In this episode, host Eddie Aldrete is joined by Rob Killen and Erin Bley as they explore San Antonio’s evolving political and urban landscape. The discussion spans upcoming elections and the intricate dynamics of governance shaping the city’s futu...
In this episode, host Eddie Aldrete is joined by Rob Killen and Erin Bley as they explore San Antonio’s evolving political and urban landscape. The discussion spans upcoming elections and the intricate dynamics of governance shaping the city’s future.
The conversation opens with an analysis of the challenges and opportunities surrounding the upcoming mayoral election, the first open-seat race in 16 years. Erin and Rob delve into the strengths and weaknesses of candidates, highlighting the significance of voter engagement and the potential impact of events like Fiesta on turnout. The hosts also touch on the broader trend of local candidates addressing national issues, raising questions about the alignment of municipal responsibilities with campaign priorities.
Later, the focus shifts to key municipal issues, including infrastructure maintenance, firefighter contract negotiations, and the charter amendments. Killen critiques the tendency to prioritize large-scale projects over essential infrastructure upkeep, while Aldrete and Bley examine the dynamics between city council members and upcoming ordinance changes. The episode also discusses Project Marvel, proposed developments like the new baseball stadium for the Missions and a potential new basketball arena for the Spurs. The group also touches on the importance of transparent collaboration between city and county entities.
This episode provides an insightful look at the issues shaping San Antonio’s governance and urban development, emphasizing the need for strategic planning and cooperative efforts to ensure the city’s continued growth and success.
#SanAntonio #LocalPolitics #UrbanDevelopment #BeyondTheBite