Brands On Brands On Brands - October 21, 2020
Some of the biggest lead generators for your business are ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. But the steps to create ads that reach your audience and make the impact you want can be challenging.
This week is an interview with Tony Christensen, a.k.a. Tony Does Ads. He's created optimized advertising campaigns for keynote speakers, for conferences, and for eCommerce businesses around the world with budgets as high as millions a month in advertising. He's here to share some tips!
"Facebook, compared to other advertising platforms, has so much data."
"Why are you doing business? Who are you actually trying to help? How are you going to help them? You're taking a lot of steps back and trying to figure out how can you actually be of service to people and help people out, providing whatever solutions you might provide."
"Just start to talk to who you think your ideal customer is and ask them the questions."
"You can start to dive into these pain points and give feedback to a creative team to create videos based on that."
Guest Links:
Tony's Website:
Twitter: @tonydoesads
Instagram: @tonydoesads
Youtube: Tony Does Ads
If you’d like my full plan for how to build your content marketing strategy, check out my free Content Marketing Starter Guide.
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