it’s actually afternoon for you rather than morning, but it’s Saturday morning here for me. Now, we actually we met through online like LinkedIn anyway. So we were actually, we haven’t actually met in person yet. I hope that we will very, very soon. But we’ve just got been chatting and always be there for each other online. Yeah. So you have a couple of real now I think. You’ve got a couple of businesses that are all based around fractional integrators. And I suppose my first question is, you know, what the heck is a fractional integrator, which I’ll get you to answer later. But first of all, tell me a bit about yourself. Tell me about Christine, tell me your story where you came from? What your personal professional best lives are so far?

Christine Mozer  01:24

Perfect. Yeah. So fractional. Being a fractional integrator is, first of all, the most fun I’ve ever had in my life. The most rewarding thing I’ve done. And I gotta tell you, it was a crazy journey. Getting to this point, I grew up in a family business. So production painting for the automotive industry. And just realize now that I actually acted as an integrator, even that far back. But I always knew from the get-go, that I wanted to have my own companies, I always had that entrepreneurial bug, and became very passionate about just providing really good service for my clients or customers, whatever business it was that I had. So being a small business owner, I opened different businesses sold businesses, purchased businesses. And fast forward to 2016. I happened to meet someone for coffee in my networking group. The gentleman was Rick Wilson, who’s now my mentor and co-founder of true fractional integrators. And he began to tell me about this thing called EOS, EOS. That’s what never heard of. Can you explain this to me? And really, Debra, by the end of that conversation, a couple of things I had realizations about, first of all, I wanted to hire him as my fractional integrator in the business I had at that time, because I was the acting visionary, I had big things I wanted to accomplish. And it just made so much sense when he talked about what EOS does for a business. And I recognize that myself those visionary tendencies that, you know, I I’ll share a little bit later about what some of those realizations were. But I needed that I needed that steadfast fractional integrator to really helped me see things clearly helped me put the right people in the right seats, and just get the traction that I so desperately wanted to amplify. The second thing that came out of that coffee meeting was, oh, my gosh, I want to do what he does. Because I realized just a few years prior to that, that in my own businesses, whenever things ran smoothly, I got bored. And what does a board visionary do? They start rooting around and trying to find more stuff to do to make things exciting. So I recognize that and I thought, You know what, that’s fine. I’m glad I know this about myself. Now, what can I do that really feeds that part of me, I always liked the chaos, the the challenging parts going into a new business or doing a startup, when things became, you know, when things quiet down or fell into a normal or usual rhythm, I got a little bored. So that’s what appealed to me when Rick told me about what a fractional integrator does. So being new to EOS at that point, having run into my company for for, you know, half a year, almost a year, I decided to make the leap and become a full time fractional integrator. I had an amazing mentor Rick Wilson, which is part of why I feel so strongly now about mentoring others to become fractional integrators because it absolutely changed my life. So working with him, shadowing him working with some amazing implementers to really understand and learn the language of EOS see the impact that it had on visionaries, their leadership teams, the employees, their families, like that was what drew me in. That was an that was a I was I was sold. And that was back in 2018. Started working with clients independently. And then we co found a true fractional integrators. Let’s see, probably two years ago, just before, before COVID hit. And we’ve been building the community and gathering like minded people. And, and that’s, that’s where we’re at now.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  05:22

That’s it. And so in terms of you know, what’s been the most exciting thing that has happened in your life, in terms of finding this, this thing called EOS EOS EOS? It’s funny, isn’t it? Because if you actually Google EOS over here in New Zealand, you get Canon cameras, which of course is EOS, you get lipsticks, you get shoes. Nobody actually really knows what EOS is. So, yeah. Tell me little bit about your the exciting part. Why did you like EOS? And what was it that really appealed to you?

