Fr. Colin Blatchford… the Associate Director of Courage and EnCourage International… an apostolate which offers support for those who experience same-sex attractions and their loved ones. This talk entitled “Transgenderism and the Catholic Church” wa...
Elizabeth Harris talks with Founder, President and CEO of Sidewalk Advocates for Life Lauren Muzyka.
@SidewalkAdvocatesforLife @DifferentHeart @carolinacatholicmedianetwo3107
A special Carolina Catholic Media Showcase featuring Kara Griffin of the Charlotte Diocese CCDOC Human Trafficking Awareness Committee with an interview with Sr. Anne Victory of US Catholic Sisters Against Human Trafficking on St. Josephine Bakhita a...
Elizabeth Harris, Senior Regional Programs Manager of Sidewalk Advocates for Life talks with Tyler Brooks Senior Counsel for the Thomas More Society about the prolife movement and how abortion law continues to play a part in the fight for life.
Today's Carolina Catholic Showcase at 2:00PM will be an encore of the Carolina Catholic Media Network's coverage of the "2023 Charlotte March For Life - Part 03" featuring special speakers from the March and a special Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Carolina Catholic Media Network's coverage of the "2023 Charlotte March For Life" with special host Elizabeth Harris, Senior Regional Programs Manager For "Sidewalk Advocates For Life - Part 02."
Carolina Catholic Media Network's coverage of the "2023 Charlotte March For Life" with special host Elizabeth Harris, Senior Regional Programs Manager For "Sidewalk Advocates For Life - Part 01."
Carolina Catholic has assembled a special combination of pro-life prayers, songs, a Rosary for Life and special messages from Fr. Peter Ascik, Director of the Diocesan Family Life Center and Dr Bill Pincus, Director of NC Right to Life.
Carolina Catholic Media Network's live broadcast from Truist Field, Home of The Charlotte Knights as the Knights celebrated the Charlotte Diocese 50th Anniversary.
Donna Smith talks with students and teachers from St. Matthew's Catholic School about their experience of Catholic education. This program also features musical performances from the school band and choir.
Bill Snyder talks with Fr. Lucas Rossi, Ms. Michelle Vollman and Dr. Joseph Wysocki about the educational philosophy and culture at St. Michael's Catholic School in Gastonia, North Carolina.