Broadcasting the Truth of Jesus Christ
Jan. 1, 2023

Carolina Catholic Newsletter 01/01/23


Founder Reflections 

Happy New Year and Happy Feast of the Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God!

As our Circle of Friends Pledge Drive concludes, your support will take us through mid-February. We are grateful to each of our loyal supporters who provide financial support during these pledge drives and monthly throughout the year.

As we transition out of pledge drive mode, now our real work begins... building 100% participation with our parishes, schools and ministries. Our primary focus on this will be through the Carolina Catholic Parish Partnership program.

Our Parish Partnership program provides an exciting path to serve our Carolina Catholic Community while generating the vital financial support required to cover our monthly operating expenses.

So far, four parishes  are on-board as CCM Parish Partners.  
Thank you, Fr. Matthew Codd and St. Thomas Aquinas’ Parish.
Thank you, Fr. John Guiliani and All Saints Parish.
Thank you, Fr. Timothy Reid and St. Ann’s Parish.
Thank you, Fr. David Miller and St. Dorothy’s Parish.

Parish Partnerships are fully customized to provide each parish with a blueprint that captures every aspect of parish life that can be promoted to the entire Carolina Catholic community across our 7 media platforms.

We analyze attendance, demographics, geographics, lifestyle groups and family trends.

We review your top events and ongoing programs and recommend how to promote them.

We review financial trends and how to best integrate your evangelization resources with us to maximize your community outreach.   

The involvement of every parish, every school, every ministry is essential to our mutual success. Everyone must be engaged; and like all good things, there’s much work to be done. We invite each of you to join us in this special mission. 
To that end, we are building our Carolina Catholic Media Apostolate to include:

Media Missionaries - to work with the Ministries in every parish

Evangelization Advocates - to work with Parish Administrators to develop their unique plans

A Platform Publicity Team - to schedule/promote the Carolina Catholic Program and Community Calendar 

A Program Content Team - to build on the current lineup with new programs on the biggest issues of our time  

A Platform Management Team - to maximize each CCM platform’s performance individually and collectively

A Creative Team – Writers, graphic artists, designers, 

A Tech Team – Studio Engineers, Producers, Audio/Video Editors

As Msgr. Winslow said in his pre-game interview at the 9/9 Charlotte Knights game, “Carolina Catholic Media is bringing the diocese closer together.” It will take the entire Carolina Catholic Community to make it happen.  

If every parish tithes in a manner that works for them, the collective impact will allow CCM to cover its expenses while providing a strong Local/Regional Catholic Media Voice that reflects the values of our faith that we hold so close to our hearts.

We are arranging parish partnership meetings for each day in January.  In the meantime, we’re asking everyone to:

Download the Carolina Catholic App on your smartphone

Subscribe to the Carolina Catholic YouTube Channel

Place a Carolina Catholic Media Ad in Your Weekly Bulletin.

Remember there are over 5 million souls living in each of the Charlotte, Raleigh and Charleston Dioceses. The number of Catholics moving to the Carolinas increases each year. When you recognize today’s secular post Christian culture and politically polarized media, is it any wonder why evangelizing the Truth of Jesus Christ in electronic media is more urgent AND more important than at any time in modern history?!  We are here for such a time as this.  If not us who?  If not now, when?

I look forward to having you join us on this special mission so we can fulfill this vision with your “YES” and your testimonials in upcoming newsletters!  Thank you and may God Bless You and your Loved Ones abundantly in the New Year!

Yours in Christ,


David Papandrea, OFS
PH/TX:  704.880.0260

We prepare the consecration of the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate
to Our Lady of Grace
Details to come in the weeks ahead
Madonna delle Grazie - Dipinto di Dino Carbetta

“Our Lady of Grace - Painting by Dino Carbetta” …

Among the many miraculous images of the Mother of God through which she deigns to grant her favors, there is one in the monastery church of the Carmelites in Vienna, entitled, Our Lady of Grace. In 1610 a Carmelite, Dominic of Jesus-Mary, found among the votaries of an old altar in the monastery church of Maria della Scala in Rome, an oil painting of the Mother of God, dust-covered and somewhat torn, which grieved him. Taking it into his hands, he shook the dust off it and kneeling venerated it with great devotion. “O pure and holiest Virgin, nothing in the whole world is worthy of touching your holy face, but since I have nothing but this coarse handkerchief, deign to accept my goodwill.” To his great surprise, then the face of the Mother of God appeared to take on life, and smiling sweetly at him, she bowed her head, which thereafter remained inclined. Fearing he was under an illusion, Dominic became troubled, but Mary assured him that his requests would be heard, and he could ask of her with full confidence any favor he might desire. He fell upon his knees and offered himself entirely to the service of Jesus and Mary and asked for the deliverance of one of his benefactor’s souls in purgatory. Mary told him to offer several Masses and other good works; a short time after when he was again praying before the image, Mary appeared to him bearing the soul of his benefactor to Heaven. Dominic begged that all who venerated Mary in this image of Our Lady of Grace might obtain all they requested. In reply, the Virgin gave him this assurance: “All those who devoutly venerate me in this picture and take refuge to me will have their request granted and I will obtain for them many graces; but especially will I hear their prayers for the relief and deliverance of the souls in purgatory.” Dominic soon after placed the image into Maria Della Scala's church so that more Mary devotees may venerate her.
This painting of Our Lady of Grace was realized by speaking with David Papandrea, Founder/Chairman at Carolina Catholic Media Network. We have become good friends in sharing life and faith, and just getting older! Carolina Catholic Media is in the process of fundraising for the upcoming year, and David had the idea of a painting of Mary with stars. So, the birth of Our Lady of Grace with the moon as her hallow, surrounded by the stars and future devotees and donors to the Carolina Catholic Media apostolate.
Example Ad for Parishes, Schools and Ministries

Thank you St. Mark for placing this announcement in your December 11 bulletin!
Can we count on you to do the same in your parish, school, ministry?  
Donate Now
Our Community
St. Gabriel organizes 525 Christmas food boxes
Sacred Heart students buy presents at their annual Christmas store
Spotlight Program

The Obligation Show

Confraternity of the War Angels Pierce Toomey and Eric Howard

Don't miss this hard-hitting episode at 5pm EST with The Confraternity of the Angelic Crown's own Pierce Toomey and Eric Howard as we discuss the imperative call for authentic Catholic men to start manning up and leading their families, communities, and Church to Christ. The days of "status quo" and "intellectual only" Catholics is over. Learn about this brotherhood of men striving to better themselves by bettering each other in the Faith, self-defense, advanced weaponry and more through prayer, sacrifice, and witness to Christ the King and His Soldier in Arms, St. Michael the Archangel. Deus Vult!   IG @confraternity_war_angels IG @catholic_guardians

Sensus Fidelium

Upcoming Events
Carolina Catholic will broadcast LIVE both the Charlotte March on Friday 1/13 and Raleigh March on Saturday 1/14!  

Latin Mass Schedules for the Holidays  
Charlotte March for Life: Jan 13, 2023

Novena for Surrendering to the Will of God