Christine Mozer  05:48

It just makes so much sense. And I think so many times we try to complicate things, or we attend a conference or a workshop. And we come out of that so excited and on fire and ready to go. The problem is we get back to our organizations. And we don’t have a plan to actually carry that out. Right. So that there’s frustration for the visionary when they’re when they’re that excited. Now, they have these ideas, they can see what’s possible, but there’s no one there to really help them go to carry that out to put that plan in place. That to me is what was the most rewarding thing is just being able to see, plans come to full fruition. To see leadership teams get healthy. I mean, I have the privilege of working in the same rooms as implementers. I sit elbow to elbow, with my teams at the quarterly and annual planning sessions. And I just get to absorb everything that we’re being taught along with my team. So it’s really neat to then go with them and for the next 13, 12 or 13 weeks, actually carry those plans out. And then come back knowing that we you know, we’re hitting 100%, right completion that we’ve taken our to do Completion from 70% to 85%, and continuing to work. So it’s I really meet each client where they’re at, and it’s seeing that growth happen. That’s the most thrilling part.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  07:17

Yeah, I know how it feels being the implementer on the other side of that, and so you know, working with those teams and seeing that stuff happen as well. So for people who may not know much about EOS, can you just describe for us, in your own words, what is a visionary and what is an integrator, because these might be new terms to a traditional kind of business.

Christine Mozer  07:34

So visionary tends to be someone that is the CEO, the founder, they’re the person with the ideas, they have this original spark, and they want to see it come to life in the world, they have a deep belief in what they have to offer, whether it’s a product or service, or a community, whatever it is that they want to do. It is very difficult for some visionaries to also then take all of those ideas and come up with a plan that makes things happen. So that’s where the integrator enters in this, that’s it’s really a puzzle piece, right? You have to be the right fit, it has to be the right personality, the right combination of business experience, life experience, and not even so much industry experience. And I can talk a little bit more about that later. But it has to be that right fit because that integrator balances out that visionary. So it means we have open discussions, it means we’re saying like, Alright, what’s really the focus for this quarter? We’ve agreed with the leadership team, this is what we’re going to do, are we saying we’re changing this? Why don’t we wait until next quarter, and then we’ll just revisit that right, we’re not going to lose it. And that’s really what a visionary wants is they want to be heard, they want to make sure that their ideas are being captured, that they have a sounding board, and that they have a strong right hand person to actually carry those things out. Yeah. And as a fractional integrator, we happen just to do that proportionate to the amount of time that we’re with somebody. So.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  09:05

We’ll come back to that fractional piece in a moment. I think it’s, I always describe it, I’m talking to a team who maybe hasn’t heard these terms before I say the visionary, they are the people who really take the business forward, they have the crazy ideas, they have that you know, without them, the businesses would not move forward, not grow. But sometimes those crazy ideas can really distract from everything that is important in the business. And so I always describe that the Integrator as almost like a gatekeeper in terms of just making sure that the visionary is really focused on having those fantastic ideas and, and the big relationships and solving the big problems, but not getting involved in the day to day running of the business. And when I say that to a lot of founders or owners, they go well I can actually do that. And it’s like yes, you can, you can actually go and just do the stuff that you love and enjoy and are really good at and the integrator make sure that those crazy ideas, get put put through a filter and then get put into action when the time is right. And for most people that’s a little bit of like, Wow, I’ve never realized that that could be done so that integrator role is really, really key to, to enable that visionary to kind of let go of the business and really focus on where they got the most value is that are you said?

Christine Mozer  10:10

Absolutely. It’s very freeing for them to be able to see that things are still progressing, even though they’re not in the business day to day. And a lot of times the leadership team actually functions better, because they now have the autonomy, the right people in the right seats on that leadership team get amazing things done. And the visionary, visionary may never have really seen that before, because they’re always in it. And they’re tweaking things, and they’re coming up with new ideas. Now we have a game plan. Now we’re actually going to stick to it for the next 90 days, and we’re meeting on a weekly basis, we’re making sure that we’re really just driving all that forward. So in those in the weekly, all times the visionary gets to see this progress, we get to work through issues together, we get departments working together. And that’s when they get to see this stuff’s actually happening. And nothing makes me happier than to see My visionaries go on vacation for 123 or four weeks, knowing that they can do that. And that they have the right people in place.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  11:09

