Dec. 1, 2022

6 Owner Qualities to Improve the Odds of a Successful Transition

6 Owner Qualities to Improve the Odds of a Successful Transition

As a business owner, the skills that you build during the beginning of your business are all about growing and developing the company you have created. When you then start a transition and pass on the business, the way you use those skills will need to change to fit a new role: the teacher and mentor to your successor.

In this episode, we’re talking about the 6 qualities owners need to have the best chance at a successful transition journey. Inspired by courage. Inspired by Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker, these qualities are essential to prepare your successor and your business for the best transition possible.

Get Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Peter Drucker:

Connect with Elizabeth and the Transition Strategists:




This episode was produced by Story On Media & Marketing: