Once again Jason is joined by his good friend Rick Barrett "The Armed Catholic." Rick is the host of "The Daily Mag Dump" program which airs daily on Spiritus TV and also on Saturday afternoons on The Carolina Catholic Media Network. He is also certified firearms instructor and host of Sensus Fidelium's own "News from the Pew". Rick and Jason cover some important topics including the attack on the 2nd Amendment's right to bear and keep arms, the importance and duty of a man to provide defense of his family, church, and society. Jason and Rick also discuss the crisis within our Church regarding the large statistic of Catholic's who do not believe in the Real Presence of the Blessed Sacrament and the Church's failed attempts at renewal efforts through initiatives and words only...a change in behavior is needed to help the faithful understand the Source and Summit of their Faith. Finally, they cover "The Martyrs' Walk" Catholic Bootcamp in which Rick was one of the original graduates in early May of this immersive martyrdom exercise designed to put men to the test physically, spiritually, and mentally by combining rigorous exercises and lessons of St. Ignatius of Loyola's Retreat Exercises.