And it also gives them that time to pursue other passions outside of holidays as well. So a lot of My visionaries, and they’ve got something they really wanted to do, but never find the time for it. And suddenly they had the time to do which is really cool. One of the things that you know, when I described the accountability chart with Yeah, that’s my dogs just gone, barking onto something, sorry. And one of the things that when I first described the accountability chart to people, I say, hey, look, we’ve got this visionary role got this integrated, rather, we’ve got the leadership team. And this is how it this is the functions of the business how it all works together, they automatically assume that that integrator role is a full-time role, because they seem to think of it as being like a GM or a COO, which often can be a full-time role. But in our model, it’s not a full, it doesn’t have to be a full-time. In fact, really, I’ve got a couple of clients who literally have 140 staff and their integrator works one day a week in the business and can do that. So, how come because that seems really odd to most of you kind of a general manager at work one day in the business. Tell me a little bit about you know how that works, and then what this fractional thing actually means?

Christine Mozer  12:07

Yes, so great question we get, we that’s probably one of the first questions we get asked. And what’s interesting is, is we do work with our clients one full day per week that allows us to focus only on that team, we have blinders on to everything else, we’re there to be the integrator for that team. And because of how efficient we are, and because we’ve done this over and over and so many different situations, we’re good at what we do. So we’re also not responsible for all of these other things within a business. And a lot of times a full time integrator, we’ll also be sitting in another seat, for instance, Director of Operations are sometimes VP of Sales, they may be in another role, or be getting pulled into another role. We are not we solely focus on that Integrator role. And in doing so it really lets us get a lot of traction for that client. Because we’re focused on that, while other people leaving their departments are, you know, sometimes things happen, fires come up that they have to put out, we we can help resolve some of those things. But it’s through the leadership team.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  13:18

Okay. That’d be before because I have got one client who’s got an integrator who works as the both the Integrator and that he said the Chief Operating Officer. And you’re right, that there is that tendency that they get dragged back into the day to day stuff because of their operations roles. So actually having a completely separate Integrator is of huge benefit, isn’t it?

Christine Mozer  13:37

It is, but I’ll tell you that wouldn’t at least I can speak for myself personally on this and probably for most people in my community, that when we start working with a client, we can we can assess, will they need a full-time integrator, and if we believe that they do, like we see that there are there’s enough going on the growth trajectory is strong. They have a growing company, a growing team additional opportunities, knocking down the door. That’s mean, I work myself out of a job, you know, so I’m typically with clients between nine months to two years, but I help them identify when that time is that okay, what’s the right time to bring in a full-time Integrator? What does that specific Integrator need to look like? personality wise, experience wise? What kind of background do they need to have? What roles will they be filling within the company? And then I help them throughout that search, really identifying who would be the best match for the visionary who I’ve, at that point been working with for you know, a year or two, really getting to know so that I can help them make an informed decision when they bring that integrator on board. We also helped with onboarding that person, so that by the time we’re done with that, you know, as one of my clients does, I’m like Mary Poppins, where I pop open the umbrella and like float away to the next family. And with us, it’s with the clients, you know, we help we see them through that whole process. And by the time we, you know, graduate them, they have a fully formed leadership team made up of the right people in the right seats, they have a strong plan in place, and that integrator is set up for success.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  15:19

Actually, I think you make a really valid point there. I mean, it depends on the kind of growth that the business is going through as to whether that role is a one day two day or full time role. And I suppose you know, if you think about because the integrator usually has ultimate responsibility for the budget, the profit and loss, the business plan, and then the special projects, because their role is around making sure those special projects that come from the business ideas actually can be commercialized actually do follow the core focus of the business, etc, etc. So I suppose if you’re going through and looking after ultimately, entire leadership teams, if you are going through a period of huge growth, you’re going to need more capacity in that time. Is that right?

Christine Mozer  15:56

Yes. And we do actually oversee the p&l, we do oversee the budget through the leadership team, right? So we’re making sure that the company is heading in the right direction financially, where we’re identifying issues where we identify savings whenever we can we work closely with every department to ensure that things are set up the right way. So it’s, there are different versions of fractional integrators out there. But we have full integrator duty. So if you looked at Mark Winters, Integrator job description, every item on there we’re doing, we just do it proportionate to the amount of time that we’re with that client. So we, the leadership team does report to us, we work with them to develop, we work with them to help resolve obstacles. We’re keeping everybody focused, right, we’re keeping that right pace and that right attitude, so that we couldn’t get done what it is the visionary has, you know, cast out for us?

