Stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated!
Sept. 6, 2023

[UPDATE] What's going on in September?

Season 3 may be over but that doesn't mean that the content is! Join Satsunami, Adam, Andrew and Craigy C as they take on a variety of topics, from gaming and films to anime and general interests!


Check out our themed months from Season 3 as well:


Terminator Month

Spider-Man Month

The Simpsons Month


Season 4 will begin on the 06/10/23 but until then, check out our old episodes here as well as our Patreon page for exclusive content!


Don't forget to check out our gaming channel over on YouTube under the name Chatsu Plays! Here we will be posting a wide range of gaming videos from the Chatsunami team including newcomer Stephen. So far we have released a number of compilations of our Halo and Heavy Rain series. Got any suggestions for future games to play? Let us know below!


But if you want to see the full let's play episodes that our compilations are based off of then check out our Patreon page every Wednesday for a new episode. Currently we are releasing our former gaming series TeaPosing where Satsunami and Adam take on the weird and wonderful world of Heavy Rain!






Use my special link and use chatsunami to save 30% off your first three months of Zencastr professional. #madeonzencastr


As always, stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated!

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