Brad Grochowski

Brad Grochowski Profile Photo

Voice Actor aka The Voice of Brad

Oh lord, lol.

I grew up in a small town in northern Michigan, got a degree in Theatre from Western Michigan University, Moved to Chicago to sort of fail to do anything constructive, then I moved to Baltimore to live in an old warehouse with other creative friends.

I did some theatre here in Baltimore, but then started to find other ways of performing - I created Pietor Zinslowski's Trunk Show, Vaudeville duo Hot and Bothered, and Stanley Bothered and the Very Serious Band.

Meanwhile I taught gardening to Baltimore city kids, worked at Center Stage Theatre, and then worked in Tech Support for many years.

Then COVID hit and I couldn't perform out any more... and that's when I found voice over - which allowed me to continue to find ways to perform without leaving the house.

I enjoyed it so much, and worked hard enough at it that I was able to leave my tech support job - and so now I'm a full-time VO and I love it!

Of course, it was all far less straightforward than all that... as life tends to me.

May 9, 2024

Brad Grochowski, Voice Actor, Podcaster, Introvert

Have you ever felt like you were at a cross roads and didn't know which path to take? Our guest this week decided to take the path he hadn't planned and his candid storytelling provides a fascinating glimpse into his eclectic...
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