Debra Chantry-Taylor  16:53

I’m really intrigued because I’ve never really thought about this, because it’s not been a popular, it’s much more popular in the US to have this kind of service. Not so much me yet. I mean, we’re working on it. And I think we need it desperately needed over here, given the some of the size of our businesses. But how does it work? When you first go into a business, because you’re the outsider, right? You’re not part of the team that may have been that we know, with family business, they could have been there for 2530 years, or working together. And all of a sudden, the stranger comes in who’s not there full time? Who is not sort of, you know, part of the permanent team? How does that work?

Christine Mozer  17:28

That’s one of our superpowers, I believe. You know, like I said, we’ve done it, we’ve done it over and over. And I was talking with a one of my visionaries the other day, and just talking about what it’s like to meet a team for the first time, and they’re strangers at that point, right? I’ve had good conversations with a visionary. But so quickly, building that rapport, helping them get some wins, building that trust being a support system for them. The the process actually goes quicker than you would expect. But it’s because we’re there specifically to do that we’re not, we’re not getting distracted by anything. We also don’t have pre existing relationships with Bob and operations or Becky in accounting. I didn’t go to school with Maria, you know, there’s, there’s none of that other none of those other relationships that could interfere with maybe judgment, or sometimes, yeah, there’s, there’s sometimes difficult decisions that have to be made. And we give everybody a fair shot. And we really work just using the EOS tools, those five foundational tools to really make sure that we’re on solid footing. So when we start talking about, you know, do we have the right accountability chart set up? Do we have the right people in the seats, you start seeing, you know, body language maybe, or, you know, you start picking up on those things, and we know, okay, these are the conversations we need to have. But our goal is really to leave that company and that leadership team to be healthy, to love what they’re doing to have it be enjoyable to have the company be profitable. People just want to know what they need to do and to be able to do what they’re great at. And we help them get to that point.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  19:24

And you make actually a really valid point there you do have to have some tough conversations don’t you? Because the integrator really is was a visionary generally and you know, but generally tends to be a people pleaser people love doesn’t like having the difficult conversations just wants to see the good and everything that you know sometimes we have to have difficult conversations and it really is the role of the integrator at that leadership team level to have those those tough conversations, isn’t it?

Christine Mozer  19:49

It is it is and no one likes having difficult conversations. We never go into it saying how we fire someone today. Never ever think that. And I have to say that by the time someone leaves the team, it’s not a surprise. You know, we really are very clear about setting expectations, providing training, we really are methodical in how we approach that. But ultimately, we, I mean, I’ve learned this in my own businesses, I had a hard time, I’m very empathetic, I have a big heart. But I learned the very hard way, that if you if you keep people around, because there are extenuating circumstances, and you get too personally involved, it will drag the entire company down. And it will impact every worker around them. Dave Ramsey actually calls it sanctioned incompetence. And I love that phrase, because if you’re not doing something about poor behavior or poor performance, you’re actually saying it’s okay. And then what does that do to the people that really are striving that really do want to succeed, that really do want to pull for the greater good of the company, you’re slowly crushing their spirit. So that really helps to have those when you when you have that mindset, it really helps to have those difficult conversations. And I usually find that people are, there’s almost a sense of relief, people don’t want to fail in their roles. You know, they’re not trying to do a bad job. But it’s just sometimes it’s not the right fit. And we help them figure out, you know, what’s the next step?

Debra Chantry-Taylor  21:27

And that’s the question that I’ve got on my mind. And this is just something I’m thinking obviously, that in terms of working with these businesses, are you actually physically going into the businesses for a day a week? Is it done virtually? Is it a mixture? Depending on the business? Or how does it work?

