Charmain Z. Brackett

Charmain Z. Brackett Profile Photo


Stories drew Charmain Z. Brackett in at an early age. A lover of the written word, she devoured books and ventured into writing in college. Journalism became the vehicle to tell stories - true ones - of those living in her community. As journalism began to change, she created a niche for herself by forging into new territory, developing her own newspaper focused only on positive news in the community. The old saying is that "if it bleeds, it leads." But not at Augusta Good News. Since Nov. 22, 2022, nearly 1,000 articles have been published highlighting the positive in the community.

April 25, 2024

Charmain Zimmerman Brackett, Publisher, Author, Journalist

Have you ever thought to yourself that there just is never any good news reported nowadays? Charmain Zimmerman Brackett did and she did something about it to raise the spirits of everyone! Check out Follow...
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