Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Sept. 23, 2024



Dear Carolina Catholic Media Friend,


In this week’s edition we lead with stories on the Vatican’s cautious greenlight to the Medjugorje devotion, the Feast of St. Padre Pio and the 6 Stigmatic Saints and continuing to unpack the political “lesser of two evils”.  


Locally we look back at Bishop Martin’s Postcards from Rome and ahead to Monsignor McSweeney’s 50th Anniversary of Ordination at St. Matthew this Sunday’s 12:30pm Mass.


On the Carolina Catholic Media “Moving Forward” campaign, we have teamed up with a local business owner who will help us return AM1270 Catholic Radio Charlotte to the airwaves in time for Advent. This individual has committed to match every dollar we raise beginning beginning today.  Our financial goal is $15,000 to put WCGC-AM back on the airwaves by December 1.  I will update you on our donation totals next week.


In addition to bringing Local Catholic Radio back for Advent, we will continue focusing our remaining resources on the 6 local digital platforms of Carolina Catholic Media… mobile app, internet stream, website, YouTube/PodcastsSocial Media and this newsletter.


Since our inception in 2017, everything we do is designed with local Carolina Catholics in mind.  We love to showcase all the amazing stories and the people that make them possible across the Carolinas.  But it takes local funding to create and keep great local programming.  That’s what differentiates us from the networks.  


Please join us by making a tax-deductible, one time donation or monthly pledge to Carolina Catholic Media.   We remain committed to educate, inform and inspire souls of every age. Remember, Underwriting and appropriate public credits are always available. May God Bless you abundantly!


In the peace of Christ,


David M. Papandrea, OFS


PH/TX: 704.880.0260






Vatican offers cautious green light to Medjugorje devotion


4 Takeaways from Padre Pio’s daily routine to inspire us all



Stigmata is known as the spontaneous appearance of the wound marks of our crucified Lord on a person's body. These marks include the nail wounds at the feet and the hands, the lance wound at the side, the head wounds from the crown of thorns, and the scourge marks over the entire body, particularly the back. A person suffering from the stigmata is referred to as stigmatic. Such person may have one, several, or all of these wound marks. Moreover, they may be visible or invisible, and they may be permanent, periodic, or temporary in appearance. In Saint Catherine's case, she received invisible stigmata. She felt the pain but no visible wounds.


There are several stigmatic saints recorded by the Church. To know more about some of the reported stigmatic saints and the types of stigmata they possessed, you may refer to the prepared infograph under this post. The infograph highlights only six notable of the several stigmatic saints: Saints Catherine of Siena, Francis of Assisi, Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, Rita of Cascia, Veronica Giuliani, and Gemma Calgani.  

To know more about stigmata and stigmatic, you may read the contents of the sources provided in this caption. This is just a shortlist of stigmatic Saints, there are many others.



[1] Aleteia | 5 Saints who received the stigmata, and what it felt like when they got the wounds

[2] Catholic Education Resource Center (CERC) | What is the Stigmata?

[3] ChurchPOP | 6 Saints Who Received the Mysterious Gift of Stigmata.

Which stigmatic saints would you like to add on the list?

#HugotSeminarista #HugotSeminaristaInfograph #Stigmata #StigmaticSaints



Patricia Heaton launches nonprofit organization to help fight against antisemitism

Actress Patricia Heaton joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss her decision to launch the nonprofit O7C, an organization that encourages Christians to help fight against antisemitism as war rages in the Middle East. 


Divine Mercy In My Soul - Diary Of St Faustina Kowalska


The Spark of Divine Mercy from Polandinvites the whole world to pray together !

The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in the Streets of the World 2024

28th of September at 3pm

The Iskra of Divine Mercy group from Łódź and the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Białystok on the anniversary of the beatification of blessed Michael Sopoćko, the confessor of St. Faustina, we invite you to pray, even from the farthest corners of our globe, to turn up at an intersection in front of your house, office, factory, school, at the prison yard, church, to be united with Jesus dying on the cross and to pray, together with us, The Chaplet of Divine Mercy

For the world it’s but a quarter of an hour, for God - a great cry of sinners.

Join us over!

The Iskra team as a worldwide prayer coordinator asks only for a confirmation of willingness to participate in this prayer .