Christine Mozer  21:39

A mixture, depending on the business, yep. So I love being with people, if I could, I’d be with every client every week in person. And when my clients are one of my clients are in the area, I am with them every week in person. I love to drive. I love cars, by the way, whatever, whatever. We remember, we talked about that. Whenever I can get time behind the wheel on my happy woman, so I prefer to travel in person. However, I do have clients across the country, and they can be virtually run really anywhere in the world, barring major timezone issues. Yes, you know, but even if they are virtual, like I have an amazing client down in Florida. And at least on a quarterly basis, we are in person doing you know, going out to dinner together having our quarterly with our implementer just bonding so that the next 12 weeks when we’re meeting via zoom, the familiarity is there that that comfort level is there.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  22:43

Yeah. And that’s that team health part as well as an adult and having the time to spend with the team on a quarterly basis. I’ve got a lot of clients who actually an Australia I’m I spend my time between New Zealand and Australia, but I only see them once a quarter when I’m actually doing those sessions, the rest of the time, we’re catching up via zoom, and we can do sessions via zoom. But the very, very minimum at least once a year you need to get together. Yeah, quarterly is ideal, once a year is the absolute bare minimum, otherwise, you just don’t have that same level of relationship. So yeah, the relationship between an integrator and an implementer. Because this is one of those things that anybody who’s new to EOS, often they get the two confused, and they don’t really understand what each of them do. So from an implementers point of view, my role is around teaching the iOS tools, it’s about being a coach, it’s about being a facilitator of conversations, and having a very, very external view, which means I am there not as a consultant not to help them not to give them the the answers, but to help them make the right decisions by by facilitating those discussions. And then the integrator, as we’ve talked about is the one that holds the business plan the the overall accountability, it leads the team, etc. So how do those two roles work together in I’ve seen it, but I’d love to hear how you see it working.

Christine Mozer  23:56

They work together beautifully. So I told you like I really admire the implementers that I work with. It’s a pleasure to be in the same room with my teams working through that agenda, being able to step out of the business, and really work on the higher higher level vision. And as their integrator I need the same. I need that same leeway that they have to really have time to be creative and think. What issues do we need to solve, what really are the 90 day priorities? So the implementer helps to helps us to get out of those weeds so that we can see clearly, and then the integrator is in the business for those next 12 to 13 weeks actually carrying those things out. So we’re really we’re really bringing that traction to companies that might otherwise just be spinning their wheels. They you know, they have rocks but two weeks into The quarter they’re like squirrel. Something happen. Life happens. There’s always things that will distract us. Yes, that’s where we come in. We’re there to say like, whoa, whoa, whoa, yep, that’s not fun. But, you know, let’s not forget about what we committed to let’s take a look at this. What? Do we have to change something? What what contingency plans can we put in place? How do we not do that again. And that’s really what our role is, is in the business. The majority of clients that we work with are actually implementing referrals, because they’ve recomm, they’ve recognized that there’s a visionary that is also in the integrator seat. You know, sometimes when a visionary can’t identify the right person to be that integrator, they take on that responsibility themselves. And sometimes it becomes a tremendous burden for them. But they feel trapped because there’s no one else they can really rely on. Or maybe there’s not the right fit person for that. We can step into that and be that plug and play integrator. And we onboard ourselves, we get up and running really quick. So that there’s value in that I think, too, for when people are starting out on EOS and may not have an integrator, we really shorten that that curve, instead of trying to find that right integrator over the next six to 12 months, we can jump in and start helping them get traction right away.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  26:25

And like you said, you then actually helped with with finding the right person to take over the handover. And of course, by that time, here, it is running really smoothly in the business. And so the integrator has a slightly easier role, I guess. Yes, yeah. Do you do? You talked at the beginning, about the fact that you know that you don’t have to have industry experience, right? So some people will actually look listen to that and go that’s that’s impossible. business or industry is so unique.

Christine Mozer  26:52

It’s, we hear that that’s probably the second one like, Well, do you have experience and this and this and this? It’s like, well, no, I probably point zero 4% of people have experience in that, what our skill set allows us to come into a business and because we have such broad experience across many different industries, both with our own companies, or in some cases, companies that people have worked for, we have such a broad experience that we’re able to pull them to draw on all of those things, that when we see something in a business, we recognize that we say, You know what this, I can see what’s going on here, while other people might be focused on a bigger issue here, it looks bigger, we can see that the real root issue is over here. And that just comes with experience and having having done it. Industry experience. I would say that all of us love learning. All of us are quick studies. We are curious by nature. I just, I have a client that is in the automotive, electrical component testing business. And it’s fascinating to me, because it’s it’s automotive, it’s cutting edge, it’s electrical via electric vehicles. And just in a matter of a few weeks, the the onboarding that happens, it goes very, very quickly, because we’re in it. We’re in it we’re digging for for where the issues are. We’re listening, we’re asking the right question. So within a matter of a month or two, I mean, the comfort level is it’s extraordinary how quickly that increases.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  28:42

