Matt Cassem

Matt Cassem Profile Photo

Paper Cut Survivor

I'm a 45-year-old guy from Tampa who has done a little bit of everything. I've been a radio DJ, podcaster, roofer, trade show producer, Sunday School teacher, desktop software trainer, recruiter, and a fast food worker!

I love scuba diving, creating things out of nowhere with my mind, basic flavor foods, reading, writing, Marvel, Dungeons & Dragons, and playing games on my phone that take up way too much time.

Feb. 9, 2023

Matt Cassem, Creative, Writer, Podcaster

Welcome to Season 3! Thank you so much for being here! Have you ever had those times when your mind just won't stop racing? It happens everyday for my guest Matt Cassem as he lives with ADD but he has learned to harness what ...
Guest: Matt Cassem
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