Come Embrace, The Fun, at Briden Farm, where the Tea is Always On, and The Coffee is not Far Behind

Snowball blessed us with two kids today!

Snowball, not a name we chose, but somewhat suiting, is our Milking Goat. She blessed us with two new kids tonight! A boy, and a girl, we think. We’ll be able to tell for sure in the daylight tomorrow. Snowball is a great, and usually, gentle milker who milked for over two years since she had her previous kids with her previous owner. Snowball has been with us for a little over a year now, and has given us lots of great milk in her time, and love as well. She, by my estimates was probably bred about March 15th to 17th. Somewhere between the Ides of March and St. Patrick’s Day. Possible names may come from there? Perhaps? We’ll see! Maybe Patty and Patsy? We’ll see! ;)