Engaging the Faithful: The Role of Carolina Catholic Media
A Journey of Evangelization in Charlotte 2019-Present
Dear Friends and Benefactors:
Before 2019, there was no local electronic media voice for the Catholic Church in Charlotte. This changed with the establishment of Carolina Catholic Media, which has become instrumental in spreading the Good News within the Diocese of Charlotte and across the Carolinas ever since.
If Jesus Christ were on earth today, how would He spread His message of salvation? Would He use television, radio, newspapers, direct mail, billboards, DVDs, or would Jesus use the internet and digital platforms like YouTube, Podcasts, email, and text messages? We believe Jesus would use as many means as possible, and that is why we diversified to offer a wide variety of electronic media tools to evangelize and promote Gospel values.
Over the years we have constantly discussed the history, vision, and mission of Carolina Catholic Media (Carolina Catholic Radio) and how we can best serve the Charlotte Diocese and Catholics across the Carolinas as a Laity Apostolate. We have engaged with many members of both clergy and laity to identify areas of need where Carolina Catholic Media can provide solutions and add value as an independent Catholic Media supplier. We have utilized an official Advisory Board which has included category specialists for the Clergy, Catholic Education, Parish Life, Development, Business, and Technology.
These efforts underscore Carolina Catholic Media’s commitment to leveraging modern communication tools to foster faith, provide spiritual nourishment, and engage the Catholic community in Charlotte. Through innovative media strategies and collaborative endeavors, Carolina Catholic Media has always aimed to spread the Gospel and promote Gospel values effectively.
In our first year CAROLINA CATHOLIC RADIO appeared across the Diocese from major events like the Diocese of Charlotte Men’s Conference, the Eucharistic Congress and the Catholic Women’s Conference. 2019 was highlighted by our 1st Annual CAROLINA CATHOLIC MUSIC NIGHT AT THE ABBEY on October 26 and sponsoring the one-day movie event FAUSTINA – LOVE AND MERCY on October 28 and December 2. For the 2 movie events combined, CAROLINACATHOLIC / AM1270 CHARLOTTE enabled more than 400 souls to witness the beautiful movie documentary of Saint Faustina and how the DIVINE MERCY Devotion came to be.
As was the case for everyone, our 2020 event calendar was thwarted by the Coronavirus Pandemic. But as GOD’s Greater Good would have it, even a pandemic presents opportunities for those who keep their eyes fixed on HIM! Instead of making all the personal appearances we had planned with parish, school, ministry and PRO-LIFE events we brought everyone to us as part of our first CAROLINA CATHOLIC VIRTUALCONFERENCE.
The CAROLINA CATHOLIC VIRTUAL CONFERENCE was our response to the cancellation of the Eucharistic Congress at the Charlotte Convention Center September 12, 2020. With about 3 months to plan we put together an unprecedented 12-hour Livestream Audio/Video event that included nearly 50 segments on what’s happening and what’s available for our Carolina Catholics. The conference was LIVE on Radio, Internet, Mobile App, Facebook and YouTube. Audio/Video Encores are available On-Demand at CarolinaCatholicRadio.org , Carolina Catholic Mobile App and Carolina Catholic YouTube Channel. The entire conference schedule can be found below.
Carolina Catholic Conference Program Schedule*
Saturday September 12, 2020
8 am - 8 pm
Blest be the Lord! Be Not Afraid! Trust in Jesus!
Living our Faith in an Upside-Down World
Hourly ID – You’re listening to the first ever CAROLINA CATHOLIC VIRTUAL CONFERENCE on WCGC-BELMONT the Flagship station of the CAROLINA CATHOLIC RADIO NETWORK also being watched today on the CAROLINA CATHOLIC DOT ORG website, Mobile App, YouTube Channel and Facebook Page.
8:00 am - Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from Saint Mark
8:55 am - Be Not Afraid Reflection - Father Matthew Codd, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas
9:00 am - Clergy Corner hosted by Donna Lamparter – Clergy Corner weekdays at 4pm
9:05 am - St. Joseph College Seminary Virtual Tour with Fr. Matthew Kauth (event host location)
9:15 am - Clergy Q&A - Be Not Afraid! Trust in Jesus! Living our Faith in an Upside-Down World with Fr. John Putnam, Fr. Matthew Kauth and Fr. Matthew Bittner.