I must say, I’ve been before I became an EOS employee, I’ve been a coach for about 11 years. And every time I go to work with somebody, they’d say, Oh, you know, have you got experience in this industry? I go, No, but I do understand business. And I am curious. So I will be asking, I’m that terrible child that used to but why and why would I don’t understand me more. And while that can be little bit frustrating, I mean, it means that we can’t just feed really, really quickly. And as you said, I mean, we’re implementing, especially with the EOS, we’re implementing a proven system, which means that it is this is the same system that we’re using same model, same tools in each business, obviously, there are nuances around the actual industry, but it’s actually about putting that structure in place and having those conversations, looking at those issues, resolving the issues, etc, etc. Yeah.

Christine Mozer  29:26

And because we are experienced practitioners of that EOS toolset, we can always bring them back to that. So our again, my goal is to work myself out of a job, which means that I have to empower my team to be able to solve things on their own, and challenge each other on what the next right step is. And the EOS tools do just that. So by always bringing it back to a tool, where actually we don’t really need to know what the specific technical thing is. It’s the tools address all of that.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  29:59

It’s a beautiful thing, I mean, I fell in love with it when I saw it two and a half years ago and just thought this is everything, everything that I’ve actually kind of done naturally in my own businesses and other people’s businesses, combined with the stuff that you learn in your academic kind of career and all the beautiful books that you read, but all just put into this really beautiful, simple pragmatic framework, which I love. Absolutely, oh, hey, look, we’ve been talking for a little while now. And it always go so, so quickly. So we’re gonna have to wrap it up. But I wanted to ask you for a few tips and tools you can share with the listeners. So what would you say your three kind of top tips or tools that somebody can go and have a look at us, whatever it might be.

Christine Mozer  30:36

So I would say one of the biggest things in this whole journey was really knowing yourself, when I recognized myself that I embrace the chaos, and that it really helped me then recognize this opportunity. So really take the time to get to know yourself, I’m a big fan and recommend this to all my teams, journaling, really just take the time to sit down, take a clarity break, and just get to know get to know who you are. Don’t be afraid, I guess my next point would be don’t freak out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from those that have gone before you. Right there. There’s there are so many people that are willing to help, whether it’s with leadership, whether you’re a manager that’s looking to amplify your skills, there are always people around you, that would be more than happy to help you. All you have to do is ask. And I think so many times people shy away from doing that. And then the third thing, do not let fear hold you back. Right? There’s there are times that gets so scary. And I say this, everybody saw this during the pandemic like there was, it was a huge shift for everyone. And if we had let fear hold us back, there are so many amazing things that wouldn’t have happened despite everything else that was going on. So I always I always encourage people to think of fear as that’s it’s the same feeling as being excited. Right in your stomach when you feel that sense of fear. Just think so excited to want to change us. Yeah. So in that kind of thinking just opens up amazing things in life, regardless of what somebody’s doing.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  32:23

And I think that it’s always easier, like so if you’re if you’ve asked for help, and you’ve got yourself surrounded by great people, you had a good implemented and integrated good, good, good mentors, good mastermind groups, all those things, then actually that fear almost disappears. It is just becomes an excitement about Yeah, we’re changing again, one will wonder what will happen this time round.

Christine Mozer  32:44

This will be even better.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  32:46

Yeah, brilliant. Oh, that’s really, really helpful. Hey, Christine, if anybody wants to get in contact with you, how would they do best do that?

