Stay safe, stay awesome, stay hydrated!

The Significance of Mass Effect || Mass Effect Month

In the year 2022, two podcasters travelled through time to stop the threat of the podcast bots, unaware that it was the beginning of something far bigger. After establishing the PodPack Collective, the Chatsunami podcast and their allies now ready themselves to defend against the podcast promoters that lurk in the darkest depths of the internet.

They called it the greatest alliance in podcasting history.

The communities of the internet call it... MASS EFFECT MONTH.

Welcome to the beginning of Mass Effect Month! In this episode, Satsunami is joined by PodPack member Luke from the Nerdstalgic podcast to discuss the game that started it all: Mass Effect. What made this game so iconic in 2007? How has it impacted our gaming lives? And could a space jelly fish really be the only way to stop a space squid? Only one way to find out in our first episode of Mass Effect Month!

This podcast is a member of the PodPack Collective, an indie podcasting group dedicated to spreading positivity within the podcast community. For further information, please follow the link:

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Battle Toaster



Danny Brown

Aaron Huggett

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Stay safe, stay awesome and most importantly, stay hydrated!