Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
July 21, 2024



Dear Carolina Catholic Media Family,


The dog days of summer have certainly been filled with major news and events that have provided plenty for us to talk about.  We’ve made every effort to provide a well rounded perspective for you to assimilate and draw your own conclusions.


In this week’s edition our top stories include:

  • Local Pilgrims connect at the National Eucharistic Congress

  • The aftermath from the Assassination Attempt on President Trump

  • Trump appoints pro-life Catholic as VP running mate and political heir

  • World Day of Grandparents’ plenary indulgence announced by Vatican

  • The passing of St. Pius X’s pastor Msgr. Marcaccio


You’ll also find our regular sections on Prayer, Learning and Calendar of Events.  If you have an upcoming event or announcement to include in our next newsletter please email to my address below.


Regarding the future of Carolina Catholic Radio in Charlotte… We have narrowed our options down to two.  The first is to partner with the diocese to maintain and grow our great local programming.  The second option is to sell to a Catholic Radio company which will likely provide only network programming.  


Please keep us in your prayers to find the best option for our local Carolina Catholic Community.  In the meantime, you can be a big help to us by making a tax deductible donation to help pay the bills that come in 12 months a year.


Once decisions have been made on the radio side we will turn our attention back to our primary goal… evolving the Carolina Catholic Media Apostolate into the Multi-Media Voice of the Carolinas that serves the Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston Dioceses. With your prayers, content input and financial support we will achieve our goal!  Thank you.


Peace and all good!


David M. Papandrea, OFS


PH/TX: 704.880.0260


National Catholic Register

Trump Assassination Attempt:

4 Notable Christian Dimensions


Catholic Herald

Trump appoints ‘firebrand’ pro-life Catholic as VP running mate and political heir


WATCH: Iowa delegate prays St. Michael Prayer at Republican National Convention



Carolina Traditional Liturgy Society exists to promote the Traditional Liturgy throughout the Carolinas, as well as to help the faithful live out the traditions, customs, and culture of the Church, including feast celebrations through the traditional liturgical calendar; and to support our priests, Traditional Masses, and related events at parishes under the local bishop.


We are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and easily understandable information that is rooted in the teachings of the Church. Whether you are a lifelong Catholic or someone new to the faith, we strive to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey.

May God bless you abundantly on this beautiful journey of faith!

Join our newsletter for weekly updates and news!


Mass Times across the Dioceses of Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston


Catholic News Herald

2024 priest assignments announced


Christopher William Angermeyer

Anthony del Cid Lucero

Nicholas James Kramer

Kolbe Raymond Murrey

Andrew Jeffery Templeton

Joseph Gerard



Embracing Hope: A Message from Bishop Luis

July 19, 2024

Diocese of Raleigh