Christine Mozer  32:54

The best way is LinkedIn. So I’m active on LinkedIn. It’s LinkedIn, Christine Mozer, just my name. And that’s where you’ll be able to find me. My website is also Okay. Beautiful fan clubs. I’m happy to have a conversation. I’m, as I mentioned earlier, I’m incredibly passionate about helping people with an entrepreneurial spirit in an entrepreneurial spirit. And that integrator DNA, passionate about helping those folks create their own fractional integrator practice. There’s not enough of us in the world, there are so many more visionaries that need help. So that’s been that’s been an absolute passion of mine helping other people make that transition.

Debra Chantry-Taylor  33:42

And I can vouch for that, because I put one of my my clients as a virtual assistant agency in contact with the new gave her the time to actually explain all this. So they’re there, they’re looking at introducing that. And in fact, you know, I said earlier that it’s not very popular here in New Zealand or Australia, we are getting there. So there are now a couple of agencies out there who will offer fractional integrators. So if you’re sitting here listening to this and thinking, you know, or how do I get one of those, by all means, talk to Christine also drop me a line. I’m happy to put you in contact with those businesses that do that. Hey, it’s been an absolute pleasure as always, because they’ll always love talking to you. I love our chats. Thank you for sharing that wisdom I think yeah, that the What the heck is a fractional it’s better. I get it. Now. I get it more than I’ve ever got it, which is great. And I hopefully our listeners have now got a really good sense as well. So thank you for your time. Really appreciate it. Look forward to talking to you.

Christine Mozer  34:26

Thank you so much for having me. All right. Have a great night or a great day!

Debra Chantry-Taylor  34:30

Thank you, you too. Thanks.


Christine Mozer Profile Photo

Christine Mozer

Fractional Integrator & Co-Founder

Christine Mozer, owner of Lead Together and co-founder of True Fractional Integrators, has an insatiable curiosity for how things work.

As a Fractional Integrator, Christine harnesses that curiosity and her 20+ years of business experience to help “calm the chaos” with her clients. It’s her passion for understanding, troubleshooting, and fixing issues that fuels her ability to understand and get a grip on the many moving pieces in a business.

She helps bring a company's goals to life by working with 3 to 4 Visionaries and their leadership teams each quarter, modeling what pure EOS looks like, ensuring RPRS, mentoring and guiding leaders, driving process documentation, and optimizing scorecards. By fully owning the Integrator seat for her Visionary clients (and getting THEM out of the Integrator seat!), Christine helps create a culture of results, accountability, and traction.

In addition to serving her own clients, Christine helped create the True Fractional Integrator Community, which helps Integrators make the transition from a full-time dedicated position to having their own fractional integrator practice.

Christine resides in New Hudson, Michigan with her best friend and partner, Sergio, and their Saint Bernard, Claire. When she’s not busy helping her clients get traction, you’ll find her gardening, riding her mountain bike & motorcycle (though not at the same time!), tinkering around on a car, or traveling with Sergio & Claire.

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer Profile Photo

Debra Chantry-Taylor | Podcast Host of Better Business Better Life | EOS Implementer

EOS Implementer | Entrepreneurial Leadership Coach | Workshop Facilitator | Keynote Speaker | Author | Business Coach

Debra Chantry-Taylor is a Professional EOS Implementer & licence holder for EOS Worldwide.

As a speaker Debra brings a room to life with her unique energy and experience from a management & leadership career spanning over 25 years. As a podcast guest she brings an infectious energy and desire to share her knowledge and experience.

Someone that has both lived the high life, finding huge success with large privately owned companies, and the low life – having lost it all, not once but twice, in what she describes as some spectacular business train wrecks. And having had to put one of her businesses into receivership, she knows what it is like to constantly be awake at 2am, worrying about finances & staff.

Debra now uses these experiences, along with her formal qualifications in leadership, business administration & EOS, to help Entrepreneurial Business Owners lead their best lives. She’s been there and done that and now it’s time to help people do what they love, with people they love, while making a huge difference, being compensated appropriately & with time to pursue other passions.

Debra can truly transform an organisation, and that’s what gets leaders excited about when they’re in the same room as her. Her engaging keynotes and workshops help entrepreneurial business owners, and their leadership teams focus on solving the issues that keep them down, hold them back and tick them off.

As an EOS implementer, Debra is committed to helping leaders to get what they want and live a better life through creating a bet… Read More