Aug. 13, 2024

The Art of Selling Your Business: Cultural Fit, Employee Well-being, & Long-term Success

The Art of Selling Your Business: Cultural Fit, Employee Well-being, & Long-term Success

In this episode, host Elizabeth Ledoux is joined by Betsy Hoaglund for a discussion about the practical steps Betsy went through to grow her business then transition out of it with a healthy exit strategy.

Elizabeth and Betsy discuss finding the cultural fit between the buyer and the business, prioritizing employee well-being, taking a long-term perspective, and embracing new opportunities.

Thank you to Betsy for being on the show. 

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Get Elizabeth Ledoux and Laura Chiesman’s latest book, "It’s A Journey: The MUST-HAVE Roadmap to Successful Succession Planning": 

Chapters in this episode: 

6:30 Selling a privately-owned business after 10 years of growth. 

14:06 Leadership, decision-making, and succession planning in a business. 

18:32 Buying a business and due diligence. 

24:30 Selling a business and finding a new identity. 

29:58 Business transition and ownership with a focus on preparation, employees, and documentation. 

This episode was produced by Story On Media & Marketing:


00:00 - None

06:30 - Selling a privately-owned business after 10 years of growth.

14:06 - Leadership, decision-making, and succession planning in a business.

18:32 - Buying a business and due diligence.

24:30 - Selling a business and finding a new identity.

29:58 - Selling a business and finding a new identity.