9:45 am - The Prodigal Church - Restoring Catholic Tradition in an Age of Deception by Brandon McGinley
9:50 am - Catholic Answers - Chris Check, President
9:55 am - Marian Worldwide Pilgrimages 2021
10:00 am - Faith, Family, Community Outreach hosted by Pam Cullen - Carolina Catholic News
10:00 am - Greg & Lisa Popcak -Building Your Domestic Church Life (Intentional Family Relationships)
10:05 am - C-Plan (Carolina Pro Life Action Network) Fr. Peter Ascik; Mike FitzGerald, Jessica Grabowski
10:15 am - Ursus Institute (End Human Trafficking)
10:25 am - World Hunger Drive - St. Matthew
10:30 am - Catholic Charities Update with Executive Director Dr. Gerry Carter
10:40 am – Iraqi Christians’ plight in the region with a focus on Lebanon - Juliana Taimoorazy, Founder
11:00 am - Women and Adult Ministries hosted by Carolyn Klika, Abounding Joy Ministry
11:15 am - Joyful Echo with Kathleen Lewis & Jean Whelan
11:25 am - Legion of Mary Update – Janie Davis
11:30 am - Catholic Grandparents Association - Catherine Wiley, Founder
11:35 am - Gail Buckley Barringer/TeresaTomeo
11:40 am - CatholicVote – Ourresponsibility as Catholics with Timothy Huelskamp, Fr. Frank Pavone
11:50 am - Catholic Homeschools Report –Donna McCormick (Audio only)
11:50 am - Jerry & Debbie - EWTN TAKE 2
12:00 pm - Catholic School Hour hosted by Dr. Acquaviva, Faith and Sport - Mondays 5pm
12:00 pm - Charlotte Catholic Schools K-12 Report with Dr. Greg Monroe, Superintendent and Staff
12:30 pm - Belmont Abbey College Update with Dr. Bill Thierfelder, President
12:45 pm - Belmont Abbey Monastery Reflections with Abbot Placid Solari
1:00 pm - Consecration to St. Joseph withFather Don Calloway
1:45 pm - Year of St. Joseph - Local Clergy Q&A
2:00 pm - Deacon Harold Burke Sivers, EWTN- Living our Faith in an Upside-Down World
2:30 pm - Family & Youth Ministries hosted by Pepper Martin, Keeping Catholic Real
3:00 pm - Divine Mercy - St. Matthew 5th Grade Students with Donna Lamparter
3:15 pm - Justin Fatica with Hard as Nails Youth Ministry "YOU'RE AMAZING!"
3:30 pm - Catholic Men’s Conference Update with Jason Murphy and Bear Woznick, EWTN
3:45 pm - Knights of Columbus Fall Preview/Beatification of Fr. McGivney with Sergio Meranda
4:00 pm - Organizations & Orders hosted by Pepper Martin, Keeping Catholic Real
4:05 pm - Knights of Malta - Rick Menze
4:10 pm - Lay Dominicans – Tom Mathis
4:15 pm - Militia of the Immaculata – John Galten
4:20 pm - Secular Franciscan Order (OFS) –Dorothy Ann Rowland
4:25 pm - St. Francis Springs Retreat House, Stoneville NC (Postponed to later date)
4:25 pm - Latin Mass Presentation with Fr. Matthew Codd, Pastor of St. Thomas Aquinas
4:30 pm - Cantate Domino: Sacred Music of our Roman Catholic Tradition with Tom Savoy; Eucharistic Adoration and Rosary from Saint Mark
5:30 pm Holy Sacrifice of the Mass from Saint Patrick with Bishop Peter Jugis
6:30 pm Messiah Episode 4 plus Q&A with Rick Rotondi - Studio
7:15 pm D3 Foundation Singers featuring Rebekah Martinez
7:30 pm Teen Talk with Summer McNamara (Charlotte Catholic HS Senior) & Friends
8:00 pm Conference Concludes
PARISH PLEDGE #1: $1000 per month
PARISH PLEDGE #2: $750 per month
PARISH PLEDGE #3: $500 per month
FAMILY TITHE #1: $100 per month
FAMILY TITHE #2: $50 per month
FAMILY TITHE #3: $25 per month
As a 501c3 non-profit corporation, please know that your pledge/tithe is 100% tax deductible. On behalf of everyone at CCM, we look forward to you joining us continue the mission! May God Bless you and your family abundantly in the year ahead!
In the peace of Christ,
David M. Papandrea, OFS
Carolina Catholic Media Network
Federal Tax ID: 81-5061992
PH/TX: 704.880.0260