Learn more:


National Catholic Register

Medical Failures and Political Fearmongering, Not Pro-Life Policies, Caused Georgia Maternal Deaths


Pope captures hard truth: American Catholics destined to be ‘politically homeless’

States Where On-Demand Late-Term Abortion Are Legal

The most permissive abortion laws are in Alaska, Colorado, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont, and the District of Columbia. A woman can procure a legal abortion through the ninth month of pregnancy, until the moment of birth, for any reason. 


Minnesota, the home state of Harris’ running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, has some of the most permissive pro-abortion laws in the country. Walz signed legislation in January 2023 that declared abortion “a fundamental right” and prohibited local governments from taking any action that interferes with that legal right. This provided even stronger protections for Minnesota’s laws on abortion, which permit the procedure until the moment of birth.


Virginia allows elective abortion through the second trimester of pregnancy, which ends in the 27th week. This is three or four weeks after the unborn child could survive outside the womb.


In four other states — Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Nevada, and New Hampshire — abortion is legal in the 24th week of pregnancy, regardless of whether the unborn child is viable. About a dozen states allow abortion up until the point of viability, which is often determined by the physician, who may be an abortionist. More than 20 states restrict abortion earlier than viability.


Catholic News Agency

Abortion on the Ballot

Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade in June 2022, states across the U.S. have put the question of abortion policy before the people in the form of ballot measures. Click each state to learn more about past and future ballot measures affecting the legality of abortion.


Abortion on the ballot in 2024

Considering ballot measure in 2024

Constitutional ballot loss for life post-Roe

No current ballot proposals

Protection for the unborn enumerated in state constitution


Catholic News Herald

Bishop Michael Martin spent last week in Rome for education and fellowship with 300 other newly ordained bishops from around the world. Follow his postcards to the people back home in the Diocese of Charlotte.

St Mark Catholic Church 

It’s happening. After many years, we are growing our parish home. With your prayers and support, we will build the Monsignor Bellow Family Life Center; a larger Adoration Chapel to accommodate 75 adorers; and a new rectory to bring our parish priests back to campus.

Please pray for the success of this campaign:

O God, our heavenly Father, we know that all we have and are come from you. You have called us to be faithful stewards of your many blessings by growing in Christ, sharing our gifts, serving one another, and connecting in faith.

Send us the Holy Spirit to inspire us to a greater awareness of these blessings and a more profound desire to share them in love of God and neighbor.

May Your blessings come down upon us as we undertake our parish campaign, to provide a larger home for parish events, a larger chapel for Eucharistic adoration, and a campus home for our priests and seminarians.

Help us, by Your grace, to become all that You call us to be that we may continue to love and serve You in this life so that we may be with You forever in heaven. Amen.

All for the Glory of God.




Carolina Traditional Liturgy Society exists to promote the Traditional Liturgy throughout the Carolinas, as well as to help the faithful live out the traditions, customs, and culture of the Church, including feast celebrations through the traditional liturgical calendar; and to support our priests, Traditional Masses, and related events at parishes under the local bishop.


We are committed to providing accurate, reliable, and easily understandable information that is rooted in the teachings of the Church. Whether you are a lifelong Catholic or someone new to the faith, we strive to meet you where you are on your spiritual journey.

May God bless you abundantly on this beautiful journey of faith!

Join our newsletter for weekly updates and news!


Mass Times across the Dioceses of Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston


SJCS Events Calendar

St Mark Catholic Church

Thank you to St. Joseph College Seminary - Charlotte

for serving at our 9 and 11 am Mass today.

(Thank you also to our social committee for hosting a reception for them after the 9 am Mass.)

Please keep these men, and all those in formation, in your daily prayers:


Heavenly Father, we lift up all seminarians to You.

Fill them with Your Spirit, guide their formation,

and strengthen their vocations.

Grant them wisdom, courage, and holiness.

Bless them with Your grace as they prepare to serve Your Church.

Mary, Mother of Priests, intercede for them.



Roman Catholic Diocese of Charleston

Bishop Jacques Fabre-Jeune, CS, has outlined a vision for the next five years called Via Fidelis. This journey of faith aims to teach Catholics of South Carolina so that we help spread the Gospel and win hearts for God’s goodness, mercy, love, justice and peace.  Learn more about this exciting journey for our diocese here: