In this episode, Jason once again sits down with the "Nonna Trad Cat Catholic" Carolyn Inglese out of New Jersey. Carolyn was the first interview from the Instagram Interview Series which began highlighting intriguing and inspiring reversion and con...
In this episode, Jason once again sits down with the "Nonna Trad Cat Catholic" Carolyn Inglese out of New Jersey. Carolyn was the first interview from the Instagram Interview Series which began highlighting intriguing and inspiring reversion and conversion stories from Catholics across the United States. Carolyn's reversion took place primarily due to the Traditional Latin Mass provided by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter where she still currently attends. Carolyn shares with us the very difficult times prior to her reversion which included many spiritual and physical attacks by Satan and her ultimate deliverance by a very holy priest. Through her prayer, sacrifice and ultimate reversion back to Christ and His Church, Carolyn gives us powerful insight into the spiritual combat we all face as Christians.