For Chefs Who Want To Enjoy Their Careers Without Sacrificing Their Lives
Aug. 1, 2024

What's Your Word for 2024?

What's Your Word for 2024?
“Skills can be taught. Character you either have or you don’t have.” - Anthony Bourdain
2024 is here, and like many, I've embraced the practice of choosing a word to guide my year.
For me, that word is "consistency."
This might seem like a simple concept, but it carries immense power in shaping our lives and is something that - to be frank - I've struggled with in the past.
Even with the frequency of this newsletter.
But right here, right now, for the rest of this year, I commit to a different outcome.

The Power of Consistency

Consistency is the steady and unwavering commitment to a particular course of action. It's the secret sauce behind many success stories.
Take any accomplished individual, and you'll find a thread of consistency woven into their journey.
Choosing a word for the year isn't just a trendy practice; it's a meaningful way to set intentions and provide a compass for the next 365 days.
It's about encapsulating the essence of what you want to bring into your life and how you want to grow as an individual.

Why "Consistency" is My Word for 2024

In pondering my word for the year, "consistency" stood out like a guiding star.
Reflecting on past experiences, I recognized that steady, persistent effort—the small, daily actions—leads to substantial, lasting change.
I have to be honest with myself and you: there have been times in my professional career and personal life when I've been consistently inconsistent.
Yes, you read that right.
In reflection, those were the times when my passion for my art overtook my desire to attain mastery over my craft, and I thought that one was more important than the other.
Now I see that passion wanes, where consistency masters all.
It's never about grand gestures but the commitment to show up every day, rain or shine.
Consistency is the fuel that keeps the fire of inspiration burning.

Overcoming Challenges

Of course, the path of consistency is not without its challenges. Life throws curveballs, and obstacles are inevitable.
Yet, in these moments, the power of consistency shines the brightest. It's about adapting, staying resilient, and keeping the momentum going.
Think about it as a journey. There will be detours, roadblocks, and sometimes even setbacks, but the consistent traveler reaches the destination. It's not about perfection; it's about perseverance.

Consistency in Daily Life

Small, consistent actions compound over time, leading to remarkable results.
Whether it's a fitness routine, a writing practice, or learning a new skill, daily consistency breeds excellence.
Take a moment to reflect on your routines.
For me, it will be about being consistent about my morning meditation practice and a single-minded focus on my physical health, and at some time in 2024, I will be 200 lbs.
Where can you infuse a touch of consistency?

The Ripple Effect of Consistency

Consistency's impact extends far beyond personal development. It creates a ripple effect in every aspect of life.
Relationships flourish with consistent communication and presence. Work projects thrive with steady effort and dedication.
The commitment to personal growth reverberates positively, influencing those around us.

Choosing Your Own Focus Word

Now, it's your turn.
What word resonates with you for the upcoming year? Take a moment to reflect on your aspirations, your dreams, and the person you want to become.
Your focus word is a beacon, guiding you through the journey ahead.
Choosing a word isn't about adding pressure but setting an intention.
It reminds you of what you value and want to cultivate in your life.

Benefits of a Focus Word

The benefits of having a focus word are manifold. It promotes mindfulness, helping you stay grounded in the present moment.
It fosters self-awareness, aligning one's actions with one's values. With a clear focus, decision-making becomes more straightforward, and one navigates challenges with resilience.
As I embark on my year of consistency, I can already sense the clarity and purpose it brings to my daily activities.
Each decision and each action is a step toward the person I aspire to be.

Staying Inspired Throughout the Year

I started writing "motivation" but consciously chose "inspiration" instead.
Because motivation is an external effect, while inspiration can always come from within you - with the right trigger, hence your "focus word"1
Staying inspired throughout the year requires a strategic approach. Infuse your focus word into your daily practices.
Create rituals or reminders that keep it at the forefront of your mind.
Celebrate small victories along the way—they are the stepping stones to more significant achievements.
Consistency isn't about rigid routines; it's about adaptability. Embrace the journey, learn from the challenges, and keep moving forward, one consistent step at a time.


In choosing "consistency" as my word for 2024, I'm embracing the journey of steady progress. It's about realizing that every small action contributes to the larger tapestry of my life.
A focus word can serve as a guiding light throughout your new year.
As you contemplate the word that resonates with you, remember that consistency can transform your year.
Embrace it, nurture it, and witness the positive changes unfold.


Q: How do I choose a meaningful focus word? Reflect on your values, aspirations, and areas you want to grow in.
A: The right word will resonate with you on a deep level.
Q: What if I face challenges in staying consistent?
A: Challenges are part of the journey. Break your goals into smaller, manageable steps, and celebrate progress.
Q: Can I change the focus word for the year?
A: Absolutely. Life is dynamic, and your priorities may shift. Choose a word that aligns with your current aspirations.
Q: Do I need to share my focus word with others?
A: Sharing can create accountability and support. However, it's entirely personal; choose what feels right for you.
Q: Is consistency only about routines and habits?
A: While routines are part of it, consistency extends to commitment, perseverance, and adaptability in various aspects of life.
Stay Tall & Frosty Y'all