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Expert insight
Candice does a great job of inviting and interviewing guests who specialize in a variety of fields. She is well prepared to do a deep dive on every topic each episode. The podcast will allow you to develop a deeper understanding of the physical, mental, and psychological aspects of life that we all deal with. Highly recommend you give it a listen.

Please, no
Technology has come to eff everything up. Unfortunately now uneducated vile people can have a voice plastered all over even when the things they say and standup are dangerous for a whole nation. If you want QUALITY content, this aint it. Tried it, could not get thru it.

Great podcast
Candace does a really great show

Makes you think
This podcast really makes you think while also being entertaining and enjoyable to listen to. Keep up the great work! Also, happy to be subbed to your onlyfans 😉

Thought Provoking
I love listening to really any podcasts or video series where hard hitting or big topics are covered and discussed. Something to make open my mind and reflect. The range of topics and people Candice speaks with is enjoyable and makes me interested in what more is to come. Highly recommend giving this a shot.

Always interesting and insightful!
The range of guests and topics always provides listeners with something new to consider and think about! It’s a joy to listen to!

Great Podcast
You always cover excellent topics that people don’t talk about AND topics that people are afraid to talk about. Thank you!!
I recently discovered your podcast and I must tell you that I find it very refreshing! You seem to to be so balanced and centered. Thank you for what you are doing.

Interesting topic’s interesting person
I started on this podcast because I knew who she was as an adult entertainer. Some of the episodes I’ve listened to are fascinating and some, with in a few minutes, I kinda tune out because I’m not into the topic. However she does do a good job as a host and asks some interesting questions with interesting guests. I disagree with some of the concepts and theories but it is presented in a way to allow you to learn something or listen to an interesting conversation. Worth checking out if you want some perspective on the adult entertainment industry, alternative currency, human behavior and spiritual concepts. Would not recommend for someone looking for audio porn or raunchy content.

An epic interview
Candice has a brilliant mind and knows how to relate with her guests and audiences … she is a true visionary changing the world one interview at a time
exc firstclass entertainmentellent full of useful information and where to followup

Love the variety
Candice has great speakers on her pod cast and has very insightful discussions about several topics. I love the knowledge and science behind what she brings to her shows. I’m so happy I found Candice through Mathew Hussy. Thank you for a great show and I look forward to every episode.

I was hit with a Wow factor!
After listening to a couple of podcasts I’m officially hooked. Great content for both women and men. I think the big common that I’m getting is to love one another and be a person who serves others while holding steady to core values.
you could never disapoint , well done 😋⚘

Amazing Podcast!
Seriously AMAZING podcast! Candice does a great job with the content, and interviews; she is extremely intelligent. Her guest are knowledgeable, intriguing, and really make me think, and validate my own beliefs, and have helped open my own mind to a new way of thinking that Is definitely much more positive. I listened to my first episode, and was hooked. Just wish there more episodes lol. I’ve shared this podcast with my close friends and family, and everyone I’ve introduced this to agrees this podcast is wonderful. Keep up the great work Candice! This podcast is really helpful, and really something special. I hope more people check it out, and can grow from it. You’re really doing a public service with your passion in this endeavor. Kudos!! You’re definitely hitting the mark with this.

Favorite podcast
Chatting with Candice is one of my favorite podcasts. Her guests are interesting and fresh. I feel like a lot of podcasts are rinse and repeat with the same people and the same conversation. Candice is genuinely curious about her guests and the topics being discussed. She always asks intriguing questions and it makes for a great listening experience.

Diverse Important Subjects, Handled Honestly w/ Grace
I’m digging this podcast. The guests are interesting and informative, each offering important insights. Candice’s style is honest, curious, respectful - and very approachable. I have learned a lot on this podcast and appreciate that it’s elevating the conversation in our society. Rock on sister!

Good Podcast
Very interesting list of guests. I thoroughly enjoy Candice’s honest and sincere questions.

Chatting with Candice
Good interviewer. This woman pulls so much out of the guest and does it so naturally in conversation. I‘ve only started listening since this season ended but every episode has been interesting whether I thought it was going to be a good topic or not.

Natural interviewer
I have not found many podcasts I am a fan of but this one is a gem. Candice keeps the conversation going and clearly has her homework done for each subject. Love the varying topics too! Interesting each time I tune in. This is a quality production!

Best out there
I found Candice through her interview with Gad Saad! This is my best and most favourite podcast. She is so smart. Amazing guests and I hope that this podcast will continue on for a long time!!!

Love the Podcast!
I’ve been a fan of yours for years and really admire what you’re doing. Keep up the great work! Your show, and everything else, is extremely valuable.

Thank you for changing my boyfriend way of thinking
For the last year my Boyfriend and I have had so much turmoil in our lives. He was angry all of the time, had the victim mentality, I could go on but I’m sure you get it. He listened to your first podcast and has been hooked. Not only is he hooked, he is a different person. The anger is gone, the victims mentality gone. He has been working on himself so hard and is truly a different person. Words don’t do it justice how much you have changed not only his life but mine as well. I have my soulmate back. Thank you, thank you, Jessica ❤️❤️❤️

Down to earth
The show covers a broad range of interesting topics. The guests come from a variety of backgrounds, knowledge and experience bases. In a day and age where it feels like everyone is losing their minds its nice to hear conversations about topics that can polarize people discussed so openly and thoughtfully. Candice is eloquent in her speech and approach and isn't afraid to share her thoughts and viewpoints during the discussion 10/10

Amazing Podcast!
Seriously AMAZING podcast! Candice does a great job with the content, and interviews; she is extremely intelligent. Her guest are knowledgeable, intriguing, and really make me think, and validate my own beliefs, and have helped open my own mind to a new way of thinking that Is definitely much more positive. I listened to my first episode, and was hooked. Just wish there more episodes lol. I’ve shared this podcast with my close friends and family, and everyone I’ve introduced this to agrees this podcast is wonderful. Keep up the great work Candice! This podcast is really helpful, and really something special. I hope more people check it out, and can grow from it. You’re really doing a public service with your passion in this endeavor. Kudos!! You’re definitely hitting the mark with this.

I love your honesty and how you and your guests can make these complex topics seem so simple to understand. Your energy is very cool.. keep it up!

Down to earth
The show covers a broad range of interesting topics. The guests come from a variety of backgrounds, knowledge and experience bases. In a day and age where it feels like everyone is losing their minds its nice to hear conversations about topics that can polarize people discussed so openly and thoughtfully.

Great show
Candice does a great job at asking the right questions. It is very Interesting show with all different types of guest. Really a show you can learn something From. Furm.
i have always enjoyed Candice's podcasts. very well thought out and insightful. she studies her material and knows her clients. i don't always agree with some of the discussion, but like Candice says I'm willing to listen and agree to disagree and even learn. i do think more people could take a lesson from her in this area. we are all human beings. we don't always have to be right, and we don't always have to agree on everything. but we do need to learn to listen better and love more.

Unique and Insightful Guests
Candice does a great job asking the right questions from her brilliant and eclectic guests. I must listen!
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